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OSHA 10/30 Hour Construction

1. OSHA was established in what year? _______
2. Name the OSHA Priority of Inspections.
3. What is the 5 (a) (1) General Duty Clause of OSHA?
4. If a Corporation or Company has a Fatality or
5. Catastrophe, how much time is required before it has to be
reported? ____________
6. What is the Fall protection height for platforms or walkways in
7. What is the fall protection height limitation on scaffolding in
8. What does PEL mean?_____________
9. What does TWA mean?____________
10. 10. What does TLV mean____________
11. What does IDLH mean?_____________
12. What is ANSI?_____________________
13. What is DOT______________________
14. What is EPA______________________
15. What is NEC_____________________
16. What is CGA____________________
17. What is NFPA___________________
18. What is ASME___________________
19. Does the OSHA electrical standard have a 5 (a) (1) General Duty
Caluse within its standard? ______________
20. Give the definition for a Competant Person? ________________

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