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Myung (Jay) Yi | |

Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University

Graduation: May 2016

GPA: 3.72
Bachelor of Science: Computer Science
Focus: Software Engineering

Tempe, Arizona


CSE 310: Data Structures and Algorithms

Analyzed multiple data structures in regards to their form and efficiency

Created programs that optimized speed and low-cost using different data structures and algorithms
CSE 360: Introduction to Software Engineering

Evaluated various software design/engineering models

Programmed a small web application that was able to store/modify images and scaled to include thousands of users
CSE 230: Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
Examined the capabilities of assembly language programming
Identified the path through the hardware of the computer when executing instructions

Fall 2014
Fall 2014
Spring 2014

ENSCO Avionics, IDATA Team
August 2014 February 2015
Intern/Technical Assistant
Tempe, Arizona

Collaborated with team members in developing software requirements for a graphical display development tool suite

Acquired experience dealing with safety critical systems

Reverse engineered requirements based on given test cases for the program

Attended weekly meetings in order to report progress and relay what was next for the team
Arizona State University, CIDSE

Debugged students' programs and identified where they needed assistance

Communicated concepts students were taught in class through a different approach

Assisted other tutors when they were having difficulty with a particular subject

Maintained an efficient environment that would attend to each student's needs quickly
Arizona State University, Teacher's College
Educational Technology Assistant

Performed maintenance on participants' laptops when hardware or software issues arose

Taught participants how to use multiple software programs and website applications

Optimized the teaching process for participants and the software they were required to use

March 2014August 2014

Tempe, Arizona

October 2013December 2013

Tempe, Arizona


Deans List Recognition (2 years)
Recognition awarded to students of Ira A. Fulton's School of Engineering who achieved an exceptional GPA and succeeded in their courses at ASU
FSESC (Fulton School of Engineering Student Council)
Student Government Organization for the college who works to build unity within the college and engage students in university affairs, activities and events
relating to the college.
Planned several events, such as a video game tournament, festivals, and dances, that raised awareness for the council and brought together the students of
the college
Handled budgeting and financing for the council's events which included price research, creating spreadsheets, and completing necessary paperwork
between the council and the college
Undergraduate Student Government Senator
Organization that gathers representatives elected by each college council to debate and make decisions on issues regarding other organizations within the
Ensured students would receive a fair representation regarding bills brought forth to the undergraduate student government by holding office hours to
discuss their opinions
Chandler Lions International Club
Community service organization, that plans certain holiday events (Free santa pictures, Winter Ball, Fouth of July vending) for the community
Served as a member volunteering at these events since sophomore year of high school as a Leo, and moved onto be a Lion since college

Programming Languages: Java, C++, C, SCHEME, Assembly language
Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Writing low level software requirements
Working in safety critical environment

Last Updated: 04/03/2015

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Myung (Jay) Yi | |

Last Updated: 04/03/2015

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