Panitia Biologi, SMK Pandan Jaya

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Biology Form 4

Topic: 4.2 Carbohydrates

1. A disaccharide consists of two monosaccharides combined together chemically
through a process called condensation.
a) Name three types of disaccharides.
b) Write word equations to show how the three disaccharides mentioned above
are formed.
2. a) Draw the structure of polysaccharides as below:
i) starch
ii) glycogen
iii) cellulose
b) Explain what is meant by polysaccharides.
3. Diagram below shows a simplified structural formula of a disaccharide molecule.
This molecule can be broken down into two simpler molecules.


What is this breaking down of a disaccharide molecule called?


The process named in your answer above can be carried out in two ways.
What are these two ways?


What substance is produced after the disaccharide molecule is broken down?


The substance obtained in 3 (c) is boiled with Benedicts solution in a test

i) What is the colour of Benedicts solution?
ii) Why does Benedicts solution have this colour?
iii) What can be observed at the end of the experiment?

Panitia Biologi, SMK Pandan Jaya

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