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Why I Want to Join AAPG

First of All I have a dream that I want to be a manager in Petroleum

Company when I sit in 3 rd Junior High School. I dreaming it because my uncle
said if you be like that, your future will be happy later. Every day I searching
about the petroleum company, I just want to know that my uncle saiys is right.
One day I have read an article Petroleum Engineering for Better Future. After I
read it, I know that my uncles says is right, and I have an iron heart in myself that
Im must to be like that. Every day I preparing my self to be like that until I have a
change in Senior High Scholl that I can make an offer to join FTTM-ITB in
invitation way.
After I have the reply, im so disappointed because my Invitation is fail.
But Alhamdulllah I accepted in Geological Engineering Hasanuddin University
Makassar. Im so happy to know about that news. Honestly, I dont know about
geological engineering, but im searching day by day until I get a conclusion that I
can stiil work in petroleoum company with this one and im so happy for that.
When I sit in second semester, I heard that Geological engineering have one
Organization call AAPG. Then I searched what is AAPG. After that, im so
happy that AAPG is an Organization of petroleum specific. Honestly, AAPG is
my spirit to allowed my day in geological engineering that peoples say it so hard
I dont know, what I have learned now, I proud of that, but just one I want.
That is to be a Master of Petroleum so In Sya Allah later people can call me the
Father of Oil and can make my family and people that need me happy. Amin
That is why I want to join AAPG, to have a lot of experience and make
this organization better and helpfully in the future.

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