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Introduction to Music Technology

Course Syllabus
2014 - 2015
Instructor: Mr. R. Huaman
Classroom: 137
This is a basic course intended to teach the fundamentals of music technology while also
giving a basic understanding of beginning music reading and theory. The goal is to
provide a solid musical education with emphasis on the use of technology to create
musical works.
This is a project-based course, in which you will be required to finish the projects as
assigned by the instructor. There will be weekly assessments of the material studied
during the week. One short essay will be due at the end of every marking period (topics
to be discussed) and 2 quizzes on technical and theory aspects of music technology.
Course objectives:
This course will help students develop and explore various ways using music technology.
The assorted concepts and topics will allow the students to keep growing musically
beyond our time together during the school year.
Materials required:
A Gmail account is required to receive all electronic material to be used in class. This will
enable us to share files without the use of flash drive or other storage devices.
Class Projects
Students are required to finish class projects. Students must show and
explain their work to the instructor and his/her peers. While most
of the
project will be individual, there will be occasions in which groups
be formed to work on a project
Music Theory and Technical Concepts

Theory and Techniques will be explained and analyze in depth. The

students must have a good understanding of these aspects in order
complete a project successfully.


Listening sessions and musical analysis

Students will listen to various musical selections that will help them
recognize the use of certain technologies and their appropriate use.
Live Sound Reinforcement
Various opportunities to control a soundboard, take care of amplification
and recording needs during school performances will be available.
Grading plan:
On every marking period we will have

Between 2 - 4 classroom projects

2 theory/technical quizzes
1 short essay


Class participation will also be an important portion of the grade


Classroom rules:

Follow school rules

Media-sharing websites will require the approval of the instructor
Use all equipment very carefully

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