Hammurabis Code Was It Just

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Hammurabis code was unjust because the

punishments were too harsh, people didnt get to vote on
laws, and people werent treated equal. Some people
think that Hammurabis code was just also. The same
reasons could be used to support just and unjust.
To begin with I believe the punishments were too
harsh. In document D law 21 it states that if someone
breaks through someones wall they shall be put to
death! That law also states that that Pearson shall be
hung on the wall the wall they broke. In document C law
29 it states if a married lady is caught in adultery they
shall bind them together. Next they will be through down
a river while still binder together.
Another reason that I think it is unjust is people
didnt get to vote on laws. In document A on the stone
stele it shows the laws being handed to Hammurabi by A
god which proves that the people didnt get a vote.
Another piece of evidence is in document C. The
document states that Hammurabi received the laws from
Shamash a god.
Finally people were not treated equal. Document E
law 196 and law199 are evidence. The two laws state that
if a man knocks the eye out of a free man his eye shall be
knocked out. If a free man knocks the eye out of a slave
he shall only have to pay halve his value!

Clearly Hammurabis code was unjust because the

punishments were too harsh, people werent treated
equal, and people didnt get to vote on laws.
Hammurabis code was there to help people, but in my
opinion the laws caused more blood and chaos. Based on
all of these details I believe Hammurabis code was

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