World War One - Feature Article

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Die Zukunft

Berlin, 12 November 1918


Beaten Germany Accepts Armistice Terms and Hostilities Cease on All Fronts
By Kevin Amalfi
At 11am on November 11, 1918 - famously the 11th hour of

The German government demands everyones support in the

the 11th day of the 11th month - a ceasefire came into effect

hard task awaiting the country.

after an armistice was signed in a railway carriage in the

menaced the provisioning of the people, which is the first

forest of Compiegne, marking a victory for the Allies and a

condition of peoples existence. The political transformation

complete defeat for Germany.

should not trouble the people. The food supply is the first duty

The war has seriously

of all, whether in town or country, and everybody should aid

The terms of the armistice, it was announced, will not be

the production of food supplies and their transport to the towns.

made public until later. Military men, however, regard it as

certain that they include:

Immediate retirement of the German military forces

from France, Belgium, and Alsace-Lorraine

Food shortage signifies pillage and robbery, with great misery.

The poorest will suffer the most, and the industrial workers will
be affected the most.

All who illicitly lay hands on food

Disarming and demobilization of the German armies

supplier or other supplies of prime necessity or the means of

Occupation by the allied and American forces of

such strategic points in Germany will make it
impossible a renewal of hostilities

transportation needed for their distribution will be guilty in the

Delivery of part of the German High Seas Fleet and

a certain number of submarines to the allied and
American naval forces.

Disarmament of the principal German naval bases

by sea forces of the victorious nations

Release of allied and American soldiers, sailors, and

civilians held prisoners in Germany without such
reciprocal action by the associated Governments.

There was no information as to the circumstances under

which the armistice was signed.

highest degree toward the community.

You are asked to leave the streets and

remain orderly and calm.
The new Berlin Government, has issued this statement:

Fellow-Citizens: This day the peoples deliverance has been

fulfilled. The Social Democratic Party has undertaken to
form a Government. It has invited the Independent Socialist
Party to enter the Government with equal rights

It will be difficult for the German people to rebuild the country,

but everybody needs to rally together. Lack of organization
would in this heavy time mean anarchy in Germany and the
surrender of the country to tremendous misery. Therefore,
the Government asks its citizens to help their native country
with fearless, unrelenting work for the future.

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