Mutley's Miracles Home Visit Worksheet

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Mutley's Miracles

Home visit worksheet

Suitability of Home to Dog: Safe atmosphere for the dog they are considering?
Type of neighborhood: Urban______ Suburban_______ Rural_______
Type of home: Single-Family________ Duplex________ Apartment________ Mobile
Does applicant: Own_________ Rent_________
If renting, does applicants landlord approve of pets? __________ (Ask to see documentation
that pets are allowed!)
Type of street: Busy/Dangerous_________ Quiet _________ In-between________ Country
Is there a homeowner's association?________ If so is the dog they are considering
Fencing: Is the yard escape proof and cared for?
Is there a yard? __________
Does the exterior of the home look well-cared-for in appearance?_________________
Fenced yard? _________ Fence Type ________ Height ________ Holes, gaps? ________
Gates secure?_______
Actually push on the closed gates (top and bottom) and push on the fence. It may look good,
but the dog will be testing it.
Is the yard: Fully fenced (all the way around the house)________ Backyard only________
Side yard only________
Is there material stacked against or close to fence that will enable dog to jump or climb the
Outdoor Hazards: Existing pets are familiar with hazards that a new pet will be curious about.
What could a curious dog get into?
Is there a pool?________ In-ground _________ Above-ground _________
Is the pool separately fenced and gate secure?__________________________________
If the pool is accessible, is there an easy way for the dog to get out?_________________
Will the owner be able to teach the dog how to get out? _________________
Are there any dogs in adjacent homes or yards? ___________ What types of dogs?
__________________________ How many dogs?__________ Other animals?__________
What kinds?____________________________________
Is there a possibility of fence fighting?______________, Can the owner stop it, if it occurs?

Other pets and family: How does the family relate to the other pets in the home? Are the pets
relaxed and happy?
Does the applicant have any other pets?
Dogs (type, how many)_________________________________________
Cats (type, how many)_____________________________
Other animals (types, how many)___________________
Can the family handle the other pets easily?______________
Are the pet happy being handled, relaxed, and confident? _____________________
Do you get the impression the applicant understands that the dog MUST be leash-walked and
supervised when allowed outside fenced yard?_________________________________
Describe any concerns for the dog's safety and happiness if placed in this
Did you meet all family members? ________ Any young children?_________ Elderly or
Does applicant understand the necessity of supervising pets when around young children?
Did you get the impression that anyone in the family is opposed to adopting this pet?
How do children in family behave towards other family members and pets?
Is there evidence of tension in the family?_____________________
Yelling? _______________________
Is applicant in the process of moving or considering a move? (For Sale sign in
The home: Will the pet be comfortable and safe and will the family be happy with the pet?
Overall condition of the interior of home: Neat/clean________ Messy_________
If the family is not conscientious with their home, will they be conscientious in caring for their
Is there cat food out? ________ If so, how will applicant prevent dog from eating cat food?
Litter box protected from dogs? __________
Where will the dog spend most of its time? ________
Does the area appear suitable?________________________
Is there a place to locate a crate for the dog where it can be easily removed from an outside
door during a fire?_________
Where will the dog stay when no one is at home?

What are the applicant's opinions/experience with crating? ____________ Do they have a
If applicant has a crate for dog they are adopting, is the size appropriate for the dog?
What type of bedding will the dog have in crate?___________________________
Is food and water set up for the dog inside the crate with the door open?
Show them how to turn a crate into a table if necessary.
Are there any concerns for an elderly dog? ____________ Steps to the yard? _________
Sleeping area? ________
Is home carpeted? _____________ Tiled or hard-surface floors?
Are there things left laying around that they will not want the dog to ruin (clothes, papers,
How will they keep the dog from bolting out the front door?____________________
Training and Responsibilities: Who is responsible for the dog?
Are they willing to attend a formalized obedience course or consult a private trainer if
Who will exercise the dog?________________________
Who is primarily responsible for the daily care of the dog?__________________
Is the family aware of shedding?_________ Will it present a problem with
Does the applicant or family members have any special needs or challenges?
What is the applicant's dog training experience?
How would they correct misbehavior?
______________________________________________________________ Barking?
___________________ Biting? ___________________ Accidents in the house?
____________________ A dog fight? ________________ Noise shyness such as fireworks or
thunder? _____________________________
Are they willing to give the new dog several weeks to acclimate to their environment?_____
Does the home seem to "fit" the dog?_______________
Were there any training or behavior questions that you couldn't answer which need a follow
Use additional space to describe your visit and note any other items, areas that need
education, fence needing repairs, or other

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