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Adding Press Releases in Drupal

Press Release
1. Admin Log In
Before you can add content like Press Releases, you must log into as an administrator.
a. Go to
b. Add your username: cextremismadmin
c. Add your password: IbhsWFtsIpanki5
d. Click log in

Back end*

2. Add content
a. Once you have logged in, navigate to the Content page: and click Add
content on the top left side. The screen shot below depicts what this
will look like on the back end.

b. You can also add content by logging into and clicking Add Content in
Back end*

the Admin shortcuts bar in the top right corner. Only logged-in
administrators can see the Admin shortcuts barit is not visible to the
general public.

Front end*

c. After you click Add Content, a new back end page will load with a list
of content options, seen below.

Back end*

d. Choose Press Releases toward the bottom of the list. A new page will
load, taking you to the back end process of creating a press release.
3. Enter the title and subtitle of the press release

Back end*
Back end*

4. Pick a date for release

a. Enter the date your press release was distributed to the public. Usually
this date is by the phrase, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE on draft copies.

i. NOTE: Drupal will automatically fill this category with the current
date. If you are publishing a press release that was already
distributed or that will be distributed in the future, change the
date by choosing the appropriate day in the drop-down calendar.

Back end*
5. Add a photo
a. Studies show that web content is more successful when supplemented
with a photo. Free photos in the public domain can be found on
Wikimedia Commons or in Google images using the advanced search
function under, Usage rights.
i. In Wikicommons, be sure to expand the photo and check that it
is listed in the public domain before using.
ii. In Google images, click Search tools > Usage rights >
Labeled for resuse to filter photos that are legally suitable for
your website.
1. Always be sure to expand the photo and double-check its
copyright clause. The Google Images search function can
be unreliable at times.

iii. Another way to attain images that are safe to use on the web is
to buy them from stock photo websites. We recommend because of its large selection and affordable image
pricing. Photos on typically run $45 for a five-year

b. Once youve found a photo with appropriate usage rights, upload the
image beneath the date selection feature. Photos will appear next to
the summary text on the Press Releases subpage under News and
6. Input the body text of your press release
a. Beneath the Image section is a box titled, Body. This is where your
press release body text will go.
i. NOTE: You can type directly into the box or copy and paste your
article with the Paste from Word function, which is highlighted

Back end*

7. Add summary text

a. Summary text is a 2-3 sentence overview about the news you are
posting. If you want your content to be featured on the NEWS & MEDIA
page, you may also want to add summary text, which will show beside
the picture.
b. To add summary text, click Edit Summary beside the title of the Body
Box. Once clicked, a second box will appear above the Body box. This
is where you can write your summary (highlighted below).

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Back end*

8. Ignore the next 5 categories

a. Disregard the following content categories: Threat, Campaign, Financial
Pathway Company, Tags, Button.
b. If you would like further clarification about what these functions do, or
if certain press releases need special attention, please contact the
Brick Factory for assistance.
9. Add press contact information
a. This will add a contact button in the top corner of your press release
for easy media inquiries.

Back end*


Front end*
Input links for additional resources
a. The RESOURCES section beneath the contact information is where
you can add links to relevant articles or reports that will point your
readers in the direction of similar content within the body of the press

b. The links you add to the RESOURCES section will automatically appear
in a blue box beneath the press release, as shown below.

Front end*

c. To add hyperlinked text in the RESOURCES section, put the text you
want to display in the Title box, followed by the link you want the
text to navigate to in the URL box beside it.
d. If you would like to add fields for additional related resources, feel free
to click the Add another item button to include more.

Back end*


Choose when you want the press release to be published

a. If the content is to be published right away, go to the bottom of the
page and click on the Publishing options tab. Check the box next to
published, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

Back end*

b. If the press release is still being edited or needs to be published at a

later date, be sure to visit the Publishing options tab and remove the
checkmark beside the word, Published.
i. NOTE: Although the published option is checked
automatically, saving and previewing your work before you
publish (even when ready) is advised. To do this, uncheck the
Published button and click save to preview the press release.
Once saved, the page will automatically refresh into a preview.
c. Ignore the following boxes: Promoted to front page, Sticky at top of
d. If the press release is to be published at a later date, you must log into
the website admin on that date and publish the content manually. You
can do this by selecting Find Content on the main admin homepage
in the top right corner and then searching the title of the press release.

Front end*

Back end*


a. Click Save to save your progress and/or publish the press release to
go live.

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