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February 2015

Edition 14


Interview with our Art Teacher, Mr. Kiriazis

by Yiannis Delizannis
Q. Where and what did you study?
A. I finished The School of Fine Arts in 1996 and Ive taken part in many
Q. When did you discover your artistic talent?
A. At a really young age, in my father's company. I enjoyed drawing as a
Q. What motivates you to draw?
A. I look within my inner world,
at my inner images, and I put
them together to create the
'perfect' painting.
Q. Did you always have such a
strong inclination towards art?
A. I've always been inclined to art. I took advantage of my
free time by drawing. I draw at an emotional level, from my
inner beauty.
Q. Who is your artistic role
A. I was enchanted by
many artists. For instance, Berner inspires me because he revealed
new things in his art. Another artist who inspired me is Escher, a
surrealistic artist.
Q. Have you given any thought to turning your
art into a future business?
A. I have always had that in mind. But up to
now I've only participated in group exhibitions.
I've created a collection of paintings with a
surrealistic character, which express me.
Q. What advice would you give to students who
wish to develop their artistic talent?
A. To work on your drawing. To dare. To find what inspires you. To
find which artists inspire you. Use the internet to help you. And to
come to me for advice. Also, it's OK to make mistakes. We learn from
One of Mr. Kiriazis' Drawings (see QR) our mistakes. We need to try. You must not be afraid!


The Anoixi Herald

Gift Ideas on Valentine's Day

by Hara Stavridou

Gifts for Women:

Flowers: The hallmark of the celebration of love and a safe choice for your Valentine. Elegant, romantic and symbolic,
an impressive bouquet of flowers is a nice surprise for women of all ages. Ideally it is accompanied by an card, with hearts
and happy couples and your own messages of love.
Plush dolls: A very loving way to express your childhood. A funny pet with a romantic dedication, it is an easy gift
choice that is certain to attract many smiles. Tip: The larger the teddy bear you give her the more you show your love!
Gifts for Men:
Choosing gifts for men are by definition difficult, as they are less in touch with their inner soul. I therefore
propose not to frighten them with large boxes which usually create panic and embarrassment, especially in public. Prefer
neutral gifts: utilitarian or humorous.

If you want to give a humorous tone to the day, you can choose one of the many clever and useful gadgets:
heart-shaped cups, USB sticks in different designs, a rose to deliver your message and various other similar doo-dahs.
1. What date is Saint Valentine's Day celebrated?
2. This shape makes us think of love
3. These are the favourite flowers of lovers
4. Valentines Day is about this feeling
5. We send these to our Valentines
6. Would you be my...?
7. What month is Saint Valentine's Day celebrated?
8. These people profit from St. Valentine's Day
9. A nearby celebration of Christians
10. Sweet treats in a heart-shaped box

by Loukas Liakouris

15 Signs That Show You It s True Love

by Marina Papageorgiou
Amid the chaos of the city you found the one, the
only one that will make you happy. But is it true? Hope is
slow to die, leaving us wondering if we made the right
choice, having invested our emotional world and time.. To help
you, read these signs and use them as a guide to confirm
that you made the right choice. Although to be
honest, you already know this
1. Confide to them things you havent told anyone else
2. Allow them to see you in moments of weakness
3. Respect them for what they are
4. Want to meet your family
5. Imagine a common future with them
6. Do not hesitate to disagree with them
7. You want to solve all your differences
8. Laugh together
9. There is a physical attraction between you
10. Be comfortable with silences
11. Feel yourself next to them
12. Missing them
13. Jealous (slightly)
14. They make you a better person
15. They get you.


The Anoixi Herald

Love Poems
by Marios Papadakis
Wishes for Valentine's Day for those who want to
send a sweet message to their partner, showing
them that they are the one that fills their life with
Every year, Valentine, I give to you a red rose.
This year I give you a white,
not because the flame of my love is extinguished
but because white is the colour of angels
and you are my own angel
who gives wings to life and my dreams.

Greek Elections, the winner and...the loser!

by Stauroula
21 parties, 4 party coalitions and 1 independent candidate
applied to participate in the recent elections. Of these, the Supreme
Court decided that 18 parties and 4 party coalitions could stand.
Left-wing party SYRIZA won a legislative election for the first time
ever, securing 149 out of the 300 seats, 2 seats short of an
absolute majority. On the other hand, conservative and incumbent
party New Democracy lost 53 seats and saw its worst result ever in
terms of seats won. The Panagrarian Labour Movement of Greece
(PAEKE) was the last party, ranked by votes.

Today my sweetheart valentine

a scarlet heart in your hands I leave.
A heart for you will always beat
and all bad moments will scatter away.
I counted the stars
and saw only one missing
and then I looked at the earth
and found my star in you.
Love is to love
love is to melt
love is to hurt
without regret.
Valentine comes in a red buggy
to bring to you my love as a small gift.
A crimson heart in your hands I trust,
But look carefully that it falls not and cracks.

St. Valentine: The Patron Saint of Bees and Epilepsy

by Lucy Kotsiopoulou (Editor)
Saint Valentine's name is linked to hearts and
cards, but he's the patron saint of more than love.
Beekeepers, plague victims, and epilepsy sufferers are also
his responsibility.
Despite being one of the best known saints, St
Valentine's identity is uncertain. There was a priest named
Valentine, and a bishop, who were both martyred in the
third century AD by Claudius II. The priest was decapitated
after imprisonment. The multiple Valentine identities merged,
accounting for many Valentine relics, including numerous
The association of Valentine with romance is due to
the efforts of early Christians to abolish pagan festivals,
substituting a Christian observance. February 14th was
traditionally the Roman festival of Lupercalia, an important
day honouring Juno, the Queen of Heaven and protector of
women. Juno was said to bestow her blessing on courtships
celebrated that day.

So Valentine's Day continues Lupercalia. It also

helps that Valentine's Day coincides with the dawn of
spring. But why bees, plague, and epilepsy? Well, curing
the sick is one of the miracles attributed to Saint
Valentine. Plague may have been a later attribution when
Europe, struck by the devastating disease, turned to any
saint who had powers of healing. The beekeeping may be
a part of Valentine's iconography of fertility.

Valentine s Days Traditions Across Europe

by Christianna Tsouko
February is the month of love across the world. Many
countries in Europe celebrate the day in the usual way with cards,
flowers and gifts of chocolates, but
some have their own quirky traditions.
Italians see Valentine's Day as
a holiday imported from the US, just like
Hallowe'en and Mother's Day. For Italy,
the country of love and lovers, the
major day for the celebration of love is
il giorno della festa degli innamorati. As
lovers exclusively celebrate this day,
family members and friends do not
exchange gifts.
The Spanish go all out and give bunches of red roses to
their paramours. In Barcelona you will be lucky enough to get two
days to celebrate your love in addition to St.. Valentines Day there is
St. Georges Day.
In Scotland, as may be expected, there is a great party
where single men and women get together. Couples are paired up by
picking names out of a hat, which is not very romantic but can be
good fun.
In England lovers traditionally composed romantic poems or
songs for their beaux; what could be more romantic than words of
love penned by your other half?

by Anna Maria Xanthopoulou
Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes.
Biologically, Love is an intense neurological condition, such as hunger
or thirst, but more permanent. We say that love is blind or we talk
about love being unconditional. You may feel that loving is what is
most important in life. It is something that makes us become better
people, to become deeper, wiser, richer. We are lucky to be able to
love, says psychologist Chryssoula Mavraki. Feeling love means that you
exist... and not just for Christmas.


The Anoixi Herald

School News

See page 3

Happy Valentine's Day



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