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A patient who needs emergent surgery

says I can not afford the cost of staying

in the hospital. I have no insurance, just
give me something to relieve my pain
and I will leave.
should I tell my partner about my
venereal disease?

An anxious patient who you suspect has

been abused asks, Why are you ask me
these questions?
A patient recently diagnosed with HIV
asks Do I need to tell my wife?
A doorway information indicates a male
patient, Mr. Smith, complaining of
dizziness. But when you enter the room
you find a female patient.
A female patient seduce her physician
Do you want to have dinner with me at
my place tonight?

safety. I just want to make sure you are

in a safe environment and you are not a
victim of abuse.
I know its difficult, but doing so allows
you and your wife take appropriate
precautions to treat and prevent the
transmission of the disease.
Hi Ms Smith? If the patient respond, no
Im Ms Black. Oh the the nurse must
give me the wrong chart, Ok Ms Black,
how can I help you today? Retake the
vital sign!!
Sorry, its inappropriate, since you are
my patient, it would not be permissible in
the context of doctor-patient relationship
Not necessarily, age could be one of the
reasons for what you are experiencing in
sexual performance. But therere other
possibilities we need to rule out, such as
HTN and DM. We also have medications
I read in a journal that the herbals can
help with my condition

A old patient says I think it would be

normal to have this at my age or I just
get old
Im afraid of surgery

I know that you are concerned about the

medical cost, but your life will be in
danger if you dont have the surgery. Let
our social worker help you with the cost
Yes, theres a chance that you have
already transmitted the disease to your
partner, or he may be the source of your
infection. The most important thing is to
have both of you appropriately tested
and treated.
I am primarily concerned about your

A patient has a serious problem asks I

want to go on a travel with my wife soon,
can I have the test after I come back?

I didnt understand your questions, could

you repeat it?
What is bronchoscopy?

A patient who is late in seeking medical

help asks Do you think its too late for
My friend told me you are a very good
doctor, thats why I come to you to refill
my medicines.
A patient with pleuritic pain asks Is this
a heart attack? Am I going to die?
Herbal medicine is suggested for many
diseases. But their safety and efficacy
may not be clear. Let me know the herbal
medicine name, I will check it about its
potential role in your condition.

Will my insurance cover the cost of this


I understand your feelings. Its common

and normal to have these feelings before
surgery. Is there any specific things you
are concerned of?

A patient with going back to work can

have bad effect on his health, asksCan I
go back to work?

I know that you dont want to put off

your trip, but you may have a serious
disease that may benefit a lot if it can be
tested and treated in an early stage.
Besides, you may also suffer from some
complications of this disease during
vacation if we dont effectively deal with
it before you leave

Do you think the tumor I have can be


Its kind of a tube with a mini-camera

attached to the end of it, which can be
used to investigate the respiratory tract,
even some parts of the lung.
Its never too late to seek help. And Im
glad you come here to ask for help. We
will do our best to help you. But next
time, I want you to feel comfortable
coming to me as soon as you feel you
might have a problem.
Based on your medical history and PE
findings, my suspicion for heart attack is
low. Its more likely that the inflammation
of the membranes..
Do I have cancer?

Since I stopped smoking, I started to get

weight. I want to go back to smoke in
order to lose weight.
A patient with shoulder injury says Im
afraid of losing my job due to shoulder

Thats only one of the possibilities, but

therere other explanations we need to
exclude before make the final diagnosis.
Its unlikely for a patient with your
complaint to have this type of cancer.
But if you r really concerned about this.
Ill order some test to confirm it.
Im flattered, but I cant refill your
medicine without reviewing your history
better understand your need for the
medicine. Also, I need to do some
physical exams and probably order some
test for you.

Im not sure, but we have social workers

who can provide that information. If its
necessary, Ill write a letter to the
insurance company to indicate the
importance of this test.

better? Im in great pain.

condition. Youd better to stay at home to
rest for now. I can write to your employer
to explain your conditions.
Its hard to say right now until we
removed the tumor and get pathology
report. We will keep you informed as
soon as we get any information.
There are healthier way to lose weight ,
such as diet and exercise. Smoking will
increase your cancer risk, heart problem
and lung disease.
We will do our best to help you recover
from your shoulder problems. With your
permission, I will communicate your
situation with your employer.

Yes, most patient has a complete

recovery from this disease. Or
Its hard to cure in this advanced stage.
But we get a lot of terms for controlling
your symptoms and improve the quality
of your life.
Its hard to say right now, but this kind of
fracture usually heal well. And with
physical therapy, you should regain the
normal range of motion of your arm.
Life can certainly be challenging. Is there
any thing specific that is bothering you?
Have you ever thought to end your life?

Will I ever feel better, doc?

Having multiple sexual partners does put

you at risk of infected by HIV, but this
rash could due to many other causes, I
agree with you we should add HIV test in
the list.

Do you think I can move my arm like


I know you are worried about your child,

but staying in the hospital is at your best
interest right now, I can try to contact
the social worker to arrange you child
care with your permission.

I think life is full of misery, why do we

have to live?

I know you are in great discomfort, Im

sorry to still talk with you. But I have to
determine the causes of your pain in
order to give you the most efficient
treatment. After Im done with the
evaluation, we can decide the best way
to manage your pain.

A young man with many sexual partners

recently has a skin rash appears asks
am I infected with HIV?
A patient needs hospitalization says I
need to leave now, my child is alone at

A malingering patient says Doc, I need

one week off work, my back pains a lot.
Do you have any thing to make me feel

sexual partner. Youd better to talk with

him to clear things up. He needs to be
tested and treated, or you may risk
becoming reinfected.

So whats the plan? Doc.

I respect your opinion and will make

sure you dont get any blood product
until we have explains its benefits and
obtained your permission.

Do you think I need surgery?

A patient with only one sexual partners

diagnosed with STD asks could he cheat
on me?

Im sorry about your loss. Death is a very

rare complication during transfusion. And
I will make sure to take all the necessary

A bleeding patient becomes very angry

when you mention that she may need
blood transfusion.
1. I have a religious in objecting blood

Thank you for telling me this. I will try to

determine the cause of that reaction and
treat it before I give you any transfusion.

2.My brother


A patient is wandering in the room,

ignoring you and doesnt listen to what
you said.

3. I have a serious reaction last time I get


A patient asks you a question while you

are washing your hands




During an encounter, A patient is asking

if she can take a bathroom break?
I know you are discomfort, but after
examining you. I find nothing is
significant enough to keep you from
work. I plan to prescribe some pain
medications and exercises, and most of
your recovery process will involve
continuing your normal daily life.
After we get the results of your test, well
meet again. At that time Ill try to any Q
you may have.
Ill try to manage your condition by
medicine. But if it doesnt work, surgery
may be needed. We can see how things
goes and make that decision together in
the future.
You most likely contracted it from your

A patient requires to be examined by

another doctor.

A patient with auditory hallucinations ask

you if you think he is crazy?
A patient asks you if his previous doctor
makes mistake in his treatment.

A patient wants to know how to deal with

son who is a gay.

Do I have lung caner?
I can only imagine how you feel as
patient in your situation. But if you dont
speak with me, I can not help you. So,
please take a seat and help me to
determine whats going on.
Tell them youd like to give him the full
attention. Establish eye contact.

Of course, its your right to choose a

doctor, but I want you to know that Im
also a very well-qualified doctor and can
help you if you allow me to address your
concerns. If you still have other opinion, I
will be happy to help you to find another
doctor who might be a better fit.
Theres no such diagnosis in medicine. It
psychological problems. And theres a
good chance we can address it.
Although your previous doctor may have
a different treatment plan, we have to
make decisions based on what we have
discovered today. Im sorry it may be
frustrating for you. But we want to
receive the treatment that we think is
most efficient and safe for you.
Ask if son has any confusing about
sexual orientation. If yes, suggest him to
seek medical help.

An educated 58 yo F asks I read in a

replacement therapy causes breast
cancer. What do you think of that?

Did I have a stroke

An Africa American patient with sickle

cell anemia says please doc, Im in
great pain, I need some Demerol or Ill
die from pain
A patient with symptoms of common cold

my mother has breast cancer, what is

the chance I will have it too?

A 55yo M said I have a colonoscopy 6 yr

ago, and they remove a small polyp, do
you think I need colonoscopy this time?

Studies do show increased risk of breast

cancer in women who take combination
of progesterone and estrogen for more
recommendation is to use hormonal
replacement only for a short period to
treat hot flashes.
We dont know yet. Your symptoms could
be explained by a small stroke. But we
still need to wait for the result to confirm
the diagnosis
Were still not sure at this moment. We
need to wait for the additional test
results to confirm it.
I know you are in great pain, but I have
to ask you some questions first to better
understand your pain. Then I will give
you some pain medicine to ease your
I think you have a common cold which is

caused by virus. And antibiotic can not

fix it, while it may cause some side
effects to make you feel worse. Now, we
need to focus on relieve your symptoms.
You are at increased risk, but it doesnt
mean you will get it. Therere other risk
factors need to be considered. And
annual screen is a very important
screening method.
Yes, we need to do the procedure. So we
can find if theres more polyps or not. In
this way, we can prevent the colon

A patient with headache and confusion

asks, am I having Alzheimer disease?
Can I get pregnant even my tubes is

A woman in 1 trimester with vaginal

bleeding said will I lose my baby?

My brother has colon cancer , whats my

chance of having it?

A patient with palpitation said my

mother has a thyroid problem , do you
think it could be it?

Obesity runs in my family. Do you think

thats why Im over weight?

A young man with dysuria asks do you

think I have STD?
A patient with copd asks will I get better

if I quit smoke?
It could be one of the possibilities. We
can order some test to investigate. And
why do you think you may have
Alzheimer disease?
contraceptive could be 100%. Its rare to
be pregnant after the tube is ligated,
lower that 1%. If it does happen, it has a
high possibility to be ectopic pregnancy.
Bleeding can increase the possibility of
losing it. But at the same time, many
women have bleeding carry their baby to
term without any problems.
Some type of
hereditary, but
get it for sure.
information of
determine your

colon cancer could be

it doesnt mean you will
I would like to ask more
your health to better
risk level.

Theres one possibilities. We usually

check the thyroid function in patient with
explanations for it that wed like to
Genes play an important role in obesity,
but life style, diet, daily activities are also
factors can influence you weight.
Through these, we can work out a plan in
controlling your weight.
Its one of the possibilities. But theres
other explanations for your symptoms
such as UTI, so Id like to order some
urine test to confirm it.
Most patients in your condition improves
gradually after they stop smoking. Also,
it can decrease the risk of lung cancer in
the future.
A patient with possible appendicitis ask
for a cup of water to drink.

A patient with infectious mononucleuosis

asks if I can go back to school?

stomach is completely empty.

Can this jaundice hurt my baby? Why is
he like this?

Do you think I will get better? Asked from

Parkinsons Disease.

Im sorry, but I can not give you anything

to eat or drink. Because you may need
an emergency surgery later, and
anesthesia will be much safer if your

you have recovered from acute stage of

this stage, you can back to school. But I
want you to stay away from strenuous
exercise or any contact sports, or you
may risk rupturing your spleen.
Newborns often develop a mild case of
natural jaundice after birth. This type of
physiologic jaundice will resolve and
rarely poses a threat to the baby.
However, if your newborn has a more
severe type of jaundice, his yellow
pigment levels, known as bilirubin levels,
may rise too high and cause damage to
his brain. To determine the severity of
your childs illness, I must examine him
in the office and obtain some blood tests.
After seeing him, I should be able to give
you a more accurate assessment of his
I think your tremor will improve with
medications. But I dont know how long
will the improvement last. Because your
symptoms indicate a larger movement
disorder called Parkinsons disease. We
need to do some tests to explore this

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