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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Secondary Lesson Plan Template

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PSMT Name:


Lesson Topic:

Revenge in real life



54 minutes

State Standard(s):
CCSS: R.CCR.7 Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats,
including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.11-12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different
media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a
problem. Perfect!

1. Teaching Model(s): Cooperative

2. Objective(s):using a current event students will identify and discuss the theme revenge
and how like in Hamlet, revenge can motivate an individual
3. Materials and Resources: Current Event, Prezi url :
4. Instructional Procedures:
a. Introduction: (10 mins)
The Do Now for the day will be How does revenge influence real life events? How
do situations like the one Hamlet faces occur in everyday life? Students will be
asked these questions and then told to give an example for the second question
(Such as a news story or an article they have read on Facebook) Students will then
be asked to discuss their answers.
b. Activities or Learning Experience:(40 mins)
1. (15 mins)
TW show students a video clip on a current event in which people have claimed to
have committed a crime because of revenge.
TW then go over the video with students asking how was revenge involved, was it
justifiable? Why or why not. Some points discussed are:

Who in the video was getting revenge? Why?

What could he have done instead?

Was it justifiable revenge? Why or Why not?

If not why do you think the perpetrator thought it was?

What are some things that could push a person to such extreme actions?

These last two are great questions!

SW participate in this class discussion

2. (20 mins)
SW be given a current event
The article discusses a boy who seeking revenge for being bullied sent threats to
classmates over the internet.
TW explain that students must read a short current event that involves revenge and
write a short response explaining how the video and article are related was this
case of revenge justifiable why or why not? Would have not seeking revenge make
the situation better or worse?
c. Closure( 9 mins)
3 random volunteers will be called on to share their answers.
SW hand in assignment
TW then ask a closing question for tomorrows lesson. How were these examples
representation of Hamlet like Revenge.
Do you think the theme of Revenge is still relevant today?
Extension and Contingency Plans:
If time remains students will be asked to share their responses with a partner and
compare and contrast their answers.
If time is cut short students will be asked to finish their responses for homework and
then the closure will still occur.
Accommodations and Modifications:
Students with seeing and hearing impairment: All questions will be available on a
handout in a step by step instruction. Students will also be given the link to the video
on Edmodo prior to class so they may hear it or listen to it with subtitles at home.
Students with ADHD: Teacher will make sure that students are on task by walking
around and interacting with students. Students may also stand if it is conducive to
classroom productivity.
Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:
Formative Assessment: The video discussion is making sure students understand the
theme and know how that applies to real life. It also checks to make sure students
understand the good and bad of Revenge before moving on to independent practice.
Formative Assessment: When walking around teacher will ask students their opinions
on the article to check that they have a complete grasp of why Revenge happens and
what it is.
5. Homework Assignment: No homework is required unless time runs out.
Reflection: I had more trouble writing this lesson than any other lesson I have written. I
understand how revenge is a theme in Hamlet but I dont quite understand how to

teach that or why I am teaching it. Hopefully by the time my next lesson is due I will
have a clearer understanding of what is expected of me. I think this lesson effectively
uses a nonfiction primary source to understand and analyze a problem in this case
revenge. I think this lesson would go great at the later middle part of the unit when
students have already read examples of revenge in Hamlet. I think the activities
support the objective of the day by showing exactly how revenge affects real
individuals in real life situations as well as their motives behind it.
The Prezi ties all your activities together and makes it easier to see how each
element builds on the next. I appreciate you taking the time to make the
Prezi and identify clear talking points. As far as I can tell, your lesson plan is
also error freethank you!
Like I said in your initial plan, I like how you use relevant non-fiction texts to
initiate meaningful discussion and connect to a difficult Shakespearean text. I
encourage you and your other group members to sit down and hash out your
questions abovewhy are we teaching revenge? What is our goal? What do
we want students to get out of this? If you guys can all come up with a
shared vision for this unit, your lessons will be much more focused and
Overall, these are great changes that improve the quality of this lesson.

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