Princilpes of Management - MGT503 Fall 2006 Quiz 02

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Principles of Management (mgt503)

Quiz 02
For Fall Semester, 2006
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting QUIZ:

This quiz consists of 10 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) carrying 1

mark each.

Quiz covers lesson no.22-25

Last date for submission of QUIZ is Dec 19, 2006.

Read questions carefully and select the most appropriate answer for each
MCQ. Avoid selecting two choices for one MCQ. The double options will
be marked zero.
Make sure that you upload the quiz files before due date. No quiz file will
be accepted through E-mail after due date.
Cheating or copying is strictly prohibited; No credit will be given to copied
No quiz file will be replaced, once uploaded on LMS under any condition.

Choose the correct option.

(1) Strategic management entails all of the basic management functions:
a. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
b. Motivation, efficiency, authority and effectiveness.
c. Planning, bossing, controlling, and organizing.
d. Making things happen, meeting the competition, organizing the
people and leading.
(2) Which of the following is not a part of strategy formulation?
a. Identifying the mission and strategic goals.
b. Conducting competitive analysis.
c. Developing specific strategies.
d. Carrying strategic plans.

Principles of Management (mgt503)

Quiz 02
For Fall Semester, 2006

(3) Planning involves two important elements:

a. Goals and plans.
b. Organizing and controlling.
c. Lead and plans.
d. Staffing and leading.
(4) Strategic goals are concerned with :
a. Top level managers.
b. Middle level managers.
c. First-Line Managers.
d. Non-managerial Employees.
(5) Tactical goals and plans typically involve time periods of _________.
a. 1 year.
b. 1 to 3 years.
c. 3 to 5 years.
d. More than 5 years.
(6) ______________are those targets or future end results set by lower
management that address specific, measurable outcomes required from
the lower levels.
a. Strategic goals.
b. Tactical goals.
c. Operational goals.
d. None of given options.
(7) MBO was first described by _________.
a. Peter Drucker.
b. Henry Minzberg.
c. Henri Fayol.
d. Fredrick W. Taylor.

Principles of Management (mgt503)

Quiz 02
For Fall Semester, 2006
(8) A__________ is a prescribed series of related steps to be taken under
certain recurring circumstances.
a. Procedure.
b. Plans.
c. Policy.
d. Project.

(9) Tactical plans tend to be_________ specific and concrete than strategic
a. More.
b. Less.
c. Lower.
d. None of given options
(10)A mission statement is a __________declaration of the basic, unique
a. Narrow.
b. Broad.
c. Contracted.
d. None of given options.

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