Special Areas

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The student will be introduced to special emphasis areas and be able to demonstrate proper
knowledge. This lesson should be review for the student.
1. Positive aircraft control- 5 minutes
2. Positive exchange of flight controls- 5 minutes
3. Stall/Spin- 5 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
4. Collision Avoidance- 5 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
5. Wake turbulence avoidance- 2 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
6. LAHSO- 10 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
7. Runway incursion avoidance- 5 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
8. CFIT- 10 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
9. ADM- 10 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
10. Wire strike avoidance- 2 minutes
11. Checklist usage- 5 minutes
12. TFRs- 5 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
13. Special use airspace- 5 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
14. Aviation Security- 5 minutes (Separate lesson plan)
15. SRM- 10 minutes
FAR/AIM, airplane flying handbook, PHAK, model airplane, white board and markers,
Student Actions:
Student should come prepared by completing a pre-assigned briefing as well as take additional
notes and respond to any questions asked.
Instructor Actions:
Explain special emphasis areas and be able to explain their relevance and the reason they exist.
1. Study areas deemed important to safety and security of aviation.
2. Important special information.
3. Important to understand for check ride.
4. All relate to different aspects of flight.
1. Positive aircraft control:
Always fly the airplane.
Maintain control of aircraft regardless of tasks.
1. Positive exchange of flight controls.
You, I, You.
Who is flying the airplane.
My airplane.
1. Stall Spin:
Refer to stall/spin lesson plan.
Stall, incipient, developed, recovery.

1. Collision Avoidance:
Refer to collision avoidance lesson plan.
Proper scanning technique.
See and avoid.
Clearing procedures, blind spots.
1. Wake turbulence avoidance:
Heavy, clean and slow.
Wait 2-3 minutes.
Fly above the path, touch down after their landing.
Take-off before they did, climb above their path.
Land and Hold short operations.
Increases airport capacity.

Intersecting runways.
Hold short lines.
PIC responsibility to determine performance.
Expected to decline if not safe.
1. Runway incursion avoidance Refer to runway incursion lesson plan.
Taxi operations (Hot spots, Progressive taxi etc.)
Read back clearance.
Write down clearance.
Hold short lines.
Maintain situational awareness.
1. CFIT:
Refer to CFIT lesson plan.
Aircraft has no issues pilot flew into the ground.
Mountains, night near controlled airspace.
Aircraft performance.
Not ATCs job in VFR weather.
Maintain situational awareness.
1. ADM:
Refer to ADM lesson plan.
Use all available resources.
Mitigate risk.
Safest course of action.
Use scenarios to accomplish.
1. SRM:
Refer to SRM lesson plan.
Effective use of all available resources.
Using ATC, FSS or equipment.





Risk assessment matrix.

Prioritize tasks.
Wire Strike Avoidance:
Situational awareness.
Altitude minimums.
Traffic pattern.
5stm from radio towers.
Stay above power poles at all times.
Checklist usage:
Consistent checklist usage for all operations
How to use a checklist.
Mitigating risk.
Know whats on the checklist.
Refer to airspace lesson plan.
Published and non published. (Football)
How to interpret TFR NOTAM.
Special use airspace:
Refer to Airspace lesson plan.
Special use airspace. (PHAK 14-2, AIM 3-4-1)
Prohibited areas- No flight allowed, for security or other reasons
Restricted Areas- flight is allowed with permission, unusual, often invisible hazards.
Warning areas- 3nm off the coast, hazardous activities to non-participating aircraft.
MOAs- separates military training from civilian, no clearance required
Alert Areas- high volume of pilot training (Colorado Springs)
CFAs- suspended if aircraft is spotted (Not charted)
NSA- High ground security, Ask pilots to avoid (Tooele)
Contain certain activities dangerous to non-participating aircraft. These airspace contain
times of being effective, name of airspace, altitudes, agencys, and weather conditions.
Aviation Security:
AOPA general aviation security course.
Lock aircraft, look for suspicious people.
Multilayer security system.
Security doors and gates. (Make sure they close).
Airport police for airport property crime.

Whats the importance of positive exchange of flight controls?
How are spins avoided?
How can wake turbulence be avoided?
Who's responsibility is preventing runway incursion in LAHSO?

What are some ADM checklists?

Why are checklists important?
What are some special use airspace?
How can you help keep aviation secure?
Completion Standards:
(The student should know all these already previous lesson plans this is a short review).
The student should complete a briefing containing questions related to all the special emphasis areas.
This briefing will be correct to 100% during the lesson.

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