High School Lesson Plan

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word design

9-10th Grade
Time Frame: 30min Class
Mrs. Brumm

Essential Questions:
How can I incorporate 2-point
perspective into my name?
Did I execute my
understanding of a Vanishing

I Can Objectives
At the end of this lesson,
students will be able to make
the following statements:

Art Context/History
I will learn about the
renaissance perspective and
Filippo Brunelleschi (1377
1446) who was the inventor of
linear perspective B.12.4

Form and Structure

(Art Criticism)
I can draw my name using 2point perspective. A.12.6,
I can use 2 point perspective
in my work using colored
pencils C.12.4, E.12.1
I can compare and contrast


WI Art and Design

A.12.6 Use art as a basic
way of thinking and
communicating about the
B.12.5 Understand how
their choices in art are
shaped by their own
culture and society
C.12.4 Use advanced
design techniques to
improve and/or change
E.12.1 Communicate ideas
by producing sophisticated
studio art forms, such as
drawings, paintings, prints,
sculpture, jewelry, fibers,
and ceramics
I.12.3 Compare and
contrast feelings in a work

my work with my peers to

learn and grow from them
I.12.3, J.12.7, and J.12.

Personal Perspective
I can compare and contrast
my work with text/font with
advertising in the media
B.12.7, D.12.4, F.12.4
I can use pattern, designs and
repetition in my drawing

Academic Language
Objectives in this
At the conclusion of this
lesson, the students will
be able to make the
following statements:
1. I can articulate what 2point perspective is as
well as how to use it.
2. I can identify what the
horizon line is.
3. I can explain what the
vanishing point is and
why it is important.

of art
J.12.7 Understand and
apply art criticism and
aesthetic knowledge in art
and design
J.12.10 Reflect and talk
about works of art
B.12.7 Understand and
apply environmental and
aesthetic issues to
concepts related to the
design of packaging,
industrial products, and
D.12.4 Use basic concepts
in art, such as form follows
function, destruction of
the box,
Less is more, balance,
symmetry, integrity,
authenticity, and originality
F.12.4 Recognize
stereotyping in visual
H.12.1. Interpret complex
patterns and forms by
drawing them

Colored Pencils
Construction paper


Perspective: The method
by which solid objects


Vanishing Point
2-Point Perspective
Horizon Line

drawn or painted on a flat

surface are given the
appearance of depth and

Linear Perspective

Vanishing Point: The

point at which parallel lines
receding from an observer
seem to converge.

For students with motor skill

disabilities, I would make sure
I have an aid in the classroom
to be able to work with that
student at all times. I great
way to help a student who has
bad motor skills in their
hands, is to take a tennis ball,
poke a hole in it and then
place the writing utensil
inside. That way the student
can grip the utensil all the way
and direct it on their paper
more effectively.

2-Point Perspective:
There exist two points from
which an objects lines
radiate from; the sides of
the object vanish to one of
two vanishing points on the
horizon line. An objects
vertical lines do not relate
to the perspective rules of
the horizontal lines. By
changing the vanishing
points of the object, one
can make increase or
decrease the size of the
Horizon Line: A horizontal
line across the picture. It is
always at eye level - its
placement determines
where we seem to be
looking from - a high place,
or from close to the
ground. The actual horizon
might not be visible, but
you need to draw a 'virtual'
horizon to construct a
picture in perspective.
Linear Perspective: A
form of perspective in
drawing and painting in
which parallel lines are

Modifications or

represented as converging
so as to give the illusion of
depth and distance.



Day 1:
Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks
Students enter the classroom, are seated and ready to
begin class.



Anticipatory Setting: Try to understand the students

prior background knowledge. Ask questions about the
vocab. See if your students know the artist that you are
going to talk about.
Introducing Filippo Brunelleschi:

Show the class a power point of the history of Filippo Brunelleschi

and why is he important.
Explain to the students what he did that made him famous and what
were some of his accomplishments.
Have the students take notes as a part of their grade.


Introduce the Vocabulary:


Show your students a power point on the important vocabulary

Make your students take notes in their sketchbooks and let them
know that it counts for a grade.

Introduce the project:




2-point perspective name drawing.


Then explain to your students what you will be doing next class time
so they have an idea what the next step will be.

Day 2:


Students enter the classroom, are seated and ready to

begin class.
Anticipatory Setting: Review with the students what you did last


class period and what they learned. Ask them questions about fillip
Brunelleschi and about the vocab they learned.




Deciding on a font.
Place your vanishing point.
How to draw lines towards your vanishing point
How to draw your letters so they are going towards your vanishing


Work time:



Have the students use practice paper to practice drawing their

vanishing point and how to make the bubble letters connect to the
vanishing point.
Walk around the room to overlook their work time.
Answer any questions that need to be answered.
Work with students who might need a little bit more guidance then

Cleanup and closure:

Have the students start putting away all of their materials.

Make sure they put their name on their image and put it away in
their folders for next class time.
Then explain to your students what you will be doing next class time
so they have an idea what the next step will be.

Day 3:


Students enter the classroom, are seated and ready to

begin class.
Anticipatory Setting: Review with the students what you did last
class period and what they learned. Ask them questions about Filippo
Brunelleschi and about the vocab they learned.




A brief demo of how to draw your name again and then explain to
them how you want them colored.
(Maybe use patterns, shading, and how to keep its look unified)

Work time:

The rest of the class period is work time.

Let your students get their work done and come to you if they have
any questions.

Cleanup and closure:


Have the students start putting away all of their materials.

Make sure they put their name on their project and it is put away in
the correct cubby.
Then explain to your students what you will be doing next class and

to have a nice day.



Day 4:
Students enter the classroom, are seated and ready to
begin class.
Anticipatory Setting: Review with the students what you did last
class period and what they learned. Ask them questions about Filippo
Brunelleschi and about the vocab they learned to keep it fresh in their


Work Time:
Today will be a work day
Students will get the rest of the class period work on their project.
Their goal is to complete it by the end of the class period but if it
does not get finished it will become homework.

Cleanup and closure:


Have the students start putting away all of their materials.

Make sure they have put their name on their project and it is handed
in if it has been completed.
Then explain to your students that if they did not complete their
drawings that they have now become homework.
Explain to them that if they do not have it done by next class time
they cant move on to the next step, which will put them behind a
class period.
Then explain to them that next class they will be matting their work
onto construction paper.

Day 5:


Students enter the classroom, are seated and ready to

begin class.
Anticipatory Setting: Review with the students what you did last
class period and what they learned. Ask them questions about Filippo
Brunelleschi and about the vocab they learned to keep it fresh in their



You will give a demo on how to matte their projects onto construction


It is also important to not have any glue on your project.

(Good Craftsmanship)*
Then talk to them about labeling their project as the final step.

Go over the fact that it is important to have clean-cut lines.

Work Time:

Once the demo is done the students have the rest of the class time
to complete the final step.

Cleanup and closure:

Have the students start putting away all of their materials.

Make sure they have labeled their project and it is handed in.
If it doesnt get finished they will start getting points taking off for
every day that its late.
Have a nice day.

2-Point Perspective Word Design Grading Rubric

2 point

Use of


0 - Incomplete

1 - Beginning

Did not show

understanding of 2
point perspective

More than half

of the lines are

Project is not colored

Very few parts

of the word
are colored
with colored

2 Needs
About half of
the lines that
meet the
vanishing point
are incorrect
Colored pencil
is sloppy,
shows white

3 Good

4 - Excellent

Only a few
lines are

All lines are

correct and lead
to vanishing

Most of the
word is
colored well,
staying in the

Clean coloring,
no white spaces,
white is colored
with white
colored pencil



Did not cut out word

or glue down at all

Did not research and

was not efficient with
class time/had a bad

Did not use

enough glue
or too much
and has sloppy
cut marks

Some clean
lines with few
sloppy cuts
and some glue

Mostly clean
cuts, and
glued down,
most lines are

Did not
research but

research and
worked some
of the time

less than 5
designs and
worked most
of the time

Clean cuts,
everything is
glued down with
no glue showing
and the lines are
drawn clean
Researched 5
designs, worked
efficiently and
had a positive



Project Requirements


No -0

Yes - 1

Size: 20x22
Word is 4-10 letters
Design on the word relates
to the word
Word is correctly matted
on two pieces of
construction paper
A 20pt
B 15pt
C 10pt
D 5pt

Total: ___________/25
Students Name:_________________________________


Final Total: __________/41

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