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Nikhil Agarwal -1369 6117

Mine 303

Oil Sands Presentation

1. Very detailed presentation and very good presenting skills
2. Wide range of topics were covered and I learnt about new and unique
opportunities in the oil sands
3. Very effective use of the pictures, graphs and informatics.
4. The slides had few words and more explanation.
5. Oil prices have recently plummeted
6. Saudi is selling cheap oil to stop the shale gas boom in U.S
7. Two types of oil prices
a. WTI (Conventional Oil)
b. WCS ( Oil sands)
8. Two methods to get oil from oil sands
a. In situ
i. Use of steam injection to extract
b. Open pit mining
i. Truck and shovel mining method
9. Fort Mc is a land locked location. Hard to transport the oil
a. There is a major protest for pipelines
b. Therefore, harder to stay in business for companies investing in
oil sands
Safety is the top priority at the oil sand sites.
a. Emphasis on safety is really important and it was very well
discussed during the presentation
Various co op experiences
a. Tailings Planner
b. Short Range dump and dyke planner
c. Haul Truck driver Big safety issue
d. MSE (mechanically stabilized wall) project
Very good explanation about importance of communication and
maintaining relations with the operators
Good information on dykes and tailings
Reference could have been done in a professional manner
Not all photos are cited
All the members spoke loud and clearly and made good eye
Learnt how tailings is processed in an oil sands operation

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