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<Questionnaire to invitees after finishing exchange program>

In coordination with the receiving organizations, please submit the electronic data of this questionnaire

A. Invitation Plan Information

1) Name of Japanese organization(s)
2) Course type


3) length of your visitfrom







B. Personal Information
1) name

2) country and region

People's Republic of China, Republic of Indonesia, Kingdom of Cambodia, Republic of Singapore, Kingdom of
Thailand, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Republic of the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam,
Malaysia, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Mongolia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic.

3) position

high school student, university student, graduate student, post-doctoral, teacher, researcher

4) sex


5) age
6) address (e-mail address)

C. Questionnaire
select a closest sentence to your impression. describe your comments freely in bracket
1) Were you satisfied with participation in the exchange program?
Describe the reason why you feel so.
Very satisfied,Relatively satisfied,Average,Not satisfied

2) Which content(s) was it most impressive to you?

3) Which science museum(s), maritime museum(s), science event(s) did you join in?

4) Were you satisfied with visiting to the museum(s) mentioned above question?
Describe the reason why you felt so.
Very satisfied,Relatively satisfied,Average,Not satisfied

5) Please write how we should improve the program(s) if you have any opinion to the program(s)

6) Do you wish to come to Japan again?

Strongly wish,Wish,Not think so
7) Asking the person who selected or in Question ), Which position do you wish to come to Japan in future? Select a suitable one from the follows. Describe
the reason why you wish to come to Japan in the position

Student, Researcher, Worker, Other

8) Do you wish to receive the information from JST related to Japanese science and technology trends, study in Japanese universities, etc.?
Wish, Not wish
9) Describe your comments freely related to this exchange program

Thank you for your cooperation to response to this questionnaire.

Please kindly understand JST will send information by e-mail related with Japanese science and technology trends, study in Japanese universities, the
persons who wish to receive these information.

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