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Operant Conditioning Principles!


Directions: Using the following terms, fill in the blanks. !


Positive reinforcement

Negative reinforcement


Positive punishment

Negative punishment

_________________________ 1. A behavior is followed by an unpleasant consequence.!

_________________________ 2. A behavior is followed by a pleasant consequence. !

_________________________ 3. A behavior is followed by the loss of a pleasant consequence.!

_________________________ 4. A behavior is followed by the loss of an unpleasant consequence.!

_________________________ 5. A behavior is followed by the addition of an unpleasant consequence. !

_________________________ 6. A behavior is followed by the addition of a pleasant consequence.!

_________________________ 7. A behavior is less likely to happen again.!

_________________________ 8. A behavior is more likely to happen again.!

_________________________ 9. This term is often confused by people to mean a type of

punishment, when in fact, it is not punishment at all.!

_________________________ 10. Two students hacked into the school administrative network and
changed their report card grades to straight As. When the principal traced the problem back to the
students using school video cameras, it was decided that the students were no longer allowed to use
computers for the rest of the year. Which operant conditioning principle applies to this consequence? !

_________________________ 11. A child in elementary school started a food fight in the cafeteria.
The principal had them mop the cafeteria after school floor each day for one week as a result. Which
operant conditioning principle applies to this consequence?!

_________________________ 12. A junior in high school performed on a stage for the first time in
a drama production. Her performance resulted in loud applause and a standing ovation at the end of
the performance when she was taking her bow. Which operant conditioning principle applies to this

_________________________ 13. A senior in high school took the SAT two extra times to try to
avoid receiving a rejection letter from the last of a series of universities to which he had applied.
Which operant conditioning principle applies to this consequence?


Operant Conditioning Principles!

Directions: With a partner, choose one of the topics below. (Circle your choice). Once you
have chosen a topic that interests you, answer the questions that follow. !
Topic 1: Television watching habits

Topic 4: Homework habits

Topic 2: Eating habits

Topic 5: Politeness or Kindness habits

Topic 3: Exercise habits

Topic 6: Cleanliness Habits

1. Imagine that you are responsible to help a child (age 6-10) learn something specific in regard to
the topic you selected. Write the specific habit you and your partner will have the child learn.!


2. Write how you and your partner could use EACH of the four operant conditioning principles to
have the child learn the habit you chose. !


A. Positive reinforcement: !

B. Negative reinforcement:!

C. Positive punishment:!

D. Negative punishment:!

3. Which of the four strategies that you described in #2 would you and your partner select in order
to help the child? Why?

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