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Wax Paper


1st Grade Art
Ms. Brumm

Students will be making a mono-print. The print will be
done in primary colors. The print will have to have patterns
and designs using only the primary colors.

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to make the
following statements
Form and Structure:
I can identify primary colors. - A.4.2
I can demonstrate my understanding of different
patterns and designs throughout my project by
illustrating each one correctly. - J.8.2

I can relate to the history of Edgar Degas prints to

my own work. - B.8.4
I know what printmaking is as an art form and I can
describe how to make a print.

Art Production:

I can create interesting shapes and textures using

different types of patterns and designs. C.8.6
Academic Language Objectives in this Lesson:
I can talk about my artwork, as well as others
artwork, by using academic language, including the
I can use and understand a variety of designs and
patterns - A.8.2
1. I can identify which colors are primary on the color
2. I can explain what a mono-print is.
3. I can draw a pattern and know its definition.
4. I can draw a design and know its definition.

Primary Colors
Wax paper (3
squares per child)
Cups for water
Pattern tools
Paper plates
80-grade paper
Art Standards
A.8.2 Learn appropriate
vocabulary related to
their study of art
C.8.6 Develop the craft
and skills to produce
quality art
A.4.2 Learn basic
vocabulary related to
their study of art
B.8.4 Know ways in which
art is influenced by
artists, designers, and
J.8.2 Understand how the
choice of materials and
techniques influence the
expressive quality of art.
C.8.5 Use thumbnail
sketches to experiment

5. I can tell you that Johannes Gutenberg created the

printing press.

Primary Colors - Primary colors are those that cannot be
made from mixing other colors. Instead, primary colors can
be combined to make other colors. The primary colors are
red, blue, and yellow.
Pattern: A natural or accidental arrangement or
Designs: To work out the structure or form of
(something), as by making a sketch, outline or pattern.
Mono-print a print that can only be made once. You
cant replicate it.
Printmaking - is the process of making artworks by
printing, normally on paper.
Anticipatory Set/Elicit Prior Knowledge:

The students will answer questions about their prior

background knowledge of printmaking.
Have any of you ever heard of printmaking? If so,
what is printmaking?
Have you ever done a form of printmaking (giving
them examples of what is considered printmaking)?

Shifting from asking my students their prior

background knowledge, we will continue on to a
Power point of printmaking.
Teacher Prep: Setup power point. Prepare paint by
putting only the primary colors on a handful of plates.
Then cut up squares of wax paper (3 per person).
With the students:

Attention grabber Present Power Point - 5 minutes

Explain printmaking and who created it.
DEMO 5 minutes
a. Present the project and the objectives
b. Relate this project to our previous one by
discussing patterns.

For students with
motor skill
disabilities, I would
make sure I have an
aid in the classroom
to be able to work
with that student at
all times.

c. Demonstrate how to paint different patterns and

designs onto the wax paper (using only primary
colors) and how to press it down to print.
d. Explain important tips like Squeezing out
paintbrush after rinsing and remembering to rinse
the brush out in between colors.
5. Work Time 20 minutes
e. Make sure students are wearing an art shirt!!!
f. Students will be given 3 squares of wax paper and
a sheet of paper.
g. Have students write their name on the back.
h. They will then begin to start painting designs and
patterns onto their paper. They will also be given a
tool to help manipulate the paint.
i. Printing multiple times onto one sheet of paper will
really help layer the print.
6. Clean up time 10 Minutes
7. While students are cleaning up I use this time to fill
out student acknowledgement slips (Students who
followed directions/waiting patiently/using work time
wisely, etc.
8. In order for the students to line up, I use a type of
formative assessment. I ask the students a series of
questions that relate to the information that was
presented to them at the beginning of the class
9. This is a great way for me to get feedback on what
the student took in from the power point, and what
are some things that we should retouch on.
End of class Ask the students questions about what was
reviewed during class. Explain what we will be doing during
our next class period to get them thinking about the
project. Then dismiss the class


Formative assessment and summative assessment


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