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(Government of India)

Ministry of Human Resource Development

Department of Higher Education
Technical Section- II
F .No. 1-1 9/20 14-TS.IJ

Public Notice
Ministry o f Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education has
constituted a " AlCT E Review Committee" for restructuring and strengthen ing the All
India Counci l for Technical Education to address imperatives and challenges in the
Technical Ed ucation Sector vide notification no. F. o. 1- 19/2014-TS .II dated
22.10.20 14.
T he committee seeks suggestions from the stakes holders and members of the public by
post I e-mail on the subject matter.
Those desirous of submitting their suggestions to the Committee may send their written
memoranda (either in Eng li sh or Hindi) on the above subject addressed to "The
Chairman , A ICT E Rev iew Committee, ih Floor, Chanderlok Bui ld ing, Janpath, New
Delhi- 1 1000 I or
e-mai l: chairma n-aicte-review@aicte-i within fifteen days
from the date of publicatio n of th is Press Release. The memorandum submitted to the
Committee shall be treated as "Confidential" and di scretion of the panel.

Unde r Secretary

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