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Lesson Plan

Grade: 9th
Date: March 25th 2013
Subject: Fashion Magazine; the adverb.
Textbook: Pathway to English; English My Love; Students book 9th grade L1; Rada Balan,
Miruna Carianopol, Stefan Colibaba, Cornelia Coser, Veronica Focseneanu, Vanda Stan,
Rodica Vulcanescu; Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, R.A., 2005
Type of lesson: mixed
Teacher: Gabriela Corina Cmpean
Level: intermediate

students revise the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson

students revise the information got in the previous lesson

students identify details in oral and written messages

students learn how to use the adverb in order to emphasis a characteristic

students learn the following new vocabulary: fitting room= a room in a clothes shop
where people try the clothes on; a bit = a little, receipt= a written acknowledgment of
having received a specified amount of money .

students revise the use of adverb

students practice the use of adverb

students practice the vocabulary related to clothes

students practice the new vocabulary

students develop their abilities to communicate in English

raising interest

Aid material: textbook, worksheets, notebooks, posters, flipchart, markers, board, CD, laptop,
Procedures: discussion, eliciting, explanation, visualization, brainstorming, monitoring,
listening, feedback, repetition, whole class work (WCW), individual work (IW), pair work
(PW), group work (GW).
Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing

Warm up: (speaking)

T- greets and asks the Ss to rapport the absents

Interaction: TS, ST
Activity 1: Revision of the previous knowledge : (speaking, writing, listening, reading) 10
A) T - checks homework exercise 8 page 111
Ss read their homework, check it and write the answers on the board: a) fairly, rather; b)
quite, rather; c) barely; d) hardly; e) hardly; f) rather, quite; g) almost; h) nearly
T asks the students what topic they spoken lately, what comes in their mind when they hear
the word fashion, whether fashion is really important and why.

Writes the title of the lesson on the board

B) T - asks the Ss about the previous information: what items of clothes come to their mind
related to boys and girls
Ss write on the flipchart sheet
T - asks the students to revise the vocabulary related to clothes and shows them some cards
Ss say the words all together
T - gives one card to each student to say what item is
Interaction: TS, ST, SS, WCW IW
Activity 2: (listening, writing, speaking, reading)


T - asks the students to look at exercise A on the worksheet and read the exercise

Writes the new words and expressions on the blackboard fitting room= a room in a
clothes shop where people try the clothes on; a bit = a little, receipt= a written

acknowledgment of having received a specified amount of money

asks the Ss to guess the answers for the missing information
plays the CD twice
helps them with a flipchart sheet if necessary

Ss - listen to the CD twice

-write in their notebooks the information on the board
- solve the exercise
- change their worksheets with their desk mate and check their answers:1-D; 2-B; 3-A; 4-C
- add a happy face if they are satisfied with their result.
Interaction: TS, ST, SS, IW PW

Activity 3: (writing, reading speaking, listening)


T - asks them to solve the exercise I page 112 PW

- presents some adverbs on the flipchart sheet and solve an example.
Ss read the text and add adverbs in order to emphasise the description on the worksheet
exercise B
- write into their notebooks the adverbs
- write on their worksheets the adverbs
- read some examples
Interaction: TS, ST, SS
Activity 4: (writing, reading)


T forms 5 groups of Ss, give them a sheet of paper with a boy or a girl
- asks Ss to read exercise II 1. Page 112, but only the first 2 sentences
- asks Ss to design their own uniform and write and/or draw on the worksheet.
- asks Ss to add a colour to each item.
Ss solve and real aloud their answers
Homework and evaluation

T gives homework exercise III page 112


explains their homework

thanks to Ss and mentions the names of Ss who performed well.

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