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Josh Mikoll



The costs do not outweigh the benefits for the Great
Wall of China. Even though The Great Wall is considered a
world wonder it was not worth building it, there are three
reasons for that. It is not still standing, it didnt keep out
Mongols, and there were too many lives lost.
To begin The Great Wall is not standing today. In
document C there is a picture of the so called great wall.
This picture shows a mound of dirt The Great Wall. The
wall was most likely meant to last for hundreds upon
thousands of years. The next piece of evidence can be
found in document E. within the document it says that
the Han dynasty rebuilt the wall which proves that they
did a terrible job.
Next it did not protect China. The Han and the Qin
both paid the Mongols so that they would not invade
them witch proves that the costs outweighed the
benefits. This is proven in document C. Another reason
The Wall did not protect china is in document E. This
states that during the Han dynasty there were 80%
casualties. This proves that there were more dead than
alive. This is just one of my many reasons why The Great
Wall was not worth building.

The final reason is that there were too many deaths

building it. This evidence is in document F. Within this
document it shows a poem witch is written by people who
built The Great Wall. The basic idea of the poem is that
people suffered and that there was death everywhere.
The same evidence form before where there were 80%
casualties while building The Wall in addition to battles
lost. Also if a builder died while building the wall they
would build the wall over their body, that is why it is
called the worlds longest grave yard.
There are many reasons that the great wall was not
worth building. The amount of deaths, it did not protect
China, and is not still standing. Obviously the costs
outweigh the benefits.

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