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A Guide to Mindful Living

Students need to experience growth, says Rick Wormeli in his article,
Perseverance and Grit (2014). While the amount of growth students
experience varies, many students experience some level of growth.
Teachers should be creating pre-assessments; not just for the sake of the
teachers planning but for students resiliency. When students see that they
have learned, they can be more certain in their abilities to push through
another obstacle.

For the next week, consider the value in showing students their
growth. Showing growth can come from looking back at an old preassessment, reviewing exit slips from previous lessons, or even having a
reflective discussion with a peer about a unit.
Possible Questions to Consider:
Pre-assessments are a standard practice for teaching math. Have you
considered having students compare their pre-assessments to their
chapter tests?
Can you allow students to discuss more frequently what they have
Would the use of KWL charts be useful to show growth?
What practices do you currently use that allow students to see

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