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Geometric Solids

GRADE: Kindergarten and 1st

Project #4-Geometry
1. Go on to the website:, and choose an interactive
activity which will reflect something you can do with your classroom to help
explore a lesson plan that you are teaching. Make sure to click on the box
next to lesson plan on the right hand of the page its called interactive, NTCM
standard then pick you grade level which I choose kindergarten, and then
choose the math you are going to be working with and I am using geometry.
2. The Interactive Activity was named Geometric Solids
3. Students will explore the geometric shape and tell me how many sides are in
the shape. Student will also help me on the blackboard add the numbers of
the vertices to find the answer.
4. Note on the top of the activity the chosen application was shaded exercise in
which it reflects the faces, edges, vertices, and you can also choose a
different shape.
5. Performance Objective #1: Geometric solids and shapes.

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