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2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k

-PC : TM_6014 : Initializing session [s_lookup_DE] at [Thu Sep 25 13:59:06 2014]

2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6683 : Repository Name: [kiran_rep]
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6684 : Server Name: [kiran_int_sev]
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6686 : Folder: [kiran]
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6685 : Workflow: [wf_lookul_de] Run Instance Name: [] Run Id: [47]
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6101 : Mapping name: m_lookup.
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6964 : Date format for the Session is [MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.US]
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6703 : Session [s_lookup_DE] is run by 32-bit Integration Service [nod
e01_k-PC], version [9.5.1 HotFix2], build [0621].
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24058 : Running Partition Group [1].
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24000 : Parallel Pipeline Engine initializing.
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24001 : Parallel Pipeline Engine running.
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24003 : Initializing session run.
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : CMN_1569 : Server Mode: [ASCII]
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : CMN_1570 : Server Code page: [MS Windows Latin 1 (ANSI), superset of Latin1
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TM_6151 : The session sort order is [Binary].
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TM_6156 : Using low precision processing.
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TM_6180 : Deadlock retry logic will not be implemented.
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TM_6187 : Session target-based commit interval is [10000].
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TM_6307 : DTM error log disabled.
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TE_7022 : TShmWriter: Initialized
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : DBG_21693 : srt_lookup_DE: Cache size for partition [1] = [61302136]
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : SORT_40419 : For Transformation [srt_lookup_DE], memory used is [61302136]
bytes and row size is 20 bytes.
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TE_7036 : Aggregate Information: AG_lookup_DE: Sorted input optimization ON
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : DBG_21075 : Connecting to database [XE], user [kiran_source]
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TM_6007 : DTM initialized successfully for session [s_lookup_DE]
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : PETL_24033 : All DTM Connection Info: [<NONE>].
2014-09-25 13:59:06 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24004 : PETL_24004 Starting pre-session tasks. : (Thu Sep 25 13:59:06

2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24027 : PETL_24027 Pre-session task completed successfully. : (Thu Sep
25 13:59:07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : PETL_24006 : Starting data movement.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TT_11183 : Enabled using [1 (auto)] additional concurrent pipelines to bui
ld lookup caches. (Session likely will build or refresh [1] lookup caches; [0] o
n-demand only).
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TM_6660 : Total Buffer Pool size is 1219648 bytes and Block size is 65536 b
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : DBG_21097 : Lookup Transformation [lookup_DE]: Default sql to create lookup
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TE_7212 : Increasing [Index Cache] size for transformation [lookup_DE] from
[7662767] to [7663600].
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TE_7212 : Increasing [Data Cache] size for transformation [lookup_DE] from
[15325534] to [15327232].
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TT_11184 : Starting additional concurrent pipeline to build the lookup cac
he needed by Lookup transformation [lookup_DE].
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TM_6660 : Total Buffer Pool size is 609824 bytes and Block size is 65536 by
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | READER_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : DBG_21438 : Reader: Source is [XE], user [kiran_source]
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:READER_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : DBG_21438 : Reader: Source is [XE], user [kiran_source]
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:READER_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : BLKR_16003 : Initialization completed successfully.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | READER_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : BLKR_16003 : Initialization completed successfully.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:READER_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : BLKR_16007 : Reader run started.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:READER_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : RR_4049 : RR_4049 SQL Query issued to database : (Thu Sep 25 13:
59:07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:READER_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : RR_4050 : RR_4050 First row returned from database to reader : (
Thu Sep 25 13:59:07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:READER_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : BLKR_16008 : Reader run completed.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:TRANSF_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : DBG_21079 : DBG_21079 Creating Lookup Cache : (Thu Sep 25 13:59:
07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:TRANSF_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : DBG_21682 : Lookup table row count : 4
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:TRANSF_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : DBG_21297 : Lookup cache row count : 4
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:TRANSF_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : DBG_21294 : DBG_21294 Lookup cache creation completed : (Thu Sep
25 13:59:07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:TRANSF_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : CMN_1671 : Created new cache files PMLKUP70_6_0_47W32.[dat/idx]
in directory D:\Informatica\9.5.1\server\infa_shared\Cache for Lookup [lookup_DE

2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:TRANSF_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : DBG_21641 : lookup_DE: Index cache size = [7663600], Data cache
size = [15327232]
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | LKPDP_1:TRANSF_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev)
: node01_k-PC : DBG_21216 : Finished transformations for Source Qualifier [looku
p_DE{{DSQ}}]. Total errors [0]
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8147 : Writer: Target is database [XE], user [kiran_target], bulk
mode [OFF]
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TT_11185 : No more lookup cache to build by additional concurrent pipeline
in the current concurrent source set.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8124 : Target Table Targ_dept_lookup :SQL INSERT statement:
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8020 : No column marked as primary key for table [Targ_dept_lookup
]. UPDATEs Not Supported.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8270 : Target connection group #1 consists of target(s) [Targ_dept
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8003 : Writer initialization complete.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8005 : Writer run started.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8158 :
Load Start Time: Thu Sep 25 13:59:07 2014
Target tables:
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | READER_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : BLKR_16007 : Reader run started.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | READER_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : RR_4010 : SQ instance [SQ_EMP] SQL Query [SELECT EMP.SAL, EMP.DEPTNO F
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | READER_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : RR_4049 : RR_4049 SQL Query issued to database : (Thu Sep 25 13:59:07
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | READER_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : RR_4050 : RR_4050 First row returned from database to reader : (Thu Se
p 25 13:59:07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | READER_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : BLKR_16019 : Read [14] rows, read [0] error rows for source table [EMP
] instance name [EMP]
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | READER_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : BLKR_16008 : Reader run completed.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : SORT_40420 : SORT_40420 Start of input for Transformation [srt_lookup_
DE]. : (Thu Sep 25 13:59:07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : SORT_40421 : SORT_40421 End of input for Transformation [srt_lookup_DE
]. : (Thu Sep 25 13:59:07 2014)

2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node

01_k-PC : SORT_40422 : SORT_40422 End of output from Sorter Transformation [srt_
lookup_DE]. Processed 14 rows (280 input bytes; 0 temp I/O bytes). : (Thu Sep 25
13:59:07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : SORT_40423 : SORT_40423 End of sort for Sorter Transformation [srt_loo
kup_DE]. : (Thu Sep 25 13:59:07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : DBG_21216 : Finished transformations for Source Qualifier [SQ_EMP]. To
tal errors [0]
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8167 : Start loading table [Targ_dept_lookup] at: Thu Sep 25 13:59
:07 2014
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : ERROR : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : nod
e01_k-PC : WRT_8229 : Database errors occurred:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Database driver error...
Function Name : Execute
, ?, ?)
Oracle Fatal Error
Database driver error...
Function Name : Execute Multiple
, ?, ?)
Oracle Fatal Error
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : ERROR : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : nod
e01_k-PC : WRT_8425 : ERROR: Writer execution failed.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : ERROR : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : nod
e01_k-PC : WRT_8076 : Writer run terminated. [Commit Error]
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8333 : Rolling back all the targets due to fatal session error.
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8325 : Final rollback executed for the target [Targ_dept_lookup] a
t end of load
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : ERROR : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : nod
e01_k-PC : WRT_8081 : Writer run terminated. [Error in loading data to target ta
ble [Targ_dept_lookup]]
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8168 : End loading table [Targ_dept_lookup] at: Thu Sep 25 13:59:0
7 2014
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node
01_k-PC : WRT_8035 : Load complete time: Thu Sep 25 13:59:07 2014
WRT_8036 Target: Targ_dept_lookup (Instance Name: [Targ_dept_lookup])
WRT_8044 No data loaded for this target

2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node

01_k-PC : WRT_8043 : *****END LOAD SESSION*****
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24031 :
Thread [READER_1_1_1] created for [the read stage] of partition point [SQ_EMP] h
as completed. The total run time was insufficient for any meaningful statistics.

Thread [TRANSF_1_1_1] created for [the transformation stage] of partition point

[SQ_EMP] has completed. The total run time was insufficient for any meaningful s
Thread [WRITER_1_*_1] created for [the write stage] of partition point [Targ_dep
t_lookup] has completed. The total run time was insufficient for any meaningful
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : CMN_1793 : The index cache size that would hold [4] rows in the lookup tabl
e for [lookup_DE], in memory, is [2800] bytes
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : CMN_1792 : The data cache size that would hold [4] rows in the lookup table
for [lookup_DE], in memory, is [16384] bytes
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24005 : PETL_24005 Starting post-session tasks. : (Thu Sep 25 13:59:07
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24029 : PETL_24029 Post-session task completed successfully. : (Thu Se
p 25 13:59:07 2014)
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TE_7216 : Deleting cache files [PMLKUP70_6_0_47W32] for transformation [loo
2014-09-25 13:59:07 : INFO : (3988 | MAPPING) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : TM_6018 : The session completed with [0] row transformation errors.
2014-09-25 13:59:08 : INFO : (3988 | MANAGER) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_kPC : PETL_24002 : Parallel Pipeline Engine finished.
2014-09-25 13:59:08 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : PETL_24013 : Session run completed with failure.
2014-09-25 13:59:08 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6022 :
2014-09-25 13:59:08 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6252 : Source Load Summary.
2014-09-25 13:59:08 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : CMN_1740 : Table: [SQ_EMP] (Instance Name: [SQ_EMP])
Output Rows [14], Affected Rows [14], Applied Rows [14], Rejected Rows
2014-09-25 13:59:08 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6253 : Target Load Summary.
2014-09-25 13:59:08 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : CMN_1740 : Table: [Targ_dept_lookup] (Instance Name: [Targ_dept_lookup])
Output Rows [0], Affected Rows [0], Applied Rows [0], Rejected Rows [0]
2014-09-25 13:59:08 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6023 :
2014-09-25 13:59:08 : INFO : (3988 | DIRECTOR) : (IS | kiran_int_sev) : node01_k
-PC : TM_6020 : Session [s_lookup_DE] completed at [Thu Sep 25 13:59:08 2014].

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