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Statement of RICHARD TEMPLETON 117 Roselle Park Fifth Ward Borough Councilman April 1, 2015 I decided to switch political parties after a lot of reflection on Roselle Park, the challenges it faces, and what the two political parties have to offer the town. It waan’t a quick or easy decision, and it wasn’t made until after I was sworn in as Fifth Ward Councilman. an important factor in my decision was my experience with the Republican committee during and after last year's election, when I ran for Borough Council at the request of the Republicans as part of Mike Yakubov’s campaign for mayor. I was told that we were running to change things in Borough government. I was told that I would get a lot of input into the campaign and into the decisions about how to steer Roselle Park into the future. I was told I would be a partner in the campaign, in the strategy and in the decisions. To make a long story short, my input wasn’t really sought, and the input that I tried to give wasn’t paid attention to. After the campaign photos were taken, Mike pretty much ran a one-man operation. I didn’t see a lot of input from others on the Republican committee, either. ‘The bottom line is that I didn’t see any significant new strategy or planning for how to move Roselle Park forward, just a business-as-usual approach. I didn’t see any openness to change, despite what our campaign slogans said. After I met with the Republican committee at its request about this year’s election, I was worried that there Would be more of the same kind of thing. But, despite my family and friends warning me, I hoped I was wrong. ‘Then came the day T was sworn in, I was treated like a puppet. I was told by the acting chair of the Republican committee how I should vote on the appointment of the new director of the Casano Community Center. When instead I voted my conscience, Republican Councilman Kelly declared that I couldn’t vote on the matter. The Borough clerk had to tell him that I certainly could vote. The acting Republican chair was furious. That was it for me. I finally saw what the Republicans wanted - no openness, no change, just business as usual, with people behind the scenes calling the shots. But in the end, this isn’t really about political parties. And it isn’t about me. It’s about Roselle Park and its future. I want to serve because I want to make a difference. I want to help the town move forward. And T became a Democrat because that party shows the attitude and the commitment to do that. T want to emphasize that, even though I’m now a Democrat, I represent everyone in the Fifth Ward - I represent Republicans, Independents and Democrats alike. ‘This is all about Roselle Park and its future, and I’m looking forward to helping to make that future bright. DAN PETROSKY Chairman, Roselle Park Democratic Committee Statement April 1, 2015 ‘The Roselle Park Democratic Committee is very happy to have Fifth Ward Councilman Rich Templeton as a menber. Rich is a public-spirited young man who wants to help the borough deal with the challenges it faces and move forward in a way that will ensure it remains a great place to live and do business. I know it was a painful decision for Rich to leave the Republican party, where he had hoped to make a difference before he realized he wouldn't be allowed to do that. But it was the right decision. We look forward to Rich's ideas, energy and participation. Rich isn't the only Roselle Park resident to look to the Democrats to lead the way forward. Since the last election, 133 voters have switched parties to become Democrats, and there have been 20 new registrations as Democrats ‘That’s because the Democrats are the party of positive change. The Republicans ran Roselle Park for nearly three decades. Their only strategy for moving the town forward is to hope it moves forward. We all share that hope, but a lot more than that is needed. Roselle Park needs new ideas, energy and commitment to face the future. The R.P. Denocratic Committee offers that. We know the future doesn’t hold any guarantees, only challenges. We're dedicated to a robust effort to deal with those challenges so we can preserve all that we love about Roselle Park. We welcome Rich Templeton’s decision to join us and we look forward to working with him. 1 CANDIDATE ~ SWORN STATEMENT (FORM At NEW JERSEY ELECTION LAW ENFORCEMENT Comission | FORSTATE USE GRLY | "PO oe 105 tener na ose-008: (Gao Fern vo vas LEC I) ‘worabe nee JFLEC RECEIVED wa 48 a8, Tag fsa ent ae Po ag eh as| : Rol Aus veil Ack Wo 7004 1 Tig) relay tioe waa Gog G15. 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