Behavior Support Plan Assignment 2

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Running head: Behavior Support Plan

Lena Yellowhair
Behavior Support Plan
University of Utah

Running head: Behavior Support Plan

SPED 5110 - Behavior Support Strategies for Students with Mild/Moderate

Assignment #2
Describe the Student/Situation
The student who is the focus of my assessment is Sam. He is 7 years old and in the first
grade. He repeated kindergarten at the request of his parents, so he was in kindergarten for 2
years. He is a great kid who is super smart but his behaviors get in the way of his learning. He
was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 6. Sam is currently enrolled at a public school and is in a
regular classroom but does attend resource and a self-contained classroom from 12:45-1:45 four
days a week. Sams behaviors usually occur around transition times, when he does not get his
way and when no attention is paid to him. Based on the interview and observation, I was able to
take data on his two behaviors which are talking out and non-compliance. He also is physically
aggressive but I did not see anyone when I observed for four days in his resource/self-contained
classroom. I observed Sam in his self-contained time from 12:45-1:45 and his first grade math
resource from 2:15-2:45. I noticed from the data taken, Sam seeks attention and if he does not
get the attention he starts to talk out and is non-compliance in the classroom. He will be noncompliant if he does not get his way, if an assignment is too easy, and wants to do or continue
doing what he enjoys which is usually a preferred activity of games, legos, puzzles, etc.
BSP Form
Behavioral Support Plan
(Dont forget to use pseudonyms!)


Teacher(s): __Resource Teacher & Regular Ed. Teacher____

School:__Chinle Elementary School _______

Running head: Behavior Support Plan

IEP: Yes _X__ NO _____

Plan Start Date:_Nov. 2014__

Team will reconvene every __10__ days to monitor plan

Briefly describe the problem behavior(s) in observable and measureable terms

(be sure to include all the major behaviors of concern)
The two major behaviors of concern are talking out and non-compliance. Sam seeks
attention and if he does not get the attention he starts to talk out by interrupting instruction time
by shouting, laughing out loud, bothering other students when they are working, etc. When he is
non-compliance in the classroom, Sam will not listen to teacher at all by ignoring request, sitting
in his chair, tearing up his worksheet, etc. Also he will be non-compliant if he does not get his
way, if an assignment is too easy, and wants to do or continue doing what he enjoys which is
usually a preferred activity of games, legos, puzzles, etc.
Functional assessment strategies Implemented (check all that apply)
File Review:

_X__Yes (Date: Nov. 20)


_X__Teacher Interview


Observations: ____A-B-C Direct Observation

_X_Other (FAO) Functional Assessment Observation Form
Provide one or more Summary Statements (as appropriate) from the Functional
Assessment Data (include Motivating operations if known, Antecedents, Behaviors,
and Maintaining Functions

When not given one on one attention from the teacher, Sam will be off task through
talking out by shouting and name calling to get attention.

When not told ahead of time what the class will be working on, Sams behaviors will be
non-compliant because he wants to ignore a demand or request when it is not something
he wants to do or does not know what it is (request).

Running head: Behavior Support Plan

Briefly describe how teachers/staff are currently responding to the problem

behavior(s) (e.g., providing attention/reprimands, putting student in timeout, etc.)
Sams current teachers are using a behavior plan called precision and command. With precision
and command, if Sam is acting out by talk out or being non-compliant then the staff will
give Sam 2 warnings before they start adding time where he stays after class to make up
the time lost. So they will first say Sam will you PLEASE stop your behavior and get to
work or listen. If Sam continues then the next step is Sam you NEED to stop the
behavior and if he continues then each time they request him to stop they will add 30
seconds to a minute he will owe the teacher time in think time to stay after class. He will
lose out on iPad time, free time, lego time, etc.
Briefly describe a desired replacement behavior(s) that will serve a similar
function as the current problem behavior(s)

A desired replacement behavior would be that Sam, will raise his hand before speaking to
minimize or eliminate talking out. Also Sam will only talk about task related topics when
in the resource and regular classroom.

For non-compliance Sam can ask questions about an assignment if it is too easy or too
hard. He can ask what will be on the agenda for the class, etc.

Develop a behavioral objective incorporating the replacement behavior(s)(Include condition, student, behavior and criterion)
During whole group instruction in the resource classroom, Sam will remain on-task during 85%
of intervals observed for 10 days.
Outline the instructional strategies to teach the desired replacement behavior
(where, when, how & who will teach the replacement behaviors?)
During the time Sam is in the class either it be in the regular or resource classroom, Sam will
receive instruction on what appropriate behaviors are allowed in the classroom. The

Running head: Behavior Support Plan

teacher will also model the appropriate behaviors and will reinforce with reward/ praise for
Sam and/or other students who display the replacement behaviors. The teacher will also
show Sam non-examples of the appropriate behaviors so he can see the difference.
Describe a data collection system to monitor the replacement and problem
behaviors and state how the data will be summarized
The regular education teacher will give Sam a contract to monitor his behavior throughout the
day. His resource teacher and regular education teacher will be the ones to fill out the
self-management contract each day since they are the ones that spend most of the day with
him. In the contract it will have time slots where the teacher and resource teacher can fill
out after each hour and half. The teacher will mark his contract with a smiley face or sad
face that reflects their behavior for that time slot. At the end of the day if he receives 8
out of 10 smiley faces than Sam will receive reinforcement for his on-task behavior but if
he receives less than 8 than Sam will not receive anything. This data collection system will
help the teacher monitor his behavior each day.
Briefly describe planned motivating operation and antecedent strategies (if no
motivating operations identified- leave blank)
Motivating operation Strategies

Sam will have one on one time with the teacher or resource teacher to have that adult

Sam will be given an agenda of the day so he will know what to expect and will be no
Antecedent Strategies

Pre-corrections will be used to redirect Sam on key on task skills prior to academic periods.

Sam will be reminded that precision and command will be used all the time if he chooses to
display off task behavior.

Running head: Behavior Support Plan

Sam will be reminded that reinforcement is available it she meets the 85% appropriate
behavior at the end of the day.

Describe positive and reductive consequence strategies (includes specifics of

who will deliver the consequences, schedule of reinforcement, etc.)

PositiveDuring academic periods, the teacher will praise Sam every 5 minutes if she is on-task. If
Emily meets daily criteria on her self-management card, he can earn 5 minutes of free-time,
one on one time, iPad time, computer time, etc. Daily criteria will first be set at 70%, then
increase to 80% after 5 days of meeting the goal, then increase to 85% after 10 days.

ReductiveIf Sam is off-task, the teacher will provide specific verbal praise to a classmate displaying
appropriate behavior. If Sam continues to remain off-task, the teacher will redirect him by
reminding him that he needs to stay on task or the teacher will start the precision and
command warnings.

If Sam does not meet his daily goal of smiley faces 8 out of 10 smiley faces than he will not
receive free time, iPad time, etc.

Reactive Emergency/Crisis Procedures (if needed for blowups or dangerous


If Sams behavior becomes extremely disruptive, he will be asked to sit in think time and if
it continues in think time he will go to the office to cool down.

If Sam becomes physically aggressive to self or others, he will be sent to in class


LRBI Approvals (Briefly describe what level of approvals (e.g., basic parent
notification, parental approval, district/state committee approval), if any,
would be needed for the procedures that you have described above,
according to the state LRBI guidelines).
LRBI Approvals

Running head: Behavior Support Plan

Check-in with Adult
High Rates of Positive Response
from Teacher
Modeling/Diff. Reinforce
Of Another Persons Beh.
Social Skills Instruction (On Task
Skill focused)
Administrative Intervention/Sent
to Office
Think Time (aka Interclass
Physical Restraint

Signed Parental

Behavior Expert Required on








Staff Discretion




Team members and their responsibility for implementation

Resource teacher
Instruction and Data Collection
Develop self-management card and lesson plans
Regular education teacher
Daily morning check-in
Instruction and Data Collection
Develop self-management card and lesson plans

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