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Tuck/Squat Lesson Plan

Name: UWRF
Lesson Title or Subject/Topic: Tuck/Squat
Unit: Gymnastics
Date: 03/31/15
Estimated Time/Length of Lesson: 15 minutes
Grade Level: 1st
Central Focus
What is the
Central Focus
for the content in
the learning
What standard(s)
are most relevant
to the learning
Include SHAPE
Standards and
WI Content

The students will be learning how to perform the log roll, the rock and roll, the tuck/squat
and the front roll. Students will also practice safety when their peers are around them.

National P.E. Standards:

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Wisconsin State Teacher Standards:
Teachers know the subjects they are teaching. The teacher understands the central
concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines she or he teaches and can create
learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils.
Teachers know how children grow. The teacher understands how children with broad
ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and
personal development.
Teachers understand that children learn differently. The teacher understands how pupils
differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt
instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and
Teachers know how to teach. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional
strategies, including the use of technology, to encourage children's development of critical
thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

Teachers know how to manage a classroom. The teacher uses an understanding of

individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that
encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Teachers communicate well. The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal
communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active
inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons. The teacher organizes and plans
systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils, the community, and
curriculum goals.
Teachers know how to test for student progress. The teacher understands and uses formal
and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social,
and physical development of the pupil.
Teachers are able to evaluate themselves. The teacher is a reflective practitioner who
continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents,
professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out
opportunities to grow professionally.


10 Teachers are connected with other teachers and the community. The teacher fosters
relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to
support pupil learning and well being and acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical

Students will learn how to perform the tuck squat.

Students will learn how to perform the log roll and rock and roll.
Students will practice their forward rolls.

What are the

specific learning
goal(s) for
student in this

Psychomotor TSWBAT perform the tuck/squat. To perform a tuck squat, the
student will start with their feet a few inches apart. The student will then bend their
hips and knees to form a 90-degree angle. After that, the student wraps their arms
around their knees and tucks their chin to their chest forcing their head to go down.
The students will be able to perform this with an 80% success rate.
Cognitive TSWBAT verbally explain the components of the squat tuck. To
perform a tuck squat, the student will start with their feet a few inches apart. The
student will then bend their hips and knees to form a 90-degree angle. After that, the
student wraps their arms around their knees and tucks their chin to their chest
forcing their head to go down. (ACADEMIC LANGUAGE USED)
Affective TSWBAT cooperate with their groups and show safety for themselves
and others.


Students will be spaced appropriately so no one is in the way while the other students are
performing the exercises. Proper form of each exercise will be thoroughly explained to
lessen the chance of technique injuries. Mats will also be provided for softer landings.

Assessment of

Questions will be asked at the end of the class period during a class discussion.

Describe your
formative and
assessments you
will use.
What procedures
will you use to
ensure students
are safe, on task
and engaged?

Expectations: We will keep demonstrations brief but too the point to

maintain the students attention. Students will also be evenly spread out
while performing each exercise. By performing the exercise, that will
keep the students engaged.

What might
happen that you
might not

Students might be off task. Students might not understand how to do a

certain exercise. Someone could get hurt.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Description of what the teacher (you) will be doing and/or what the students will be doing.
Instant Activity: Animal Stretch Relay
Motivational Set
Equipment: 5 jump ropes and music
____5____ Minutes
Students will partner up and stand on the starting line.
When we say GO, students will do the following:
How will you start the
o Bear crawl to the end of the 1st jump rope.
lesson to engage and
o Frog jump to the end of the 2nd jump rope.
motivate students in
o Crab walk to the end of the 3rd jump rope.
o Star jump to the end of the 4th jump rope.
o Then they will run as fast as they can to their partner,
touch their hand, and then the partner will do the same
4 stretches.
Instruction: (Body of
the lesson)
____8____ Minutes
Write the step by step
What will you say and

activities for
the whole
Example: Hit
the ball over to
your partner
10 times.

) Simple
secrets to
Example: Hand
in the cookie

Challenges :
(Applications)More game like
chances to
practice the
same tasks at
the same
difficulty level.
Example: In 90
seconds see

: Add
to make the
tasks easier
and harder
according to
the skill level
of the

do? What questions

will you ask?
How will you engage
students to help them
understand the
What will students do?

how many
times you can
hit the ball to
your partner.
1. Greet Students
2. Overview of skills we will be practicing
3. We will also be addressing safety while using the mats.
Demonstration #1:

Activity 1: Tuck/Squat Stations (6 minutes)

Equipment: 3 mats
Students will be split into groups of 5.
Each group of 5 will start at a mat.
Teacher will instruct students to practice their log roll
o Remind students to stop at the end of the mat before they roll off onto
the floor.
o Students will walk back to the other side of the mat and continue the
log roll.
Teacher will instruct students to perform the rock and roll
o Rock and roll:
o Remind students to start with there feet on the floor and not on the
o Have students look back before they start the rock and roll to make
sure that their head is going to hit the mat.
o Remind students to leave space in between them and the person next
to them.
Teacher will instruct students to perform the tuck sit balance
o Tuck sit balance:
o Remind students to space themselves out.

Transition: Now lets work on performing the forward roll.

Demonstration #2:

Activity 2: Forward roll (2 minutes)

Equipment: one mat and one incline mat
One group will be asked to come work on the forward roll
o There will be two spotters
The other two groups will be asked to work on exercises that help strengthen
their muscles.
o These groups can also work on exercises for flexibility.
After the first group is finished with the forward roll, then we will call another
group over.
The other two groups will be asked to work on exercises that help strengthen

____2____ Minutes
How will you end the
Write out the questions
that relate to your
learning goals and
Questions that Check
For Understanding

their muscles.
After the second group is finished with the forward roll, then we will call the
last group over.
The other two groups will be asked to work on exercises that help strengthen
their muscles.

Can anybody show me how to perform a tuck sit? A log roll? And a
rock and roll?
What are three stretches you can do to help stretch out your

Hook to next lesson


Next time we will learn how to do a pike, straddle, and lunge

Students with IEPs or 504 plans or students requiring other
Gifted/Talented Students: N/A
Language Differences (ELL): N/A
Learning Styles/Preferences: Will be giving verbal cues, visual
demonstrations, and putting words on board to read and visually
see. Students that need any additional help to perform a specific
movement are offered time after school for the instructor to help
them. Students are asked to participate at their full ability.

What specific
does the teacher need
for this lesson?
What materials do the
students need for this

3 mats, incline mat, 5 jump ropes

Academic Language Demand(s):

What content
specific terms
(vocabulary) do
students need to
support learning of
the learning
objective for this
What specific way(s)
will students need to use
language (reading,
writing, listening and/or
speaking) to participate
in learning tasks and
demonstrate their
learning for this lesson?

Log roll
Rock and rolls
Tuck sit balance
Forward roll

Students will need to verbally answer questions from the lesson.

Students will need to listen to instructions to know what is expected of them.

Describe the language

function and demands
required a how you will
support your students
during the lesson.


Positive reinforcement
No negative or derogatory terms will be used in the class
PRE-PLANNING: We have had one gymnastics class previous to this one
basic gymnastics skills.

POST PLANNING: We will continue to teach our students advanced skills



List references and

Other Resources
used to support or
develop the lesson.


Tumbling Basics. Teaching Children Gymnastics.

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