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Module 1:

Greek Architectures Influence on United States Architecture

This module will provide an overview of the architecture of buildings in Ancient Greece
and the architectural influences of these buildings on modern day governmental
buildings within the United States.

Styles of Columns: Ionic, Doric, Corinthian

Review of architectural themes: columns, marble, stairs, carvings, statutes

Lesson will begin with a brief tutorial and pre-test questionnaire to assess
students prior knowledge of basic Greek architecture.
Students will watch a brief (3 min.) YouTube video about the
three styles of columns used in Greek Architecture and
examples of governmental buildings within the United States
with the same types of columns:
Students will view a concept map describing the three styles of
columns used in Greek structures and other architectural
Students will watch a designer created video showcasing the use of Greek
columns and architectural themes in local buildings.
Post assessment using Quiz Revolution.
Media objects:
Pre-test Questionnaire created using Quiz Revolution (ORIGINAL)
You Tube video (EXTERNAL)
Tutorial concept map; created with Spiderscibe (ORIGINAL)
Designer created video (Photo Story) (ORIGINAL)
Assessment created using Quiz Revolution (ORIGINAL)
Module 2:
Direct and Representative Democracies
This module will provide instruction on direct and representative democracies. The
information presented will include:

Identifying similarities and differences between the two types of democracy.

Comparing Ancient Greece and the United States.

This module will involve tutorials, online flashcards using key terminology, a video,
Vokis, and a concept map created with Piktochart. Also, a post assessment created
using Quizlet.

The lesson will begin with the students playing an online vocabulary
flashcard game at in order to familiarize
themselves with important vocabulary terms.
Students will read and study the instructional information detailing democracy
as it existed in Ancient Greece and as it is exists in the United States today.
Students will listen to Vokis of a citizen from each country describing their life
and government.
Students will view a teacher created graphic organizer created with
Piktochart that depicts the two types of democracy, direct and representative.
Post assessment created using Quizlet.
Media objects:
Quizlet flashcards of key terminology (ORIGINAL)
Image of flashcard instruction (ORIGINAL)
Video from
Quizlet Assessment (ORIGINAL)
Module 3:
Levels and Branches of Government
This module will provide an overview of the levels of government concerning the three
branches in each level, including the names of the legislative branch.
What are the 3 levels of government?
What are the 3 branches of government?
What are the names of the legislative branch?
Module will begin with the students watching an educational Youtube video on
the levels and branches of government.
Students will read and study the instructional information on the levels and
branches of government.
Students will watch a teacher created video using Prezi.
Students will view a concept map from Spiderscribe that visually represents the
three levels of government, branches of government, and the parts of the
legislative branch.
To sum up the module, students will complete a post assessment using Quiz
Revolution by naming the branches and levels of government.
Media objects:
Informational videos -one teacher created using Prezi (ORIGINAL) and one from
Youtube (EXTERNAL)

Terms provided from visual concept map using Spiderscribe (ORIGINAL)

Post assessment using Quiz Revolution (ORIGINAL)
Module 4:
Responsibilities of Levels and Branches of Government

This module will provide an overview of the responsibilities of the levels and branches
of government, including those of the legislative branch.

What are the responsibilities of each level of government?

What are the responsibilities of each branch of government?
What are the responsibilities of each part of the legislative branch?

Module will begin with the students watching an educational video on the
responsibilities of each level and branch of government from Youtube:
Students will read and study the instructional information provided on the duties
and responsibilities of each branch of government.
Students will read and review a pictograph tutorial using Piktochart to provide
information on the responsibilities of each level and branch of government.
Students will take a post assessment using Quiz Revolution, listing the
responsibilities of each level and branch of government.
Media objects:
Informational video from Youtube (EXTERNAL)
Informational visual tutorial using a teacher created Piktochart (ORIGINAL)
Post-test created using Quiz Revolution (ORIGINAL)

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