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Jakob Carver

Grade 9
Age 15
Landstown High School
Community United Methodist Church

Dream Big

I have a dream, Martin Luther King Jr. exclaimed in one of the most
memorable speeches in history. This speech would be a symbol for peace
and freedom for many people in his time and in the future. I also have a
dream for the future that will make the world a better place just like Martin
Luther King Jr. did. Martin Luther King was a great, inspiring person that
fought peacefully for what he believed in.
In Martin Luther King Jr.s I have a dream speech he described his
image of a better future. This future, where everyone no matter their skin
color and differences can live together in peace. Martin Luther King Jr.
wanted to achieve this by not fighting, but through peace and hard work. In
the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful
deeds. Meaning two wrongs do not make a right and that people who follow
him must be the better person.
Martin Luther King Jr.s dream has had some success in our country
today. There is still more work to do, but our country has come a long way
since his time. He was able to help with establishing equal rights for African
Americans and desegregation. This helped tremendously with allowing for
better education which has made a better future for African Americans in our
country. With his teachings our country has made a significant change in the
diminishment of hate crimes. We still have more to learn and more work
ahead to achieve a society that truly can live without discrimination and

racism, but have been making progress toward a peaceful society. However,
the world has not been as successful in achieving the same dream. There
are terrorists in the middle-east that do not like the western countries ways
and beliefs. There are also countries that continue to fight over their
religious differences. They do not follow the ways of Dr. Martin Luther King
because they have not learned the way to live in peace and have not learned
to be accepting of the differences of others. They fight for their beliefs with
acts of violence. The world could benefit from the teachings of Mr. King and
learn to live peacefully and accept the differences of others.
I have a wish for the future where there would be no war and no
violence where everyone is accepted no matter what their differences are.
The police and military would be needed much less and only needed as a
precaution. A society where people feel safe with each other and a place
without terrorism and threats of violence toward other people and countries.
This would be my dream of a peaceful and accepting society.
Fighting for what you believe in should be done peacefully by teaching
others as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had done. I believe that people can be
taught to be understanding of each others differences and successfully live
in peace and understanding. I have a dream of a world with no war and
terrorism, a place where everyone can be safe. The world needs more
people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who can teach us to stand up together
for a better future, not just for our country, but for our world.

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