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Fourth Semester MBA Degree Examination, June I July 201 3

Entrepreneurial Development
Time : 3 hrs.

Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any FO UR questions,from Q.N o.l to Q.No. 7.
2. Q.No. 8 is comp ulsory.

(03 Marks)
a. What do you understand by Green Entrepreneur? Give example.
b. List out the differe nces between "Entrepreneur Vs Intrapreneur" and "Entrepreneur Vs

M anger",

(07 Marks)

c. Write short notes on: i) Entrepreneur




ii i)


iv) Entrepreneurism.

(10 Marks)

a. What do you understand by "Entrepreneur ial culture"?

b. Explain the stages in Entrepreneuria l process.
c. Write short notes on: i) Brain storm ing ii) Synectics

(03 Marks)
(07 Marks)

iii) Heur istic


(10 Marks)

a. Explain briefly the importance o f BP.

b. What is a project ? Explain the features of any project.
c. Explain briefly the steps in BP process.

(03 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(10 Marks)

a. What do you understand by SSI?

b. Explain the features of Family business.
c. Write short notes on: i) SISI

(03 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(10 Marks)

a. What is e - Entrepreneur?
b. Differentiate between Internat ional and Domest ic Entrepr eneurship.
c. Explain the barr iers o flnternational trade.

(03 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(10 Marks)

a. What do you understand by Angel Investor?

b. Explain the VC process.
c. Explain the New product development process.

(03 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(10 Marks)

a. Write a short note on Franchising, with example.

b. Explain the adva ntages of Jo int venture.
c. Eluc idate Entrepreneurial perspective over organizational life cycle.

CASE STU DY : (Compulsory)

Health is Wealth
Founder : Arnrit S Chopra.
Nic he : Health Care Informat ics.
Revenue : Rs 3.000 lakhs
No. o f Employees: 250.

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(03 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(10 Marks)

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