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Kinder News

April 2, 2015
Ivan likes vanilla ice cream,
sharks, and triangles.
Jesus likes dinosaurs, going
to the market, and bananas
& carrots.
Alisa likes blue, coloring,
and mac 'n cheese.

Field Trip
We will take our field trip to
Machado School the week we
come back from Spring
Break! We will be taking a
trip back in time and visit the
oldest school in Santa Clara
County. It is a fun opportunity
for our kinders. Be sure to
bring a brown bag luncheverything needs to be
disposable. Also, if you
haven't done so: BRING BACK
Mrs. Garcia/Mrs. Smith's field
trip- Tues, April 14
Miss Branch/Mrs. Clark's field
trip- Thurs, April 16

Field trip day schedule:

Come to Nordstrom
between 7:30-7:45
Pick up at Nordstrom @

Language Arts:
Foundational Skills: We
reviewed our old tricky
words and added the words
"where, no & I" to our tricky
word list. We began
reading out of our unit 9
book Zack and Ann.
Listening & Learning: We
finished up Christopher
Columbus and have begun
talking about the
Separatists. They traveled
to America hundreds of
years ago- today we call
them the Pilgrims!
Math: We continued our
work on counting 10 ones
and more ones (building
our teen knowledge)
Upcoming Dates:
Spring Break: April 3-10 (no
Spring Pictures: April 22nd
*(this is an update)

Kinder Restaurant- end

April/beginning of May (look
for your invitation)
Open House- May 20th
Kinder Olympics- May 22nd
Beach Day- May 29th
End of Year Program- 3rd

Last day of school- 4th

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