Earth Day Recyclying Contest - 2015

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Using recycled material, create something that is useful for your

classroom or Parkview, from artwork to a game or bookshelf to a coat

rack...use your imagination!
The only new materials that can be used are ones that are needed to hold
your creation together (i.e., glue, tape) or materials that add colour (i.e.,
crayons, markers and paint).
Submissions will be judged in 2 categories:
1. Most creative use of recycled material
2. Widest variety of recycled material used
Include a description of your creation as well as a list of the type of
recycled material used. Creations can be submitted by individuals or by a
group (e.g., a group of students or an entire class).
Submit your creation by Friday, April 17.
All entries will be on display from April 20 to April 24.
Winners will be announced on April 20.
A prize will be awarded per division.

Parkview School Council

March/April 2015

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