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Welcome to Keesees Geography of

the Eastern Hemisphere!

Ms. Sherry Keesee
Room 2607
(918) 357-8147
Plan Time: 11:01-11:56

Welcome! I am very excited to have you as one of my students, and I am looking

forward to a great year. These are some things that you will need to know about how
this class will work this year.
Classroom Expectations:
Respect everyone's right to learn
Treat everyone and everything with respect
Come prepared and ready to learn
Follow all school rules
Solve your problems
Failure to behave appropriately will result in a consequence. Possible consequences
include a verbal warning, teacher-student interaction, seat change, written
assignment, parent contact, detention, extra task, loss of privilege, or a referral to the
20%---Daily Work/Participation
30%---Interactive Notebook

40%---Tests & Quizzes

10%---Semester Tests

Classroom Procedures
We have procedures for doing almost everything in the world from crossing a street to
ordering food at a restaurant. Our classroom is no different. These are the things that
you need to know for conducting business in World Geography.
Entering the Classroom
Quietly enter the class in an appropriate manner (without touching anyone,
walking, after the previous class has left). I have a one-way doorway meaning
once you enter, youll be counted tardy or will have to use an Exit Pass in order
to leave again.
You should have the necessary daily supplies including your notebook, a
sharpened writing utensil, extra paper, and anything Ive laid out on the front
Take your assigned seat and complete the bell ringer assignment on the
SmartBoard quietly. You should start the bell ringer even before the bell rings.
Using Supplies
You are expected to have all necessary supplies with you in class each day. This
includes your interactive notebook, writing utensils, colored pencils, handheld pencil
sharpener, two books to read, and anything else we might be using for the day. Only
handheld pencil sharpeners will be used during class.
Doing & Turning in Assignments
It is expected that all students will turn in assignments the day that they are due.
Make sure all work contains an MLA heading with your name, teachers name,
class, and date.
All answers must be written in full sentences unless told otherwise.
To be considered on time, work must be completed by the beginning of the
period on the day it is due. Late work will be accepted for 70% one day after the
original due date. Work turned in more than one day late will receive 50% credit
until the end of the current unit. No credit will be given for work that is turned in
after we have moved on to the next unit.
Make Up Work
It is expected that you will make every effort to come to class each and every day. If
you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to get any notes, assignments,
interactive notebook work, or handouts you may have missed. All handouts can be
found in the Make Up Folders hanging near the classroom entrance. Students will be
given the number of days they were absent plus one extra day to complete make up
Exit Cards
It is expected that each of you will make every effort to conduct your business
before/after school or between classes. However, I understand that certain situations
may arise. Each of you will be given four Exit Cards that will allow you to leave the
classroom four times per semester. If you wish to use an Exit Card, you will need to
give it to Mrs. Keesee. Exit Cards should only be used during independent work time,
and not while we are doing whole-class activities such as taking notes or watching a

movie clip. Any remaining Exit Cards you may have at the end of a semester can be
traded in for extra credit.
*******Students suspected of abusing this system will lose all privileges associated
with the Exit
Cards. Students that lose their Exit Cards for any reason will not receive new
Ending Class
Class is dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. You should not pack up and get ready
to leave until the bell is ringing, and students will not be dismissed until the classroom
is clean. Students may not mill around the door at any time.
I am looking forward to having a great year together! Please feel free to contact me if
you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Mrs. Keesee

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