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fn Feeding system alee] FCLoarding To Cairns electric Distribulion ComPan [cepe There are Three TYRS ML OF Feeding system according To Load ) 487 TAY Pe: Used For Load. Less Than \MVA 2) ond TYPe. “Wed for \ wads IMY< Lead \asiyy 3D 3rd Typ. Used. For Load x us wv \nI Eee re aly Batween 3 TyPes YA TyPe The Feeding Is fram one. Source beGuise. \ acl NoT H1ZI\y « 224 Ty Pe Te feeding Is from Tuo PoiAT TndePendear Feeding and There are JoinT belween Them bY USING Bug Curler Locale In Low Yoltaqe_ afer TIONS Former Yard yp— Feeding x5 af 5, trem Two ANdefenderT Source s and. The te are Jeoiny beTWween Them BY using Bus CuPLer \oCate In Medium Cage. aned_ low VolTage . @ ae TS Pe. Lead — WvaA AmP_ ELOB_ pa-Lifts ei ‘ eis aals MLOB Cable, Chie Gabe fe mca ten . Lvmps AS cs * cg = rm 7° L B-B A: -=Y “Trang former se A W Joy xy 22 fou fey- Mv Gbte- 3x25 m2, | — —— }|—_ BMRe | | | i | os A LB 1g \ éaea ( Fer EN Joing @ one. of hem XS 630A Cofaci ty Fer SPare_ A Cafeciny of The Trans fo rmefe ® [2] Wah QuUPTUTe GeaciTy Fuse. \N\o TaeaceF Before. Transformer You musSy Par SWiTable WR ce Ts acl ag PrévecVion of Transformer when ShorT CireuiY occurs. — Wow Te Catculate (Wacf) EQ Therrans former Rabin EQ \MVA Be fre Trams Former ——» Mey _ 6 QS wey r= Lie _ 520 Ve WXte THY ean AmvA TA \\ ty Make 52 f\ TEP 2mvA In wey mare \olrf\ DIf 22 er T= SKE = SB 22X]o? _ “Wis mean \ MVA En 22ky Mage 26 “SEO Dawu UN 22ky Mace 52h () =264 @ IN Ilher C\myt 6528 Ay Lruse = Seria each o(an ane eeernlem Frise = ISK PL = OFA Fuse RAIN Bo A (S\ EM 22x Z\mvay £ 26 A Tfuse < \15 #26 =B2-5f Use. Rakin Lto A Used 7é PYoTe Cl TYANS former atantsy Short Crew TV > SYarbe eS Sagsd ale cd psd Joss Ses PW Be Ge oss Jg=b\ cule) 3) S\cs . ala @ TI Medium Volta%e Gble_ Ye mare Ae ston To any GbleTn medium Voltage 2Cording 7% OD) CurrexT Carry Giac i™ {ece\. BY syorr Civcuiy Level. Mev Ghle Before Wansfermer alwys 2X4 oO min AL/XLPE/ STA) pve IN Transformer USed To G 22iy\ Fo low Hé There are Twe VAN nverT medium Volbatte (Wie VolTage (o4 wv) hes of TIONS /S reg IA\ ott ype Trons Former, (BY DYY “Tyee. “VYYans SS rmey.” ‘ OT Y Pe ww) AY mormal— oferat lon Oferce, ST Bo Yo =) during OVer Nea. Perate aT Joo %o E)Must pur ty OU doo "FA bosses ® bow AsT Loa ys TW. te Dey Wire OD ol Mormal ofeyaion oferde AT Ao% D buring ever edd __ OPereLe. OL \\0 7, Fwy, Bea xr mM Plate, Lodo Basement (G\ Less \-2s 425 @QH ‘dh GsT je \\n = WhY ofl Ty fe Transformer oPerate caf 80% IN Normal oferalfon, Bequse. (Yi fe Time Ts waximum al Go %o [2] 7o make 20% safT4for over Misackl. * Vow Ve CalCulade iM UA of Than Sfomer ver Eom Le. WLIKTINg Lead = 120 KA LV Ale Lead = \oso KVA U3) SeckéT Load = Bo evf\ La\ LIFT s Lead = So) o feyation Reems =\bo kW [6] PumPs load = 5 wa EA UPS Lead = Boma @ Fire PumP =\scvA Qe) Total. Lead. = \Lo y\ecs a !19 Box Fox \So*+ 545 +30 Hl\5c0 wa 7 . This Meow ~“ToTal_ Conn e Fleck. Lea el =\S00 kyvA => We pny eT Cl Culele The Trans Srmer On Fe. BnrecTecl. Mee), => We Tae Diversity fadter DePengl. on. The TY4Pe of Prey. D-V= o.g == Max Demand | el = Woo Xo. =\290 kA == IF ok type. w Rating of ojp = 1222 = Woo WIS Wreom TE O\LT ans Rr mer oferty CON Se eee ian ey ee ct ow, => If DAW te. - Trans frme r Si Ze of Wansformer — = =\8S0 From STomcleygl SeleT vy SP e_ \5 mva \Wow “Vo Select BPR Rating. — Le \-5 % \Seo =2250A bh \S va From sTandortl Galteye% BB Bali ng =2500f [6] Circ tT B Yea tear T= 2250 A. C-B =2500A moalerized GB @® Air GB [F] Main low Yol tage. Digtribation Boord [LV MDB TS CofTain 4 BusBat with Wy CYoss Se Lhista, Ls, M\ and BUS Barr Walt (Cs: A) For Earring ION area Ar S&S) (ve # stand bY Desiel Benerator - Used when there. are Dm PoFTawl Leads . x How Jo Sige The Generaloy. we GLculole EmerVemcrn Lead ont 4 Fer Ex ami lig ‘SV Emergency LAgkTing = 25 ev; BWUSys Nisadk = Som V3) Sexe Ex haus Vans = 6 kv (A Pumes Leak Se Comeukers Lead. = 3oKgQ [6] oferal tov) Room = \bo lw ass) \vr NoTé : 20 Geneeler sige myer Indi ole The STatve loads oud. namic Leads ge SVNic Leads CN Come ker ome Wiguting \oadky ANamic sacs [35 Turts ~~ Smee Ge. Ton PumPs ~ oPerdh ion Room | kya = S04 6o+ 204155 = 280k Rake of Generator = \x evn| static + 2 kA Dynamic. WS = 55 186N0 OIF AA _ Sle Fhe Generiter abore. Thor OWS £¥6207 Cale 0-23 . as) Hues \we % UNinTerrufTibLe Power SApely CoS Anes) esis a He VR a +: ‘Ys Bow —™. x Wwe SelecT ugg RATINY heen’ on Mer] Tr PorTainT Leads ComPier Lead. = Bor SthecT UPS = Bo teva we TP af VES eee vo" . [Zo AW : —_ LA stettie ~ ort os VA\ O4n amie UPS ee \vo WA ATS [adomaric Tans fer swt tah | Moral. ‘ovals Emergency Lee at j : GB FCS a |e lad kn HANS ——+(\ 12) one off Tw Ames le ante malic. or = ——> Monual__ Gsess | 7NSfermer | Genersito es on ofl ee ose o Lr @ ‘) ener or ee Trans Semen (a) feria only. lw and Type Wav << bead < 25 mya Emergency Af/c-\ Ala-2 oe Tr-2 WA ™w1 Bk, KvA MURIEL eTA) pv peel ~ ™ Rim | Wace \ \eau — \ cay | we RRCE | re | (oon \ oR sourle laa! earn er { | | = Ty Sfare Sfare. : \vn Pap) alts aa oO Teeding SWSTem Us from Te AhifferesT suv Stckion and There are JoiAl between Them av Low Voltate By USING Bug CouRLer (2/3) Fee off oF Three. # IN This @ge of feeding must @ach be Wom former Can fed 7oral. Load of Prove. BO St orm Gse. €ach TranS former operrite. ail BON estore alogi lela ee AH Oferalion of (B-c) (2.73) {GBalarRa [Be et Mormah_ 4 \ ° 6 8 area | 7 ar‘{ oo [a fa |] Wons 2 a7 # Function of Bus CouPler. \va ) 7 avoid Baralle L oPeration of TWwe Transformer OVD Ly a Gs Be yp ya B-) Trt 7 —<—=—— me \ Buy Guten Parallel oferatinn 2 7 Mota WISH short CIPGIT Level. a tT Vv SSeas ST Ts.c 8 \\ Tse WL be, chowoLegl. G) OPeralion Cases —> Troms Fe rmer Le — Vans Brner 2. —> Generitor Ke 8 Genet E “Sc Gsas* Tre | vr-2 on Normal oPerakion A 4 9 ° 4 x SYoT ion 4 eS \ \ 6 Our STNion 2 ouk A ° 4 ° STat ton | IXstal ton O So __ { os -|- 22 nw Yt Tyee [ Load > 1-25 VA _ Feeding system x< XTOM —TWe Sources and Mae. YoiAY Ree\ween “Them at \ow Voltate and cleo ar Medium Voltage vy Using BUS G@uPLer W275 sus ctw as Three. e Nove. CiVCQUAT Brearer which Useck AYN Medium Nolta%e Moy ve. S¥e or Vacum c.® and. iv?s Rat AKN TS 6CRoA @s) os f Exerienc : - AK NHI nad rrevmad’s yee \ouds Lewd § oferaTion Gses SSS, \ay 8 . | = a eases ™ Hm] Sy S2 [Be Bo Gen Mermal_ 4 4 \ 1 } 7 6 ‘oferation ar _ 7 - . OG sy | 4 a ag oN | _ kl 6 our 1 6 2 - | Sy yp i] Llale ~ oor dug s a3 al Oat aoe aa os oft fa fd ange So i 1 . owt oy L J o | lL “Vis, ' 5 ow L jo © L | 1 LY | Si Z So G ; —|—lon |. OP ee | | SO};o9}] 0 4 ON "oof : VAG SPecial. Casegy of tee ding sysrem . ; WA BE Lead 4 B00 1A Such ag Feeding of AesidemtaL area TEL EE Vea 7 SMVA Such ag Tndustytat. CYT ; Vi TL “VYoToa\_ Leach Xs very TImMPoFTanY Load. * OST riporer SMAN Genter eal of eacn DASTY ib iter at {* [¥ 9 5S Hf et DAaWAS 1 9% / Wy 8 (oomX VES vroyeygang / Ian " # Each ostyibator CoATAINS 16 GLLs TM) lo Cetigs Yor OUl_Joing ~ (A A Cetrs for AMYoiny _ “NABI 2 Glis Gor Bus CouPLer. ~There. are TYwo SUS Bars » each Gnlain 2 Trams Yormer (66/22) one or (65/11) MA Can Ger The ToTal te We Set % ads UP BOOT amd hag § ety, J WW Bus Bars Throuy) Arai y Bravey — There. aye BUS GulLer “Te Cnnecy WIE BUS @Rler Tame Jip CAF Be toutte sib ; va \ ie SiVeal x \see Moving Gnhath a) 1 Gu - (_ VT ys iff (ADWY) (eae (Mose VTaL) pe 3koMo yarn AL] xite/ SALVA \a- SS5a Ur Sas osbaiis C38 Jo We os 7 W535 Se bAS yy COMIN \ 5 5.9 ApH SHON Ya\s Ceaks) Jas ESs' “\3\ ES Weta Leads gre Ver Ertan AaB dsalis Ms JOO SSH gp Cs_ » Se Gas sats Ast psy cee CHS Sat ee Isalis D5 SOAS St - \eadg ‘essa s Local s st Ivpe bess + bu RN Ring Hal Lib? SwEA0 WE ALOLPE “DB X 2H mm? wee AL/ XLPE 0p ace Visio & Hl [88 $C level ain Low voreage tet: Rosa? a a fincenal oper | pe | Fire pura] concuter ancl Frgartant loot When load is less than I MVA. So is feeding from one transformer station” one place" only * RMU "Ring Main Un {consists of 3 LBS "Load Breaker Switch” i.e.: key can be open under load and Sometimes contains 4 LBS, the 4" for spare. Ore of them is 630 A for input power. “is also 630 A for output go to next consumer. "is 400 A for entry of the Power transformer. : me S OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Presented by suv graiacs \ag 4" is 630 A for spare one of input or output key. RMU is always put in medium voltage L1 KV or 22 KV. = Protection of HV side of Transformer The input of transformer must fed’ through a suitable HRCF "High Rupture Capacity Fuse" 63 A for 22 KV, and 100 A for 11 KY, This fuse is for protection of the HV Side of Transformer. The transformer may be 22 KV or Ll KV/ 0.4 KY, and its rating of 1000 KVA, 1500 KVA, 2000 KVA or 5000 KVA * Protection of LY si The output of the transformer (distribution side) must be protected by putting a. main molded case C. B. to open at short circuit instantaneously. Its rating and S.C. rating depends on transformer reactance, Example for LOOOKVA transformer. Rated current of C.B. (normal rating) = Fon *1000 = 1.5*1000= 1500 A General rated of C.B. = KVA of transformer *1.6 =1600 A Normal rating isn’t enough, but we have to know S.C. rating; so we have to calculate symmetrical S.C. current at point of. fault assumed just before transformer infinite impedance. MVAsc MMA IL 20MVA Xx 0.05 {f transformer converts [1/0.38 KV +. 20= ¥30.38 Isc.ckay. = get Isc. Isc.kay = 28 KA Then adjust standard C.B. {500 A, 35 KA Transformer should not loaded greater than 80% of its rating on name plate ie. loading > 800 KVA, and if you in high temperature ambient loading should be —— “Tess than > 65, 70 % of rating. So, you may be need 1:25 MVA transformer —~ under this condition. 2 =a a sta PES SWITCHGEARS OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Presented by wivw.projacs Training com * Price of Electrical utility (i) Constant Price Per year 84 LE. ‘KW. "Aresill GaN Me al yal Slat cath La If the power factor .08 1000 KVA = 1000*0.8 = 800 KW 80084 = 6400 LE. «12 month (ii) Consumption of KWH. (iii) Penalty of PP. If your P.F. = 0.9 ok connect elect, supply 0.8-0.9* penalty (losses) 0.7* cut off electricity 0.9-0.92 Good 0.92-0.95 (losses) (iv) Quality Factor for Harmonics * MLVB Main Low Voltage Distribution Board eS Sain Low Voltage Distribution Board iS) gall dua aaj sil dt This board consists of 3 bars with High cross section area, And I bar with less cross section area for neutral, And I bar made of Alumi for earthing, E Note that: aos S.C. rating for bars must be greater than S.C. rating of C.B. Sees For switch C.B 35 KA "You must select Bars withstand until 50 KA. i Soe ste bars 3» ci chil35 KA se Aad aa 8 attraction forced 4a. dit bras Jl cS) 5 CUibdl ey oY 35 KA. sid aka fly Force o Nim General [, attraction force I das (ts fas pee yaaLuall eel “9 ee) = Soci et AHS OFEIATION & MAINTENANCE sed by wave prey Training com Types of distribution Boards aus cls ¢ ¢\ ui MLDB Main Light Distribution Board ASSAY) (ye Aj Unita da MPDB Main Power Distribution Board Abii ¢s sll MACDB Main Air condition Distribution Board id Gu. alls MEDB Main Emergency Distribution Board This b oard which has important load like: (). Fire pumps "water Pumps" (i) Some lifts Gil) Some load power which is very very important (iv) 20:30 % of lighting, (V) Sibel 63 DLT This board at normal takes power from MLVDB directly, but if the source is gone for any reason, in this case normal C.B should be open and ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) is closed. sath Sg83 dS Gest) yueoal ead faa ala te cecal eis Ta ala ATS Automatic Transfer Switch will close so; Generator will be done after 30 Seconds for feeding important load only in the board. Very important loads like Computer room or operation room connected thr UPS (Uninterrupted power supply). h TEARS OF ERATION & MAINTENANCE by wwe prujaes Training com G.0-L2SMVA) __IMVA c+ yeh Jus) pwetll oh vy Fron Station B Fron Station A a00 a ewer son af once U Traref, 1 ‘ana ya, to Traraé. 1 mae we ace mayne HB e te BRE fo ee jee Coupter| 3 } ary Li FACE] pe veDE Fire punp] [Gone We] | ups] inoprtant load and copmuter When load is greater than 1 MVA, so is feeding from two different ‘transformers station A, B. There are two RMU one for each station, to step down transformer through fuse Bus Bars. Each source h Bas Coupler. SWITCHIGEARS OPERATION & Presented by yaw prajaes Training com each transformer station giving power "HRCF' then this power go to specified 1as its own Bas Bar so we make connection between them by using eben Bus Coupler: In this type Bus Coupler is on low tension side, and arranged with two feeding C.B. represents two out of 3 system 2/3. ie, (}) At normal Bus Coupler is opened and Both A &.B. are.closed "2 used only”, (i) At abnormal. condition like maintenance or S.C. before transfonrer A for Example, B.C is closed and the load are supplied from station B. "2 used only", By this method we keep continuity of supply and reliability is high, Each transformer can feed all loads alone Transformer (1) can operate alone to feed some loads and Transformer (2) also rpaaeherate alone to feed other loads, and B.C. between them is open and divide loads between the 2 transformers equaliy(almost equal), If one of transformer is out of Service the switch in between is closed to feed all loads, Importance of Bus Coupler If the Bus coupler is absence this mean that two transformers will operate Parallel. We must satisfy the conditions of parallel operation to avoid circulation current, and polarity should be checked, Zs., Must be the same for both, and so on... Which be difficult to satisfy when short circuit ocours this mean that MVAge. Will be very high because Xo. will be very small. This means high short cireuit current required high S.C. level for C.B. which becomes very expensive. In Case Xs.¢ 3 = 0.025 1 MVAsc. = ——~ = 40mva Se 9.025 So Is.cycay oe Fy = SOKA(= double28KA) ATION & MAINTENAN ujues S s Presented by From Station B CJ 7 MVDB Bus Coupler] ky fA fe | phat p AC Power Lighting Copmuter Us sey Yl Bay Medium Voltage ul ete Bee hB esp - 6 jy Shai eal gl Fuse rag SWHCHGEAKS OPERATION © a18 Presented by wvw,projues Traini So you can Put transformer unloaded at n all boards of other transformers through C) rmal case for emergency transformer shou Therefore. ATS not operate time of th Rating of C.B. at med For example if the $C and 6000A for station. MVAge = MVAbase Xse lium voltage side is dey level is 1200A for 11 Feeding Residential area ld be closed and until one of the © emergency transformer also go out ormal condition, which connected to B. (1/2) one out of two systems, any one of transformers, C.B, of CB, of bad transformer is open, transformers go out in the same or ifthe supply cut off. pend of S.C. level of network. KV, S00Mva, * Each distributor contains 12 C.B, VSI YY ll elias ls he (CB) ds SWITCHGEARS OPERATION & Ata Presented by www yroiacy Traini V4 -

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