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7 EE 3 Equations

Assessment ID: dna.10399


Directions: Answer the following question(s).

1 You bought a magazine for $6 and some

notepads for $3 each. You spent a total
of $18. How many notepads did you


5 notepads
1 notepad
4 notepads
2 note pads

2 How many packs of DVDs can you buy

with $255 if one pack costs $17?

A. 17 = 255m
m = 1 pack
B. 17 = m 255
m = 4335 pack
C. 255 = m 17
m = 15 packs
D. 255 = 17m
m = 15 packs
3 Cody's Bikes rents bikes for $18 plus $5
per hour. Jill paid $48 for a bike. For how
many hours did she rent a bike?

4 Ally spent half of her allowance at the

movies. To earn more money her parents
let her clean the windows in the house
for $5. What was her weekly allowance if
she ended the week with $8?

A. (X + 5) 2 = 8
X = weekly allowance
B. X 2 + 5 = 8
X = weekly allowance
C. X 5 + 2 = 8
X = weekly allowance
D. (8 + 2) 5 = X
X = weekly allowance
5 Melanie's high school played a total of 14
hockey games this year. The team won
most of the their games. They were
defeated during 2 of their games. How
many games did they win?

A. 14 + 2 = X
X = Games won
B. 14 + X = 2

A. 48 = 18 + 5h
h = 6 hours
B. 48 = 18 + 5h
h = 13 hours
C. 48 + 5h = 18
h = 6 hours
D. 18 + (h 5) = 48
h = 6 hours

Illuminate Itembank
Generated On April 3, 2015, 2:09 PM PDT

X = Games won
C. X + 2 = 14

X = Games won
D. 14 - 2 = X

X = Games won

Stop: You have finished the assessment.

Page 1

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