Rubric Archetypical Heroes

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Research Report : Archetypical Heroes vs Traditional


Teacher Name: m boyd

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Organization Organization--at Organization--at Oraganization--at Organization--at
least 6 different least 5 different least 4 different least 3 different
pictures uploaded pictures uploaded pictures uploaded pictures uploaded

Mechanics No grammatical, 2-3 grammatical, 3-4 grammatical, 5-6 grammatical,

spelling or spelling or spelling or spelling or
punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Paragraph Text boxes--included Text boxes--included Text boxes--included Text boxes--included

Construction 4 text boxes 3 text boxes 2 text boxes 1 text box

Internet Use Successfully uses Usually able to use Occasionally able to Needs assistance or
suggested internet suggested internet use suggested supervision to use
links to find links to find internet links to find suggested internet
information and information and information and links and/or to
navigates within navigates within navigates within navigate within these
these sites easily these sites easily these sites easily sites.
without assistance. without assistance. without assistance.

Diagrams & Poster supports Poster somewhat Poster supports Poster does not
Illustrations student's student's supports students little support student's
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
assignment assignment assignment assignment

Total 25 points

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