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Through this assignment, as well as my contribution, I learned those teamwork task are better

than an individual task. This is because we can gain more ideas and it helps us to understand
better when we discuss among team members. We gain more knowledge when we share
information. The topic that we choose gives us new knowledge. First of all, we discuss among
each other and understand the topic that we choose. Then, we plan our work and divide it into
each other to gather the information. Next, we describe the aim of our topic to make sure that we
prepare a good outline steps and discuss each of the subtopics once we gather the information.
Finally, we prepared slides for our presentation with the cooperation of our group leader who
knows it better. The challenges that we faced was time allocation but we could have managed to
allocate time for our discussion. Challenges that I personally faced when presenting my slot was
feeling of anxiety but I still managed to overcome and continues my presentation.

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