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Il. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is only recycled and recast in different forms. Even the human body is a form of energy. Call it prana ° or jivatma or simply vayu,energy sustains the gross body and expresses itself through sensory perceptions and the basic physical elements. The three fundamental gunas---satvik,rajasik and tamasik-which characterize the nature of the human being,very often in a combination,are further subdivided into many basic qualities commonly known as human values.Love,affection,integrity and — truth, for instance,are values’ that are as important to life as breathing or eating. These values are positive but in course of practice and because they emanate from a mind that is susceptible to negative thoughts,they get corrupted.They generate negativity and manifest in the form of lying,cheating or causing others harm. Qn.1.Which of the following characterizes human nature? (a)Actions such as breathing and eating (b)Good deeds. (c)Satvik,rajasik,vayu (d)Negative thoughts and actions. (e)Three basic gunas comprising basic human values. Q.2.How does energy express itself? (a)Through negative emotions. (b)Through sensory perceptions and the basic physical elements. (c)Through the human body. (d)Through Prana and Vayu. (e)None of these. Q.3.Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage. Emanate (a)Express (b)Originate (c)Invent (d)Enter (e)Expect Page 2 of 42 Verbal Analysi Each question has 2 words which have a relation. Select the part having the same relation. 1.Gravity: Pull a. iron:metal b. northpole: direction c. magnetism: attraction d. dust:desert 2. Light: Blind a. speech: dumb b. language:deaf c. tongue: sound d. voice: vibration 3. Grain: Salt a. shard:pottery b. shred:wood c. blades:grass d. chip:glass 4, Filter:Water a.curtail:activity b. expunge:book c.edit:text d. censor:play 5. Pain:Sedative a. comfort: stimulant b. grief:consolation c. trance: narcotic d. ache:extraction 6. After:Before a. first:second b. present:past c. contemporary: historic d. successor:predecessor Answers: 1-c, 2-a, 3-d,4-d, 5-b,6-d Page 3 of 42 Word Pair Relationship Analogies Both the capitalised words have a certain relationship with each other. Each is followed by four more pairs of words. Out of these four, a pair is to be selected which is related to the question: 4. Language: Communication A letters: alphabet B. yard: fabric 3 risk: hazard d. car: transport 2. Pearl: Sea A. grain: rice B Gold: mine C. aeroplane: sky D. poems: anthology 3. Endow: Gift A. teach: lesson B. imply: mean c. govern: command d. partake: eat 4. Soldier: Army A. child: children B. star: constellation C. malaria: disease D. shoes: cobbler 5. Spy: Identity A. chameleon: colour B. truth: honesty c. falsehood: liar d. war: armour 6. Laughter: Happiness A. suffering: dejection B. tears: sorrow C. joy: elevation D. knowledge: capability Ans: 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-b, 5-a, 6-b Page 4 of 42 AECS PASSAGE COMPLETION Q1. Complete the passages by choosing the correct potions given below. Legends will tell you that flamingoes are---------1----- ordinary visitors to Kutch. They were honoured guests of King Lakho and the----- 2------- the hunting of flamingoes that-----3----- to Kutch from various parts of the world every year to breed. For centuries the region------4------ a heaven for this migratory bird. Flamingo City, an island in the middle of the Rann of Kutch,---5----the world over as one of the biggest breeding grotinds of the Greater Flamingo,------ Gannnnn—~ with bodies of hundreds of flamingo chicks. The parents of these chicks fled the island due to lack of food. 14. a) no b.) not” c.) just d)an 2. a.) has forbidden b.) forbade c.) forbidden d.) had forbidden 3. a.) comes b.) are coming c.) came d.) come 4. a) has been b.) was c.) have been djis 5. a.) knows b.)was known ©.) are knows d) known 6. a.) is strewn b.)are strewn c.) strewn d.) has strewn a lie to the teacher, the teacher - - me. If the -- and not made me stand outside the class, Iwould have been able to attend the class. 1. a.) has not told b,)would not tell c.) hadn't told d.) shall not tell Page 5 of 42 2. a.) cannot scolded _b.) should not have scolded c.) might not have scolded d.) wouldn't have scolded 3. a.) had not punished b.) have not punished —c.) having been punished d.) has not punished Q3. Today most businessmen are very worried. To begin with, they are not used to competition. In the past they sold whatever . -----1 produced at whatever prices they chose. But--- increasing competition, customers began to--------3-------- and choose. Imports suddenly became--------4--------- available and that too at cheaper -------- 4. ajlt b.) he c.) they d.) we 2. a)with b.) by c.) after d.) from 3 a) buy b.)take c.)pick —d.) want 4° a)hardly b.) easily c.) frequently d.) conveniently 5 a.) costs b.) returns c.) divident_—d.) prices Q4, Mata Vaishno Devi is reportedly amongst the most temples in the country. So, when my ‘call’ to visit the temple came, Iwas quite excited. It --------: 2--- --- that Vaishnu Devi took birth in the house of a poor Brahmin. She was named Vaishnavi meaning who----3----- to Vishnu. The girl left her home to mediate in a forest nearby. Thousands of years later, Sage Goraknath heard of Vaishnavi and sent his disciple Bhairo Nath to seek her out. 1. a)visits b.)does c.)visited —d.) done 2.a)eats b.)is said c.) was said d.) ate 3. a)got b,)isrelated c.)related d.) get Page 6 of 42 “QS. Dr. Sadao Hoki’s house ---~ ---- built on a spot of the Japanese coast ------- 2, a 3- a little boy he had -- ~~. ---- played. The low, square stone house was set —- --- rocks well -----6- a narrow beach that was outlined with bent pines. His father had taken him often to the islands of those seas. 1. a.) was b.)is cc.) will d.) can 2. a.) here b.) where _c.)everywhere d.) anywhere 3. a.) like b.) as c.) same d.) similar 4. a.) never b.)ever c.) often d.) seldom 5. a.)on b.) upon c.) in d.) at 6. a.) above b.) below c.) beneath d.) over Q6. There are many kinds of hobbies with which one could entertain oneself. Railway modelling _ is one of the - -- popular hobbies, with an appeal that-----2----- to all age groups and -- j---- to enthusiasts of both sexes. It is easy to------4---- why it is so popular, for real railways are both ---5- 1. a.) very c.) expectedly d.) greatly 2. a.) extends b.) touches c.) catches d.) reaches 3. a.) really b.) probably c.indeed d.)as 4. a.) look b.) watch c.see d.) feel 5. a.) dramatic b.) pragmatic c.) realistic.) futuristic Page 7 of 42 Q7. In all compositions ---- is the most -----2------- virtue. You should write in a simple and manner. The choice of words should be ------~ A anan—— Try not to use --5---- words merely because they are ------ 6------ Do not allow poetic images or ------ 7------- to spoil the grace of good style. It is no longer ------8------ to stuff your composition with too many ---9-----or proverbs, especially if their relevance is ------~ 10--- 1. a.) complicated b.) flourish ¢.) simplicity d.)reserve 2. a.) hidden b.) described c.) depicted d.)admired 3. a.) straightforward b.) ornamental c) flashy 4.) decorative 4. a.) quick b.) easy c.) disorganised d.) discriminating 5. a.) short b.) small c.) difficult d) apt 6. a.) familiar b.) official c.) distant d.) admired 7. a.) pictures b.) stories c.) similes d.) examples 8. a.) disliked b.) uncommon c.) difficult d.) fashionable 9. a.) philosophies b.) writers c.) quotations d.) systems 10. a.) good b.) observed c.) clear d) doubtful Q8. Through the bedroom window, | spotted my sister house . | also saw her bitterly. | ran downstairs her and stopped her from | made her days of our childhood when we used ogether. We enjoyed swimming in the nearby pond. | wanted her to Cane all her worries and be happy. Page 8 of 42, 1. a.) leave b.) to leave c.) left a) leaving 2. a) ery b.) cried c.) to cry d.) having cry 3. a.) for calming b.)tocalm —c.) to calmed d.) calm 4.a)go b.) having gone c.) being going d.) going 5. a.) to remember b.) remembering c.)remember d.) will remember 6. a.) forplay b.) to play c.) played d.) for playing Qg. Aung San Suu Kyi -----1 for democracy--- United Kingdom -- a figurehead for Myanmar’s struggle -- 1988. She was educated in Burma, India and she got her PhD. In 1988 she returned - for her dying mother. Myanmar was in political anew military junta took power. A nationwide uprising------ ---- the Generals started and Suu Kyi -- for freedom and democracy. Suu Kyi was kept -----8----- house arrest for the best part of two decades till 12 November, 2010. She was awarded the Nobel Prize. 1. a, has been b.had been c.was become 2. afrom b.since c.between 3. a.when b.there d.where 4. a. caring b.cared care d.cares 5. a.before b.after c. when d.where 6. a. opposed b.opposite c.against d.again 7. a. is campaigned b.campaigning c.campaigned d. was campaigning 8. ain b.above c.below d.under Page 9 of 42 Q10. The idiot box is ---- -- pushing the bookshelf out of the--------2- — even in regions that have a high literacy rate and a long tradition of libraries. According to the findings of a sample- average Keralite now spends 90 minutes--- cable television and 80 minutes reading books. However, TV is not the only culprit: the survey w-----5e-—--== by the Kerala Library Council to mark the 50” anniversary of the library movement in the state -- ~ that lack of interest and high price of books are equally responsible for people running away from serious reading. 1. a.) increasing b.) increasingly c.) increased d.) to increase 2. a.) home b.) house c.) houses d) homes 3. a)a banc.) the d.) by 4. a.) watches b.) watched c.) is watching d) watching 5. a.) was conducted b.) conduct c.) conducted d.) being conducted 6. a.) indicates _b.) is indicated c.) indicating d.) indicate Read the following passages and select the correct form of the missing word/phrase to complete it. 1) A doctor had the habit of talking to the trees (a).......... the roadside as he took (b) walks in the evening. He would (c). to kiss the trees lovingly and whisper kind words to (d). (a) (On (2) in (3)along (4) with Page 10 of 42 (b) (1)my (2) your (3)his (4) her (c) (1) bend (2) bent (3)bended (4) bending (d) (Ait (2) they (3)them (4) those 2) A young girl was looking (a)........... a job.She applied for a job in a school.She met (b)........... principal in connection with (c).. vacancy.She was told that there (d)........... no vacancy. (a) (1)at (2) to (3)for (4) as (b) (1a (2) an (3)the (4) some (c) (1) a (2) an (3)the (4) any (d) (Ais (2) was (3)has (4) had Page 11 of 42 3) TV viewing has always (a) positive aspects (b). impact (a) (1)being (3)been (b) (1)on (3)to (c) (1)is (3)are (d) (1)on (3)in 4) The skin is the (a)....... the television(c).... children cannot be ignored very controversial.While the many, its negative (2) bean (4) begin (2) of (4) too (2) an (4) has (2)at (4) into organ in the human body. It is a natural all weather water —proof covering (b)....... protects the body. It also helps the body (c)....... excreting waste materials(d) .. water through sweat. (a) (1)large (3)larger (b) (1)who (3)that urea,salt and (2) largely (4) largest (2) what (4) when Page 12 of 42 (c) (1) at (2) in (3) on (4) by (a) (jas (2) like (3)such (4) so 5) Chocolates (a)....... lift up your moods. you (b)....... a chocolate, a chemical called serotonin(c)....... released in (d).......... brain making you feel good (a) (1)can (2) could (3)might (4) must (b) (A)ate (2) eat (3)eating (4) eaten (c) (1)be (2)is (3)am (4) are (d) (ja (2) an (3)the (4) her The following passages contain some errors. Choose the correct options from the lists to correct the errors and complete the passage 6) We looks before and after (a) And pine for what are not (b) Our greatest songs are they(c) That tell of saddest thought(d) Page 13 of 42 (a) (A)looked (2) looking (3)look (4) have looked (b) (1)is (2) are (3)has (4) have (c) (1) those (2) these (3)them (4) there (4) (A)tells (2) tell (3)telling (4) had told 7) Pollution was not a new problem nowadays (a) In the middle ages most towns are dirty(b) Much was being done to improve sanitation.(c) In towns the disposal of waste had become quite complicated.(d) (a) (1)is (2) has been (3)had been (4) were (b) (1)had been (2) have been (3)was (4) were (c) (1) ever (2) never (3)been (4) be (d) (1)has (2) is (3)are (4) have Page 14 of 42 8) Panic prevails in Sona village at Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh (a). A large number of people are suffered from diarrhoea here (b) The disease have reportedly spread due to contaminated water (c). Most of the villagers have been complaining of diarrhoea from Monday (d), (a) (1)from (3)on (b) (1)suffer (3)suffering (c) (1) was (3)has, (d) (1) before (3)for (2) in (4) into (2) have suffered (4) has suffered (2) were (4)is (2) since (4) after 9) Beauties is vain (a). Their pretty eyes would roll (b). Charm strike the sight (c). Merit won the soul(d) (a) (1)was (3)were (b) (1)should (3)might (2) are (4) have been (2) may (4) could Page 15 of 42, (c) (1) struck (2) strikes (3)has struck (4) striking (a) (1)wins (2) win (3)winning (4) has won 40) Rangoli is an art form used by people at India (a) that is passed by one generation to another (b). Mothers in India did this activity every morning (c). And teach rangoli to her daughters (d) (a) (1)On (2) in (3)upon (4) into (b) (1)from (2) for (3)to (4) after (0) (1) done (2) do (3)does (4) doing (a) (1)their (2) these (3)those (4) them Page 16 of 42

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