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CONTROL, LIGHTING & AUTO TRANSFORMERS 1S-12021-1987;1S-11171-1991; IS-2026-1991;1S 13947(Pt4/Sect)-1993. Dusing the past 25 yeors has pioneered the developmen of low retance transformers fr use with electro: magnetic control circuits, We present here salient features of our stondard range of single phase Industiol Control Transformers, tnd lighting Transformers We also have a wide variety of transformers, such as Auto Transformers, Dishibution Transformers, Eorthing Transformers, Mining Transformers, Welding Transformers, etc catering 10 various needs ofthe industry ‘A Contol Transformer is @ transtormer which supplies power to control and/or avsiiary equipment nol inlended for direct connection to the main circuit. Control Transformers are specifically used to provide Control supply voltage for the contol circuits of AC moter stores i.e. stoner col, imers, indicating lamps, ete The | range of Industrial Control Transformers are rmanufoctured to meet the specifications of 1S:12021-1987 for Contol Transformers and Control Gear In addition also monufactures @ range of general power transformers complying with 'S:2026-1991-. These can be of the single phase version or the thee phase version with capacities from 1 kVA to 100 RVA, uplod.6 kV system Control Transformers are two winding transformers with both windings made “ copper. orien a re using igh Gvolity moterais. fr principle hey comply wil Mea nslaton of Closs'®8. Core materials'con be hot oled or cold rolled electric sheets. This combination of high-quality materials and o tuned insulation system with a general impregnation offers excellent dieleciic stength Conteh Yoniomes, fr concer, cppcatin, have to Eneigise the col (2} Moinlain 0 conto! foro difinte period time. The initial energising of the coil takes 5 to 40 milli seconds cond requires 3 10 10 times the nominal current. Following this “Ampere Inrush” on amount of current is required to hold the contoct in the circuit, This is veletted lo 0: “Sealed Amperes" These volves multiplied by the volloge yield the “Inrush VA" and the “Sealed VA" respectively in comporison o stondard design hransformer such o: a ‘whose VA roting is based on the steady state load condition will not be able to handle the inrush current ond sl delve sullen! volage 10 aly operat’ the lero mmogrete contol components SndvsrolContol ronsiomers ore low readonce type, designed to ensure good regulation ot short time loads. To ensure Superior vollage regulation Engineers ‘devote oppropriale ‘tention fo reducing the percentage reactance and vresisionce Grops in he traslotmer design. Reducton of hese valves 0.8 minimum greatly improves secondary volloge regulation. Tronsformers are tested in accordance with our own stringent quality control stondords and o number of Electrical tests including Turns ratio, Exciting current, Core. loss and applied potenti tes oe conducted Yo assure Conformance to design specifications Transformers con be supplied either in open execution or with enclosure, Enclosure degree of protection can be offered as per 152149: 1990 Transformers are manufactured in accordance with lotest stondords. Dry Type Tronsformers have been designed to meet the requirements of IS 11171:1991 on Dry Type Power Transformers Single Phase and Three Phase cost ratings both LT ard u s regular range sin iransformers of various 6.6 KV system voltage also form part of products 6} Single phase or 3 phase. b} Frequency 4 Dry Type or cil immersed type, or cast resin. 4) Rated power in kVA nd Rated Shor Tine Power in BVA «} Rated voltages for each winding and toppings, if ony. 8 Haha sat volog/ Iason ee veto. Type of connection/Vector Group. 8 Somat inndanon, oP ’) Service condition if other than Standard Service Condition. i) Open execution or with enclosure. For the startingof Motors, ONLine storting is o simple and inexpensive meons. It provides maximum starting torque ond ‘acceleration. Ithas two impoctant limitations 1. Starting current is high, usually 5 to 8 times normal full lood current. This can cause an excessive temporary voltage drop power lines which causes lights 10 flicker or may even interrupt the service. 2. Some loads connot stand the high starting torque, Various lypes of reduced voliage starting ore used, mainly on motors 25 HP or larger, o overcome these limitation The mojor advantage of this method of starting motors ore 1. Best for hard to stort loads. 2. Adjustable starting torque. 3. Used with any standard motor. 4. Less strain on motor. Autotransformer- Starting uses an Avtaransformer to reduce the line voltage during the staring period. The Autotransformer vollage taps provide @ choice of three diferent starting curents and torques, depending on the lood requirements. in his system the first step is connected to one of the reduced vollage tops which resuls in @ reduced starting curren and torque. Aer a preset time delay, the secord step applies full rated vollage to the motor for normal operation. For the same value of line current drawn during the starting period motors with cutotransformers type starters deliver the maximum starting torque when compared to other type of starters hos two decades of experience in the manufacture of Autotransformers. The range comprises from 20 to 2000 HP for «il cooled and 20 to 1000 HP for Air cooled Auto Transformers, both UT & upto 6.6 kV Careful choice of materials and stringent process contol checks ensure thot the Autotransformers ore totaly reliable. Tests are performed generaly to conform to IS 13947 [Pi/4 Sec 1) - 1993, TEC 947-4-11990 6 Rating of Autotransformer in HP/KW By) System Ve €) Percentage of tappings Now! stars per hour €] No of Secondo ‘oF oil immersed type 22 lon 3} Highest System Vologe/Insulation Level Voltoge i} Service conditions if ether than Standard Service conditions | eng ht i 3 To am as a 750. z Too [—100- a 20 Bas 1700. 110 Ho a 25 4 120. as 85 70 € S| so875— 1 139- 13s 95 as as * 7008250 3s 160 78 90 Teed 20 7 1008150 a0 es 128 Te Tend 7 o “00 iss. ir es 126 rm Te @ . 500. 15s 155 gs Too Tos ios m 20 [15s 0 170 Tze tgs | tee 2 i 759. es [1s 250. 180. 102 Te Te iz 1000) i 155 250 180) 02 Tee is 3 130 paginas [amet 270 195 a7 —[ Toe 21 1a—[- 7000 249. Tas 270 195 120 Tose 2 is 2500. 240) 205; 279. 195 us. Te a7 1g—| 3000. 249. 300. 195 Tas si “ 7 3500 240, 320, 195 as ga a3) Note a} Pelowed Roted Primary Voboge 1 TOY, 240V 8 418V TOLERANCE. + Sm 1 Peled Rod Secondary Vlatage 24¥, ABV, 110V & 240¥ T ais oo 3 a 70 1) s z ous 330 700 300, 250 150. e z 10 200 280 350 300) 150 5 a 1s 450 300 co 300 150 15, 3 70 500) 350 os 30 165 135 * 25850 350 Ws 7a 0. 185 Teo) 7 35840 250) 0 730 450 200, 185 @ © 700 0, 300 450 0 Zio [Note ol Prk Bote Fimary Vahoge 110, 240 V & 41S V. Netw: Te Rods & Ung logs oe provided for rags how 10 VA ey. 1 Prete Rated Secondry Voge : 110 ¥& 240 ¥ Fone €l Dimensans may vary fom hoe given above decreas oges or oer han prefered ws 1 Prfcred Reed Secondary Vlogs {4 Dinanions may vary rom hose given bove valages or ober thn prefered ales 240V 8 415¥ T = mH w ira We 7 z 3 70 60 Ea 106) is z 1375 230 200 130 708 zs z 133035 | «00 20 z Ta a 5 Tass 200 fd 20 735 3 @ Sars ws 250 as 135 oo 7 6 ws vs 225 20 1307 3 = 1H $50 Pad ra ro 1 Tes % EE os 350 a 3} 13 io. 30 700 as 200 350 a0, 70 o Saw 730 200 78 300 130) 300 17 5430 00 ais 730 200, 130) 5 17 8 Toss 500 % 708 To 750 Now. 0) Prtred Rated Primary Yohoge | 240'V 8418 V. [Nowe Tie Rods ore proved for ratings greater thon 2.5 AVA only [Suing Lug or otinge gree hon 10 AVA ony TOLERANCE + Sm i 4586 335 250 450 oo 150 10 2 7 5810 200 300 ‘500 500 15 a5 3 25890 25 100 200 00 as 250 a 103850 350 300 700) 700 150 200 a 6 10 300_[ 200 | a7} 350] 35 a5 2 20,30 203040 375__[ 200 | 275 | 300} “130 30 a £0,50,80 50,60 '400__[ 220] 325 | 350 —i30 30. 4 75,100,175 75,100. 400 {240 ~| 340 350] 130 0. ar 150,175 125,130,178 [400 | “300 | 450 | 350 | 170 75 ‘ 200,250. 200° 500 {300 | ~“as0 | ~as0_—[ 170. nis 7 300.350 250 ‘600 | ~325_—|~so0 | 500 | 155 150, ia 400,450,500 | “300,350,400 | 680 | 350 | 550] 580] 155 Tes 3 '550,600.650 |“ 450,500,550 | 730 400 | —s80—| — 600 —| 176 200- io 700,750,800 | ~ 600,580 750_| 400" | 50 650 | ~170 250. 1 900) 700750800 | 875 | 800 | 725 | 750 | —i70 75 Note: 0} Peed toppings: 3) 40%, 60% & 80% i) 50%, 65% & box Si) 40%, 60% & 75% 1 Dimension are bosed on sondord dy cycle of 6 sors /houe ‘ond 20 secand/ star. Change dy Cea ay ‘nto chonge in dimensions, 1 Dimensions fr HI Adatnsformers on requ TOUERANCE: + Sim We also manufacture : °) b) 4d 4 Lighting Transformers Leading Transformers upto 1000 Amps Low & High Voltage Motor Starting Transformers High Voltage Powar Transformers suitable for earthed & unegrthed system Low Voltage Current Transformers : Tape Insulated, Re: 19 Type, Bar primary Type and Wound Primary Type & Low Voltage Voltage Transformer. Cast and with ABS moulded covers, ‘Medium Voltage Current Transformers upto 33kY, Indoor & Outdoor, Bar and wound Primary in Oil Cooled and Epoxy Resin Cast construction for m ing & protection, ‘Medium Voltage Voltage Transformers upto 33 kV Single phase & Three phase, cil cooled or Epoxy Resin Cast, Core and Coil Assembly - Stationary and Draw out types - Indoor and Outdoor, Bus Duct Current Transformers upto 22kY, 10,000 Amps. The Kappa Group has wi 19, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 015. Phone : 22351523, 22454516, 22454709 Fax : 22451693, 22351662 E-mail : ‘our Website : htt :/ / Continuous effort are being made to improve upon the design ‘and quality of our products. Hence the products supplied may slightly differ rom thot illustrated in this catalogue. January 2006 / SE /01/ C

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