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Hereditary of Autism issues: Literature Review

Kristina Martinez
The University of Texas at El Paso
Professor Kinley



Autism is largely among the US, and has made many parents concerns. Questioned have
be asked, so this literature review will go into depth with three questions which are, why
are parents scared of the Autism vaccine myth? What is the difference between Autism
and Aspergers syndrome? How is ADS diagnosed? After these questioned have been
researched the audience will get a better understanding about autism and its issues.



Autism is a well common know genetic disorder. It is among 1 out of 60 to 70

children and mostly among boys because they are most likely to develop the disorder
than girls. Autism is a fast growing serious disorder disability in the U.S. Autism, which
now afflicts more than 1 million children in the USA, is associated with a spectrum of
disabilities, including repetitive behaviors and problems socializing and communicating
(Szabo, 2012). Autism is caused by the deletion in the DNA or environment factor
causes like, the mothers age or health issues. As autism is increasing in young children,
parents become worried, and may start to ask their pediatricians questions about
diagnoses of autism, its history, and if there are any preventions to autism. In order to
get a better understating of autism this project will get a better understanding through
three questions.
1. Why are parents scared of the Autism vaccine myth?
2. What is the difference between Autism and Aspergers syndrome?
3. How is ADS diagnosed?
These three questions stated will make the literature review to go more into depth and
provide a background for the hereditary of autism.
Why are parents scared of the Autism vaccine myth?
Parents believe that if they allow their child to obtain the measles vaccine their
child will be diagnosed with Autism. In some fraction of the American population,
however, the belief in a link remains. (Willingham & Helft. 2014). When children receive
most of their vaccines they are in the rapid changing development, which may lead
parents to observer signs of autism. No link with autismnot to mercury, not to
thimerosal, not to any vaccines, including the MMRhas been found (Willingham &
Helft. 2014). It goes to show that parents may let their child receive the vaccine for the



measles without having to worry about the child being diagnosed with autism down the
road. There are many studies that scientist have studied on children to prove that if a
child receives the vaccine will not be diagnosed with autism. There is no linkage between
the vaccine and autism. A child may show a symptom of a fever or seizer, which may be
a sign or autism but, According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
most febrile seizures happen when a child is sick rather than after a vaccination, though
the MMR vaccine is associated with a slightly increased risk for febrile seizures
(Willingham & Helft. 2014).
What is the difference between Autism and Aspergers disorder?
Aspersers and Autism are similar in many ways. It is considered the same disorder
but differ in language development and Aspergers is a milder disorder case. What
distinguish Aspergers Disorder from classic autism are its less severe symptoms and the
absence of language delays. Children with Aspergers Disorder may be only mildly
affected, and they frequently have good language and cognitive skills. To the untrained
observer, a child with Aspergers Disorder may just seem like a neurotypical child
behaving differently (Autism society. n.d). Aspergers is more anti-social, they try to fit
in and they cant. They show no emotion, and lack of empathy. It is hard for them to
understand sarcasm, and take every word literally. Autistic kids struggle with
language, but kids with aspergers dont have delay in language, they either have great
speech, but they might bunch up their words or put their sentence in the incorrect order.
Speech patterns may be unusual, lack inflection or have a rhythmic nature, or may be
formal, but too loud or high-pitched. Children with Aspergers Disorder may not
understand the subtleties of language, such as irony and humor, or they may not
understand the give-and-take nature of a conversation (Autism society. n.d). Another



difference between Autism and Aspergers is that a child with Autism has a less
intelligent mind, and a child with Aspergers has a mind of structure and intelligence.
While some individuals with autism have intellectual disabilities, by definition, a person
with Aspergers Disorder cannot have a clinically significant cognitive delay, and most
possess average to above-average intelligence (Autism society. n.d).
How is Autism Disorder Syndrome diagnosed?
Not all kids are the same when it comes to the disorder Autism; they are all special in
their own ways making them unique. Every individual on the autism spectrum has
problems to some degree with social skills, empathy, communication, and flexible
behavior. But the level of disability and the combination of symptoms varies
tremendously from person to person (HelpGuide. n.d). The first signs a parent can see
developing in a child is when they reach about 6 months to about 18 months. Not having
attention on motor skills or eye contact when his/her name is being called. Even lack of
empathy or emotion can be another sign. The autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed
based on the presence of multiple symptoms that disrupt your childs ability to
communicate, form relationships, explore, play, and learn (HelpGuide. n.d). It takes
time for a person to notice when a child has developed the disorder because they can
make false accusations. If you are concerned that your child has an autism spectrum
disorder and developmental screening confirms the risk, ask your family doctor or
pediatrician to refer you immediately to an autism specialist or team of specialists for a
comprehensive evaluation (HelpGuide. n.d).
In conclusion the data retrieved for this literature review can answer the three
questions regarding the understanding of autism. As time tells the rate of autism may
increase, but with early detection and treatment it might stop the rate of autism to



increase in the United States. There might be more questions that need answers, and
that is up to those that want to continue to go more into depth of the understanding of



1. N.A., (n.d). Autism Spectrum Disorder. A Trusted Non-Profit Resource.
Retrieved from:
2. N.A., (n.d). Aspergers Syndrome. Celebrating 50 years of support autism society. Retrieved
3. Szabo, L., (2012). Autism science moving stunningly fast. USA Today/News. Retrieved
4. Willingham, E, Helft, L., (2014). The Autism-Vaccine Myth. Nova. Retrieved from:

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