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Name: Mallory Weber

Date: 3/26/ 2015

Course: EED: 255
Four Year Old Checklist
GCCS Childrens Lab
Childs Initials: __________KW_______________ Birth date: __N/A____________________
Intellectual Development:
1. Can identify colors?
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, brown, gray, pink.

She was able to recognize most of the colors by looking at markers and cookie

After observing the child, she mixes black for brown and brown for black. I
would hold up the two colors and ask what color is the first one and what is the
second one she would respond by saying black crayon is brown and brown
marker is black.

2. Can Identify numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Counted a basket full of markers, she counted up to 14

which was the total amount.

3. Can count rote from _____ to ____

4. Can count objects: Counted markers
5. Can write numbers:

Can write numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10

6. Can identify geometric shapes: Square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval, heart, diamond
and star.

The child was able to look at the pictures of each shape and tell me what they

7. Can draw geometric shapes:

8. Can recognize own name:

Child finds their name tag and says my name is K.. My name starts with K.

9. Can state full name (first & last)

10. Can spell own name aloud
11. Can print own name:

The child has not mastered this yet. She needs help with spelling and writing her
name in her journal, after observing her and her journal.

12. Can identify upper case letters

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Can identify lower case letters

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z


Can write upper case letters

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Can write lower case letters

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z


After doing an activity with the child using letters, the child has not mastered
them yet. The child is unable to tell me what letters are lower and upper case
letters, she will not respond back and tell me.

Can draw a person or other recognizable objects

Can identify all visible parts of the body
Can state his/her own address
Can state his/her own phone number
Can state his/her own birthday
Can match pictures and shape


Shows hand preference (which is _________________)

Can recognize difference in size: Using cookie cutter shapes


The child will show some interest in books. She will pick a book up and look at
the pictures, but then put it back down.

Can retells the main idea of a story


As the child is playing with play dough, she finds two different sized cookie
cutters to use with her play dough. The child uses the small cookie cutter to make
three small circles and then the large cookie cutter to make two big circles. She
then puts the two larger pieces on the table and then stacks her three smaller
pieces on top of the bigger pieces.

Shows interest in books


The child matched the star shape to a star cookie cutter she was using when
playing with play dough. Child points to star on sheet and then grabs a cookie
cutter and says look this is a star too.

The child can only do this with the help from the teachers. The teachers will ask
her can you tell me what happened in the book and she will stand there and
think for a minute, but will say I dont know the teacher will then explain and
have her repeat back to them.

Can put story cards in sequence

Can arrange objects in series according to a pattern
Understands spatial relationships (behind, beside, under)

When the teacher asks K can you stand behind R please the child stands up,
walks toward the other children standing in line and stands behind R.

29. Recalls words to song / chant

After the teachers sing a song aloud with the children, K will try to sing when
they try it a second time with all the children. As the teachers sing along to the
song, K will start singing and moving along to the music.

Social & Emotional Development:

1. Shares materials

The child is playing with play dough and using the cookie cutter shapes when
another child comes over and says can I have some play dough too. She takes
some of her play dough and hands it to the other child. They then work together to

build a cake. The two of them ask each other for cookie cutters and a rolling pin
to build the cake they want to make.
2. Takes turns
3. Shows respect and rights of others property
4. Keeps hands to his/her self
5. Listens while others speak / tell a story
6. Is polite / courteous to other children & teachers
7. Helps classmates clean up when play time is over
8. Can attend to bathroom needs by his/her self.
9. Makes attempts to put on his/her own coat, jacket, sweater
10. Can zip, snap, button clothing
11. Separates from parents with ease

The child is sitting at the table eating her breakfast. Mom comes over to say
goodbye as the child is talking with another child and the child says bye then
continues to eat her cereal and talk to the child next to her.

12. Seeks other children to play with

13. Can express anger in words rather than actions
14. Smiles, seems happy much of the time.
15. Works and plays Cooperatively with other children
16. Seeks help when needed

K is riding a tricycle and starts crying, she says teacher help me says Im
stuck The teacher helps K get back onto the sidewalk and she is happy again
by smiling at the teacher.

Work Habits:
1. Expresses ideas with art materials
2. Participates in & enjoys group singing / games

3. Participates in classroom activities: The teacher has K practice math with her.

The teacher shows an example of what she wants K to do. K then with the
materials starts making them on her own. She picks a flower petal and then glues
it onto a Popsicle stick, then K writes down the numbers 1-10 onto each
Popsicle stick. She then calls over for her teacher and tells her Im done.

4. Follows Directions

Teachers announce that it is clean up time. K stops what she is doing and begins
to help clean up her toys. One of the teachers asks can you put those in the
bucket over there, please? The child then walks with her toys and puts them in the
bucket. The child also sees that other children are not cleaning up, so she goes to
them and says time to clean up, she then helps put there toys away.

5. Cares for School Materials

When the child uses materials or is putting something away, she will treat them
gently by holding them with both hands. She will put them away nicely and neatly
by stacking them or folding them.

6. Handles scissors properly

7. Holds pencil properly
8. Can trace & cut specific patterns
9. Can paint & paste neatly
10. Attempts to color within the lines
11. Completes tasks
12. Shows interest/ attention in classroom activities (appropriate attention span)
Large Motor Development:
1. Runs with control over speed and direction
2. Jumps over obstacles, landing on 2 feet
3. Climbs up and down climbing equipment with ease

When it was time to go outside to play, the child wanted to go on the small rock
wall structure. She began to use her feet and hands to climb onto the first side of

the wall and made her way on top of it. She then was able to place her feet onto
the other side and then using her hands as well, she was able to climb down it.
She then went many more times.
4. Moves body creatively to music

With encouragement from the teachers, K will start to move and dance to the
songs with the other children. While she is dancing, she has a smile on her face.

5. Is willing to exercise
6. Jumps on two feet
7. Hops on foot at least 6 hops

The child demonstrates how to play hop scotch with her friends at outside
playtime. The child lifts up one foot and begins to hop on the squares with one
foot. She doesnt make it to six hopes, but makes it to four. She shows excitement
by laughing as she hops on one foot.

8. Can gallop
9. Can skip
10. Can throw a ball
11. Can catch a ball
12. Can bounce catch a ball
1. Speaks in complete sentences
2. Speaks clearly

The child can sometimes speak clearly, but can also be hard to understand
sometimes. The child will say a name, color or object and can sometimes be
understood. For example, the child tried to say the color yellow to me and it came
out as lellow. I said can you say the word Yellow as I sounded it out for her.
She was then able to say Yellow back to me after I helped her sound it out.

3. Takes part in conversations with other children

4. Expresses needs and wants clearly

The child comes up to me and says I need to go to the bathroom I take the child
to the bathroom, she then walks in and goes into one of the stalls and trys to lock
the door. She tells me it wont lock, I then help her lock it and she uses the
bathroom, wash her hands and then proceeds to go play.

5. Dictates description of drawings

Parent Teacher Conference

4 year old

Childs Initials: KW
Teacher: Mallory Weber

Overall Progress

The child shows a lot of progress and understanding in intellectual development. This
child was able to identify many colors on the checklist I used that was a part of my internships
classroom. She was able to identify the color red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white and
pink. The child was also able to recognize the colors brown and black, however she had trouble
pin pointing which color was which. The child did very well with an activity I did with her on
counting. I had the child count by using objects (markers) that were in a basket, there was a total
of fourteen and she was able to count each one, put them in the basket and tell me that there were
fourteen. After the child was able to count for me, I had her write them down and she was able to
write the numbers one, three, four, six, eight, nine and ten. Next, the child did excellent with
naming shapes on the checklist. She was able to name a square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval,
heart and diamond. The star shape, she was actually able to match it to a cookie cutter star shape
when she was playing with play dough. The child was able to recognize her own name, for
example she would have to find her name tag at the table before she could sit down to eat. The
child was able to tell me her name by saying it out aloud and could tell me that her name starts
with the letter K by saying it to me. Although the child knows her own name, she was not able
to print her name. After observing, she needs help with spelling still and with writing her name
down in her journal. When I did an activity with the child, she was unable to tell me what letters
are lower and upper case letters, she will not respond back and tell me. The child was able to
recognize different sizes by using cookie cutter shapes. She would find two different sizes and

use her play dough with them. The child would then put the smaller shapes on top of the bigger
shapes. The child was able to show some interest in books in the classroom. She would grab a
book, look at the pictures and then would put it back down. K understands spatial relationships,
where the teacher asked K to stand behind another child as they get ready to go outside to play.
The child was able to follow directions by finding the child and standing behind him. When the
teachers have circle time with the children, they do songs. The child with the demonstration from
the teachers will sing and dance to the songs.

Social Emotional:
I thought the childs social and emotional development was very good. I observed many
situations with the child being able to share materials in the classroom and outside. One
observation in particular that I saw and really liked was when this child was sitting at a table
playing with play dough. The child was playing with play dough and using cookie cutters when
another child came over and asked if they could have some play dough too. The child that I
observed was very nice by giving some of her play dough to the other child. This also caused for
the two children to play together and create something. K was also able to separate easily from
her parents, as I kept observing on the days I was there. The child would be able to handle eating
by herself and talking to the children at her table. She was able to open her milk carton and
utensils and then eat, as well as laugh with her friends at the table. When the childs parent
comes to say goodbye, she is able to say bye and then continue on with what she was doing.
When K needs help she is able to find a teacher by going up to them or calling for them.

Work Habits:

K is very good about participating in the classroom when there are certain activities to
do. When the teacher asks K to help her with something she will do it. The teacher wanted to
practice math with K and some of the other children in the classroom. The teacher was able to
tell K what she would be doing and then K was able to follow directions by completing the
activity on her own. K was able to follow directions by participating in helping cleaning up the
classroom after she and her classmates played. She was able to put toys away where they should
go and then tell other children to help clean up. The child shows signs of caring for her
classrooms materials by holding them nicely with both hands, she will stack the blocks in the
block area to make it look nice or she will fold blankets and put them on the baby dolls.

The childs language development is good. The child can speak clearly to myself and her
teachers. Sometimes however, the child can be hard to understand. The child will try to say a
word or sentence about something and some parts of what she says is easier to understand then
others. The teachers or I will help her sound words out so that she can better understand that
word and say it correctly so someone can understand. The child can also express their needs and
wants clearly sometimes. The child will either speak or point to what they want to do or what
they need. For example when the child needed to use the restroom, she was able to find me and
tell me I need to go to the bathroom. When the child was in there she was able to point to the
stall and say it wont lock, I was then able to help her with this.

Gross Motor/ Fine Motor:

I thought the child did very well with their gross motor and fine motor skills. When the
child played outside, she wanted to play on the rock wall structure. She was able to do it all by

herself, where she used both her hands and feet to help her climb on top of the structure and then
used them to help her off of the structure. She would keep practicing, by going on it multiple
times in a row. The child at circle time was able to follow along to the songs that the teachers
played by moving their body to the music. The teachers helped encourage her and then she
would jump in and start dancing and moving to the music playing. You can tell she likes to dance
then by seeing her laughing and smiling while moving around. The child shows the teachers and
me that she can hop on one foot. She does this by playing hop scotch where she will hop on one
foot in each square. She is able to hop on one foot four times in a row and becomes excited about
completing the game each time, she always laughs when she hops on one foot down the squares.

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