Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 25 Answer Any Four Questions. Assume Suitable Data Wherever Necessary

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Department of Civil Engineering

M.Tech. (SE) I Semester, I-Mid Term Exam JANUARY-2011

Time: 2 Hours
Answer any Four questions.
Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

Max. Marks: 25

1. Derive the differential equation for equilibrium and compatibility in term of stress
for a 2 D problem of Elasticity and write the general polynomial form of
solution to the above differential equations?
2. Apply a general polynomial solution of governing differential equation to the case
of bending of cantilever loaded at the end, and obtain stresses, strains and

3. Write a general solution for a problem in polar coordinates when stress

distribution is symmetrical about an axis. Hence obtain stresses for a
circular plate with a hole at centre.

4. Obtain a solution (stress component and displacements) to the problem of rotating

5. How does a circular hole effect the stress distribution in a plate under uniform
Stress distribution .Explain and evaluate the distribution and sketch the results
6. If an infinite large plate is loaded at the straight boundary with a concentrated
point load, Derive the radial solution for the stress distribution in the plate .sketch
the variation of stresses on a horizontal plane.

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