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Running head: ANALYSIS PAPER

Analysis Paper
Crystal A. McMillon
Wayne State University
SW 3110


Analysis Paper

There is a saying we have all heard: never judge a book by its cover On the contrary, I
say never cover yourself up because of judgment. Throughout my life, Ive always been
perceived to be someone other than whom I am as well as not being fully accepted for the person
whothat I am and have been continuing to evolve into. Discrimination is a prejudgment of people
based on their race, religion, gender, age, and social status to name a few. Discrimination plays a
massive role in my daily life. Many people are quick to look at me and prejudge. For example,
when it comes to being an attractive female, people automatically associate me with the title of
being narcissistic, promiscuous, and an unintelligent woman.
A position in my life that has allowed me to feel a sense of power or privilege would be
my identity of being a African-American; which depending on someones assumption, can give
me immediate acceptance or rejection depending on others conceptions. The association of being
black is a negative trait to some people. With white not being a race but a status in America, this
is a false empowerment. This also gives me opportunities that I would not normally have because
the fact that I am of African-American descent. People dont accept me for who I am because
they automatically assume that Im a mulatto or other because of my fair skin, freckles, texture
and length of hair.
To take discrimination or prejudice to the next label lets view my name for example.
Crystal is my first name, which is an extremely common name that is used by all ethnicities.
McMillon, is my last name which is Irish and doesnt help with the instant premature judging.
I've heard statements like Youre too pretty to be only black, and You talk proper , which is
more ignorant than discriminatory. My vernacular or appeal should not have anything to do with
my ethnicity. Being a perpetrator of discrimination in this situation would mean that I would


continue to believe that my race is inferior to all based of the fact that people don't want to accept
me for me. This is an example of reverse discrimination because people were accepting me for
what they thought I was or what they wanted to associate me with and not for actually who I am.
An experience of being a perpetrator of discrimination or prejudice would be my fear of
Muslim Americans or people who practice Islmic religion. On September 11, 2001 the United
States had a traumatic experience that has affected everyone differently. Terrorists flew two
planes into the towers of the World Trade Center, a third plane into the Pentagon, and the fourth
plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Ever since these attacks, flying hashad become a
gargantuan phobia of mine. Not just flying alone but whenever I see people of the Arabic and
Muslim culture I automatically become fearful. Currently, the feelings have died down
tremendously. I actually despised the fact that I had these prejudiced feelings. I changed my view
because it's extremely hypocritical to have such feelings about a certain population, and feel any
type of sentiments when discrimination is reciprocated.
Institutional discrimination is something that happens daily throughout institutions such
as universities and their policies which can range from curriculum and GPAs. A practice of
institutional discrimination in my experience goes hand in hand with the saying Its not what
you know, it's who you know. My personal experience would be my recruitment at a Hhospital,
which I wont disclose. The recruitment process wasn't equitable or openly marketed to public
population. I learned about the position through a family member that was already employed.
The employee worked for this institution for 20 plus years and as a result, earned seniority,
which help me receive the position. This was an act of group discrimination because of the fact
that other groups didn't have the equal opportunity to apply for the position. In addition, I didn't
have all the qualifications, but I received the job and the proper training to perform the job


because of the nepotism I was involved in. I feel like other factors played a role into my
employment as well. I'm an attractive young woman, with zero kids and the flexibility to work
whichever shift.
In conclusion, discrimination is a gargantuan social issue that happens globally. Different
ethnicities experience this issue in different forms. Discrimination can happen in a conscious or
unconscious state of mind. These are not pure thoughts but also preconceived thoughts, meaning
we are subconsciously thought to think this way. A lot of factors tie into our way of thinking: the
media, family, friends, and past experiences. It's a natural thing to look at something or someone
and prejudge because we know nothing about it. Does this make it right, No! Everyone has a
purpose and a place in this world, no matter the color of their skin, religion, norms, and belief.
We all were created by a high power and thus, we are all equal. For years discrimination
has been an issue, from civil rights to women rights. Sadly to say, I feel that this will always be
an issue unless people reconstruct their way of thinking. Everyone has the capacity to change,
but not many people are willing to change. Discrimination will never be fully eradicated unless
personal change is made. In conclusion, when in conversation about discrimination people need
to understand the true meaning of the term along with the concepts that they represent. I do
understand that prejudging is drawing an assimilation of what we have experienced in the past.
With me being clear on the terms of prejudice and discrimination, I have prejudged and been
prejudged against. This isn't always a bad thing because prejudging is a daily occurrence since
we all draw conclusions off of what we don't know or understand. People have perceptions that
doesnt line up with reality. You can't help how other people feel and it should never dictate your
own self worth, as long as you see the values that you possess. This is how I identify my
experiences of these terms.



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