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CAUTION: This adventure has been designed with experienced players in mind.

demands a degree of ability that cannot generally be attained merely by allowing an
inexperienced group to adventure with powerful characters. Character death is a likely
outcome if you act rashly or on your own as you live in a city where demons, murders,
ghosts, vampires, illithids, drow walk the same paths that you walk... it is easy to find
death here. The only advantage you have over the majority of city dwellers is your status
as a house noble.
Your Story thus far...
Your a noble of Qu'ellar Olath'nye (House Darkling) . Your house is the weakest of the
noble houses, as well as being the oldest of the noble houses. Your matron has proven her
worth by forging a alliance exerting control over the Ghetto of Outcasts.
Your house draws its wealth and influence from the control and taxation on the those that
live/work in this Ghetto. The house owns several profitable local taverns and brothels.
Your house is the weakest house and has survived due to the ability of your Matron to
forge strong alliances, and she always seems to know her enemies plans and makes subtle
moves patiently waiting to spring her trap upon her enemy's just when they think victory
is at hand. This has earned her the nickname "Matron Spider" a name which even her
most hated enemies
You are unusual in the fact that you are exactly the same age as all your brothers and
sisters. You all bear two birthmarks all of the same size and shape but different colors.
The birthmark is located on your left arm, upper bicep.
When a brother/sister that is bearing one of the same birthmark colors that you bear has
an extreme feeling and your able to sense the direction in which they can be found
Also you found that you can communicate up to 2 words without speaking or using sign
to the sibling that bears at least one birthmark color that you bear..
At the age of 8 most of you were sent off to be trained in a profession the Matron felt
would be best for the house. skill. You have all completed graduation successfully and
are now returning home after 100 years of training, At the age of 108 at last your Matron
appears to be willing to officially accept you as one of her house.
Perhaps now you can prove yourself useful...

House Darkling Details:

Leader: Matron Belarbreend (AKA Matron Spider)
House Motto "Lust and Profit"
House Colors: Red and Black
House Symbol: Red eclipse on field of black
Ghetto of Outcast Details:
This filthy district is the last destination for drow undesirables, including criminals,
beggars, half-breeds, and the survivors of fallen noble houses.
The rest of the drow in Erelhei-Cinlu shun the district, leaving its inhabitants to their own
devices. In return, the residents have created a nightmarish society ruled by criminal
gangs and brutal thugs. From time to time, a talented resident rises up from the grinding
poverty and regains influence in the city, but for the most part, the downtrodden drow of
the ghetto remain oppressed, poor, and utterly without hope.
Foreigners sometimes visit the ghetto, and a handful even live here. Ironically, compared
to other districts in the city, the Ghetto of Outcasts is relatively safe for outlanders
because common drow ignore the district, and residents are too far gone to care who they
rub shoulders with.

Details about the wider area you call home:

A road leading from nearby tunnels and caverns opens from a fissure in the Vault's
southern wall, leading past a fortress called the Black tower a mile north before reaching
the city proper. All non-citizens must stop at the tower to be inspected. If they pass
inspection visitors will be given a green silk cloak to indicate they have been cleared.
The training schools are all found in the area known as the Vault. The Vault is over six
miles long and nearly six miles wide. A huge chunk of Turnkenoite is logged in the
ceiling of the Vault it provides a dim light. Visitors who have been above ground claim it
looks like a moon and smaller deposits of Turnkeoite resemble stars.
The Weeping Spring flows north to west into the Pitchy Flow. The Mere of Glooms is a
in the midst of the Weeping Spring. The Pitchy Flow separates the city Erelhei-Cinlu
from the noble estates and the infamous Fane of Lolth.
Much of the Vault is filled with Forest of Lichens, crystalline growths, and fungi.
Merchant estates are scattered south of the city, as are the fortresses for the male and
female orders of warriors. The city itself is built on the south bank of the Pitchy Flow in
the northern corner of the Vault.
A single structure, The Flying Bridge, connects Erelhei-Cinlu with the other side of the
Pitch Flow. Across the river is a plateau containing the estates of the noble houses, and a
tunnel leading to the Great Fane of Lolth.
The city of Erelhei-Cinlu is surrounded by a 30-foot tall wall of seamless polished basalt,
interrupted by 40-foot square towers at regular intervals. On the shores of the river, the
wall is 50-feet high and without towers.
The principal religion is Lolth. Lolth's greatest temple the Great Fane was built here.
Other deities are worshiped by the drow of Erelhei-Cinlu include Keptole, Kiaransali, and
Zinzerena. Keptole's temple is found in the center of the Concorse, where the main streets
of the city intersect like the nexus of a web. The pristhood of Kiaransali is dominant in
the Ghetto of Chattels, though always under the supervision of Lolth's priestesses. The
Great Fane of Lolth is located in a seperate cavern; worshipers must leave the city and
cross the Pitchy Flow and the nobles' estates to reach it. The Ghetto of Foreigners, along
the Street of Lies; the drow permits the temples of deities worshiped by other races,
including Nurull, Boccob, Ralishaz, Incabulos, Erythnul, Beltar, Raxivort, Vecna,
Tharizdun, etc. Though the temple of Tharizdun is more of a museum than an active
place of worship...
City Details:
Population 27,000
Races: Drow, bugbears, demons, goblins, ghouls, illithids, troglodytes, trolls, vampires,
yugoloths, and others.

Ruling Houses (in Rank Order):

1. Tormtor
Sigil: Electrum javelin
City District: Ghetto of Foreigners
Matron: Verdaeth
2. Aleval
Sigil: Gold wand
City District: Ghetto of Performers
Matron: Mevremas
3. Despana
Sigil: Adamantine mace
City District: Ghetto of Savages
Matron: Shehirae
4. Shiquos
Sigil: Amethyst bat
City District: Ghetto of Scholars
Matron: Ytheshana
5. Godeep
Sigil: Platinum crossbow
City District: Ghetto of Artisans
Matron: Siadef
6. Vae
Sigil: Iron chain
City District: Ghetto of Chattel
Matron: Sereska
7. Eilservs
Sigil: Bronze staff
City District: Ghetto of the Dead
Matron: Eclavdra
8. Darkling
Sigil: Red Eclipse
City District: Ghetto of Outcasts
Matron: Belarbreend



Wednesday Night Group Details:

Eric Means
AJ Metzger
Chris Fong


Phone #


Char Name












Favored Child
Weapons Master




Sni'op Iram






Lolth's Blessing
Lizard Rider



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