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The word will is an idea that has a fundamental bearing on the question of
whether our behavior is a result of free will or is predetermined. The issue,
essentially, is not whether behavior is determinable, but if, it is predetermined.

Lets begin with the definition of a few terms.

Because we are able to distinguish between thought and action, there must
be something that connects them. Acting may follow upon thinking, but not
without the intervention of a desire to turn thought into deed. If with the
desire there is also a sense that attainment is not possible, we are simply
wishing. If we believe that the desired end is in our power, we will that the
desired end shall be real.

The ethical argument also supports free will. In order to expect moral
responsibility, one must accept the concept of free will. If an individuals
behavior is determined by forces beyond an individuals control then the
individual cannot be held responsible for their actions. However, our laws
insist that adults do have individual responsibility for their actions and so
implicitly society supports freewill.

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