Service Oriented Information Technology

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Concentrations in Service Science

Declaration: Service-Oriented Information Technology (SOIT)

1. Description:

A. The essence for service science (the importance for service science)
- Service delivery: using IT to automate, support and deliver services to consumers, enterprise and society.
- Technology entrepreneurship: foster the spirit of IT startup and rapid development.
- Modern practice: adopt the latest technology and methodology, and gain a self-learning spirit.
- Open philosophy: encourage students to use and contribute to open-source and open-education.

B. The key concepts, techniques, and capabilities delivered

- Key concepts: design science methodology, service-oriented architecture, cryptographic principles,
quality-of-service, inductive learning principles.
- Key techniques: distributed coding and version control, service quality and security management apps, cloud
deployment and SaaS development, data/text mining techniques, mobile apps development,
test-driven/behavior-driven development.
- Key capabilities: modern programming skills, software system development, techniques to enable service system

C. The learning goals

- Students can design and implement IT-enabled service software systems.
- Students can understand service quality and security related issues in IT-enabled service systems.
- Students can adopt cloud and mobile technologies to develop IT-enabled software systems.
- Student can use data/text mining related techniques to enhance the intelligence of e-services.

D. Potentials for academic and industry careers

- IT entrepreneur: adopt lean development tools and methods to bootstrap an IT startup.
- IT-enabled service designer: use design-science to give a design capability to IT-enabled services.
- IT project manager: use modern development methodology to track, analyze, and plan IT projects.
- IT Service developer: create robust software using modern development tools and methodology.

2. Preparation (guidelines for students who intend to take SOIT courses)

Students who have previously taken some computing classes, such as introduction to computer science, any
programming language classes, databases, etc., are welcome to take courses in this concentration to claim their IT
expertise in academic and industrial careers. However, our classes will be intensive and we strongly recommend
students to strengthen their prerequisite skills before enrolling in the ISS program.

Possible preparation for students during the summer include:
- Take online courses to learn some of the computing tools/techniques we will use in ISS classes.
- Work with an ISS instructor on a simple development project over the summer.
- Try to develop a useful app from scratch to completion by yourself share it on Github/Heroku or a mobile app
store for us to see!

3. Constituent Courses (must complete at least four classes to fulfill module)


Learning objectives

Couse outlines

Architecture (SOA)

- Consuming, delivering, orchestrating, and

composing IT services
- IT architectures for business processes
- Creating flexible, scalable systems
- Adopting modern practices in distributed

Distributed coding and version control

Object enumeration, serialization and marshalling
Service controllers: RESTful API, event logging
Service views: Web, mobile, SNS, Google analytics
Service resources: database, computational, 3rd party
services, DOM traversal
Cloud deployment, SaaS, create open-source SDK
Enterprise architecture design patterns
Workflows and messaging

(Fall Semester)

Prerequisites: Object-oriented programming,

Databases, HTML/CSS
Recommended: Systems analysis and design

Tools: Ruby, Haml, CSS, JSON, BPMN,

Git, Github, Heroku, IronMQ, Amazon AWS

Security for
IT Services
(Spring Semester)

- Develop software with secure qualities:

confidentiality, integrity, authentication,
authorization, availability, nonrepudiation
- Model secure systems, policies
- Interpret security news and derive
knowledge about systems
- Understand tradeoffs between security
philosophies and practices

Prerequisites: Any programming language
Recommended: Service-Oriented Architecture

Mobile Technology
and Applications
(Fall Semester)

- Understand scheme of mobile computing
- Understand mobile user interface design
and special considerations
- Understand IPC mechanism
- Understand data persistence mechanism
- Can code to interact with IoT devices
- Can code to integrate back-end systems

Prerequistes: Java, Linux, HTML

- Cryptographic principles: information theory,
error-checking, ciphers, hashing, trust models
- Secure software: certificates, tokens, OAuth, testing,
refactoring, protocols, benchmarking, testing and
behavior driven development
- Discretionary and mandatory policies: Biba, Bell
LaPadula, Brewer-Nash, etc.; lattice modeling
- Configuring robust network software: DMZs,
memcached, load balancing, etc.

Tools: Ruby, Git, Heroku

- User interface widgets
- Data store (system/file/database)
- Collecting data from external world
- Exchanging data with other mobile devices
- Calling external process
- Runnable threads
- Service process
- Test Driven Design

Tools: Android, Java, Eclipse

Text Mining
(Spring Semester)

- Ability to process text documents to extract - From text to structure data
- Classification and clustering
- Ability to understand text mining techniques - Link analysis
for data analytics
- Sentiment analysis
- Ability to implement text mining systems for - Text summarization
e-service applications.
- Examples of application domains: patent analysis,

market sensing, tech mining, event tracking
Prerequisites: Linear algebra,

any programming language

Cloud Programming - Understand data analytic platform,

(Spring Semester)
software stack and tools for cloud computing
and big data processing.
- Perform MapReduce on data problems
- Prototype data analytic software

Prerequisite: Any programming language

Tools: Python

- Apache Hadoop data analytic software stack
- Implement MapReduce algorithms, applications
- MapReduce advanced scheduling & optimization
- Query processing optimization
- BDAS (Berkeley Data Analytic System) in-memory

Tools: Hadoop

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