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Graduation Project
Scoring Rubric
Presentation Time: _____________!

Student Name:___________________________________

*Judge Questions & Response* !

End Time: ____________________

Project Topic: ____________________________________

Successful Completion







1. Content & Coherence Effectively

defines main idea and clearly adheres to its
purpose, employs a logical and engaging
sequence, demonstrates exceptional use of
supporting details and evidence.

2. Communication Skills!

3. Volume/Tone/Articulation!
Consistently speaks with appropriate volume,
tone, and articulation

4. Confidence/Enthusiasm!

Speaks clearly and coherently, using

appropriate and correct standard grammar.

Consistently employs poise, enthusiasm and

confidence. Eye contact and posture
demonstrate confidence.

5. Professional Dress!
Wears appropriate professional or authentic attire.

*6. Work With Mentor!

Effectively reflects on the collaboration and
time spent with his/her mentor

7. Use of Visual Aids!

Employs creative use of visual aids that enrich
or reinforce presentation. Videos not to
exceed 3:30.

8. Self-Reflection on Project!
Offers an insightful evaluation of the project
process, reflects on successes and
challenges with exceptional depth and insight.

*9. 10-15 Minutes Speaking Time!

Aprox. 8:30 presentation with time for questions.

10. Response to Judges Questions!

Confidently, politely, and accurately responds
to judges questions and comments.

Judge Comments:!
* If these areas do not meet Successful Completion, the student will be unable to achieve a passing score for
the presentation.

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