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The Info Shop is ACEs collective effort to promote independent books, magazines and pamphlets
that contribute to social pressure and the struggle for a world of equality, solidarity and freedom.

ACE Cinema is a regular free showing of films from several directors and cinema streams, based in
ACE. Its non-commercial. Would you be interested in holding a film showing at ACE? ACE is a small
venue but can hold about 50 people for a film screening. We have a projector, DVD player and stereo sound system set up for film screenings as well as the cables needed for connecting to them
from a portable computer such as a laptop (youll have to bring your own laptop though). If you
would like to hold a film screening at ACE please get in touch.


Leith Wholefood Coop is run by volunteers. We want to make organic groceries more affordable
and readily available, so we bulk buy them and sell them at a wee mark up to support our premises.
We are open during normal opening hours selling cheap organic wholefoods and ecological products such as dried fruit, nuts, tinned pulses, dried pulses, broth mix, grains, flours, oil, vinegar,
honey, jam, rice, pasta, snacks, bio-d laundry liquid and washing up liquid, soaps, shampoo & coffee from the Chiapas region.
We order through both the SUMA and Greencity catalogues which you can view in ACE. The bulk
orders and food orders for the shop in ACE get put together on the last Thursday of each month at
our open meetings, starting at 7pm at ACE (all welcome).


Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty brings together claimants and workers on low wages to support each other and battle for our needs against the authorities. Every Tuesday from 12 - 3pm
we run a drop-in solidarity session at ACE where people can find support on benefits, debt, housing and other poverty-related problems. We invite you to join our Solidarity Network phone list to
support people up against the authorities. We organise to resist workfare, benefits sanctions,
the attacks on disabled claimants, using collective direct action to blockade and occupy the employers profiting from the government work-for-your-benefits schemes. Our struggle is not a
single issue, but part of a wider resistance to austerity and the exploiting capitalist system - its
our world, lets claim it back! (includes much practical info on benefits problems) ECAP is on Facebook and Twitter.


The Scottish Radical Library (SRL) exists to preserve, promote and celebrate cultures of resistance and to serve as a self-managed public space to learn and to share a real peoples library.
It houses a substantial collection of books, journals, posters and archives donated by users, sup-

porters, members and publishers. We hope that the literature we stock empowers and inspires
people to make positive changes to the world from challenging unequal power structures to
breaking down prejudiced attitudes to others and ourselves. For information about the catalogue
and for volunteering as part of the project you contact us

Food Solidarity is a food sharing co-operative. We provide emergency food parcels for sanctioned
claimants using the Edinburgh Claimants (ECAP) advice and solidarity sessions. Food Solidarity also supplies information about how to access foodbanks and cheap and/or free food in and
around Edinburgh. As well as information about how to fight benefit sanctions. We are staffed by
volunteers. Entirely not for profit. We meet on the last Saturday of every month at the ACE centre
between 3pm and 5pm. Everyone welcome. Look out for our white sack collection points around
venues in Edinburgh. There is a collection point at the ACE centre accessible during opening hours.


The Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group is one of many groups across the world which support the
Zapatistas in their struggle and is part of the UK Zapatista Network. Our main purpose is to raise
awareness of the Zapatista struggle and to give practical help wherever possible.
We do this by organising talks, film showings, benefit gigs, street stalls and direct actions as well
as publishing articles. We import Zapatista produce such as coffee, clothing and jewellery for sale
with the money going directly back to the communities.
We welcome new people getting involved in the group, for info on our upcoming organising meetings please email us at (

The Anarchist Federation is a growing organisation of like-minded people from across the British
Isles who aim to abolish capitalism and all oppression to create a free and equal world, without
leaders and bosses, and without wars or environmental destruction. Day to day, our individual
members and local groups are politically active in many workplace and community struggles. We
coordinate worldwide through the International of Anarchist Federations. As well as encouraging
new members, we welcome ideas for joint activities with other groups.


We are a grassroots and democratic union helping to organise all workers in all workplaces. The
IWW differs from traditional trade unions. We believe that workers have greater voice if we are
organised within our own industries. For example, teachers, cleaners and secretaries who work in
a school should be classed as education workers and all be in the same union. Furthermore, unions
in one industry are far stronger if they are in the same organisation as all other industrial unions.
Our aim is to see society re-organised to meet the interests of all people, and not just shareholders
and corporations.

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