Gap Fill Stavki

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GAP FILL: stavki

1. I'm afraid __________ say you have absolutely ___________ chance __________ passing the
2. A few years ___________ , people ____________ to write letters to each ___________ . __________
days it's all emails and messages.
3. You can't leave early, ____________ if you promise to work late tomorrow.
4. ___________ 1999 and 2004, the book sold _____________ a million copies.
5. Please ___________ quiet. I'm trying to concentrate ____________ my project.
6. ___________ it rains tomorrow, we can go __________ a picnic.
7. We wanted to see the exhibition ____________ the art gallery, but ___________ how many
other people ____________ be there, we decided to give it a miss.
8. In ____________ of missing most of his lessons, he ___________ to pass the exam.
9. Teachers are _____________ capable of making mistakes as _______________ else.
10. I adore spicy food. __________ is the reason I'm so keen ___________ Mexican cooking.
11. Jan Kelly, a teacher ___________ works at St Claire's in Oxford, has _____________ been given
a “Teacher's Award of the Year”.
12. He approached his English lessons ___________ enthusiasm, and ___________ excellent
progress ___________ a result.
13. His sudden change of heart took everyone ____________ surprise, since previously he
_________ been very interested ___________ the project.
14. He spent the second half of his life living in ___________ remote village of Hogstail
Common, ___________ he wrote most of his best novels.
15. Some people try to ___________ up cigarettes by smoking ___________ they feel sick, or by
limiting themselves __________ one or __________ a day, but __________ methods are not very
16. There were at ____________ sixty people in the room, which was far ___________ than the
organisers expected, and _____________ there were only 20 chairs, most of us __________ to
17. _________ most respects he was a normal child, but ___________ made him different
___________ everybody ____________ was his enthusiasm ___________ solving complex
mathematical puzzles.
18. We plan to _____________ our spare offices __________ an American company.
19. I ____________ think we should _____________ the kitchen. ____________ colour do you think
___________ be the best?
20. They __________ just bought a new house and are going to ____________ in next month.
21. ___________ are three of us in here and it's really claustrophobic, especially as we
___________ open the ___________ and the door is ____________ all the time. Oh well, only
___________ seven years to go!
22. The patients on ___________ side of me are really nice, ___________ is good because
______________ this place is really depressing. I hope I get ____________ soon.
23. Bob was ____________ a baggy ___________ of shorts with a horrible floral _____________ , held
__________ with a belt, a striped T-shirt, a pair ____________ sandals ____________ long black
socks, and a cap to ____________ his head _________ the sun.
24. He loved _____________ piano and his piano teacher thought he was her best ____________ .
25. A talk ____________ to a small class of univerity students is _____________ a ______________ .
26. They didn't ____________ to school but decided to ____________ truant and ____________ fishing
____________ .
27. I had soup as a ______________ , followed ___________ chicken and chips for the main
___________ , with a __________ plate of stewed vegetables and a big _____________of green
salad, and finally a delicious ____________ of strawberries and cream.
28. I'm ___________ a diet because I'm ____________ to lose ____________ , so I suppose I ___________
eat more fibre, but I'm afraid I can't ______________ hamburgers, pizzas and other
__________ food.
29. _____________ we have dinner __________ home or shall we eat __________ ? I know,
______________ do a bit of both. I ___________ go to the Chinese ___________-away and bring
something ____________ .
30. ______________ Joe and Brian are brothers they are completely ____________ , like ___________
and cheese.
31. I don't mind you _______________ my umbrella without ______________ , but to _____________
my car? That's a different ______________ of fish.
32. _________ course, with so many people ____________ it can get very ______________ , especially
___________ the __________ hours (in my city this is ___________ 7 and 9 in the ______________ ,
and ____________ 4 and 6 in the _____________). _________ those times buses and ____________
are packed __________ commuters coming __________ the city to work, and then going
__________ to the suburbs ____________ the city ___________ many of them live.
33. Those ____________ don't use ____________ transport ____________ to work __________ their own
cars and this ______________ terrible _____________ jams on the _____________ , and of ___________
lots of pollution, ___________ makes the ___________ dirty and unpleasant to breathe.
________ can get quite stressful ___________ times.
34. ______________ are very few negative points to walking in this country.Certainly the
summer _______________ in New Zealand is generally better ____________ in Britain _________
35. If you asked gardeners ____________ many enjoyed butterflies, every hand _____________ go

1. to no of
2. ago used other These
3. even
4. Between over
5. be on
6. unless for
7. at knowing would
8. spite managed
9. as anybody
10. This on
11. who recently
12. with made as
13. by had in
14. a where
15. give until to two these
16. least more as had
17. In what from else for
18. let to
19. really redecorate What would
20. have move
21. There can't window locked another
22. either which otherwise well
23. wearing pair pattern up of with protect from
24. playing pupil
25. given called lecture
26. go play went instead
27. starter by course side bowl dessert
28. on trying weight should resist fast
29. Shall at out let's will take back
30. Although different chalk
31. borrowing asking borrow kettle
32. Of everywhere crowded during rush between morning between
evening At trains with to back around where
33. who public drive in causes traffic roads course which air It at
34. There weather than or
35. how would

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